英语人>词典>汉英 : 叛变 的英文翻译,例句
叛变 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mutiny  ·  muting  ·  mutinied  ·  mutinies  ·  mutinying

sell the pass · turn traitor · turn renegade
更多网络例句与叛变相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Coriolanus spares Rome when he is in a position to capture and destroy it, merely because of the appeal made to him by his mother; Tullus Aufidius, jealous of his power, accuses him of treason and has him done to death.


Snake Road in particular disk array with the snake ring, that is, first came here the other maze using random, first spent a day run the whole way to understand and then use a random fly, snake ring array can also fly, so to be tied with eight random consumption mainly in the Snake Road site, snake ring that strange multi-burst, N is also more than the middle of the White Snake is a snake of five Hall, there are three White Snake Brush loafers, but there is also fierce private Qing Dynasty, the general or other练级then into the bar, the White Snake to kill more than the total return or, if it is with the Master Taoist group, then, the 33 best to find a good training or a hammer and then with the Road do not turn to anything, they may take a random healing with a row of a row of red, or Fu Road plus a bunch of people, with the two drugs package is enough, do not consume all the basic blue baby in the act, such as a hammer to go back 67 to take into account re-bills, following the easy to frequent high-level rebellion, or go back and re-recruit a good point, in short time would be to group the words that a law to go with the baby, then it is difficult to kill one would have to go back to tonic, and secondly a lot of bored people will come to steal the baby, even if you win PK drug consumption is now unavoidable, so the best fighters mixed with the Road , but here a man, if more than more than 9 in this练级individuals, then you do not intend to add on, and find it somewhere else, the least strange is the lack of Babel, against the devil, and not off-limits练级is to blame the other side of the same difficulty, but the experience is not how high.


This is worse than treachery, this is blasphemy!


He was a statesman of high standing, and you may or may not know, Valentine, that he took a leading part in every Bonapartist conspiracy set on foot during the restoration of the Bourbons.


A repentant episcopate acknowledged that the Lutheran revolt was occasioned by the "ambition, avarice and cupidity" of bishops.

1忏悔的主教承认路德叛变是因"的野心,贪欲和cupidity "的主教。

According to them, I'm a traitor and an accomplice to The Boss' defection.

照他们的说法,我也成了个叛国者,The Boss叛变的帮凶。

The original script for Pierce Brosnan's first outing as 007, GoldenEye, had to be changed when military brass objected to the character of a treacherous US admiral. Perhaps sensing the enjoyment the French get out of being offended, the traitor became an admiral in the French Navy instead. US military support was assured.


The Indian Rebellion of 1857 began as a mutiny of sepoys of the British East India Company's army on 10 May 1857, in the town of Meerut, and soon erupted into other mutinies and civilian rebellions largely in the upper Gangetic plain and central India, with the major hostilities confined to present-day Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, northern Madhya Pradesh, and the Delhi region.

印度民族起义(Indian Rebellion of 1857)亦称印度反英大起义,英国人则称为印军哗变,亦称印度叛变、土兵叛变,而独立后的印度则称它为印度第一次独立战争。

During the Chingkang Mountains period there were a few renegades, and we never suspected that they would betray the revolution


Political conflicts in Guadeloupe and in Saint-Domingue grew with the restoration of slavery on May 20, 1802, and the defection of leading French officers, like the black general Jean-Jacques Dessalines and the mulatto officer Alexandre Pétion in October 1802, within the context of an ongoing guerrilla war.


更多网络解释与叛变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anappendix,note,etcforreference 备考 | anarch 叛变首领 | anarchic 无政府状态的

and the capitulation of leading socialists:以及举报社会党领导人的叛变

I'm gonna deal with the rise of the patrioteering societie... | and the capitulation of leading socialists.|以及举报社会党领导人的叛变 | - I'm gonna... Am I speaking too quickly? - No, no. Go on.|-我要...

Cleveland Rebels:克里夫兰叛变者队

芝加哥雄鹿队 Chicago STAGS; | 克里夫兰叛变者队 Cleveland REBELS; | 底特律猎鹰队 Detroit FALCONS;


这是一个"囚徒难题"(Prisoner's dilemma):如果人人都合作,那么结果对每个人都是最好的;但如果对方"叛变"(defect)了,那么你的理性选择也是拒绝合作,而不是白白让别人"占便宜",因而最后的自然结果是相互拆台、各自为战,


deviate 偏离,违背 | deviationism 政党的异端,叛变正道 | devil 魔鬼

Star Trek: Insurrection:星际叛变

Star Terk: Generations 星空奇遇记之星空奇兵(日换星移) 1995 | Star Trek: Insurrection 星际叛变 1998 | Star Trek - The Motion Picutre 星空奇遇记 1980


workerengineer 工人工程师 | mutineer 叛变者,反抗者 | routineer 职员,墨守陈规者,事务主义者


叛变 Mutiny | 叛变的;反抗的 Mutinous | 头脑糊涂的 Muzzy

Dark Ranger:黑暗游侠: 要你叛变就叛变

娜迦海妖: 我说上天就上天 Naga Sea Witch | 黑暗游侠: 要你叛变叛变 Dark Ranger | 熊猫人酿酒师:我的兄弟一起现 Pandaren Brewmaster

Betray In Antara:叛变安塔拉

Bedlam末日大战 | Betray In Antara叛变安塔拉 | Betray At Krondor叛变克朗多