英语人>词典>汉英 : 叙述文 的英文翻译,例句
叙述文 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与叙述文相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reported diseases include crown gall, bacterial wilt, little-leaf, seedling blight, angular leaf spot, leaf spot, brown spot, leaf rust, grey mold, shoot blight, stem canker, and butt rot. Several non-infectious diseases including the leaf red spot, gummosis, herbicide in jury, typhoon damage and genetic albinism and an unidentified leaf crinkle disease are also described.


This article talks about how to detail a vehicle and as you can see, the only product that was mentioned is Meguiar's Quik Interior Detailer.

文 叙述了如何护理汽车,唯一提到的产品是美光的快速内部护理液。

Taking Shuang Village located in Eastern Sichuan as a case, and applying the method of political anthropological fieldwork and the framework of ethnographical narration, this paper makes an exhaustive study of the process of the case village's governance throughout 100 years of the 20th century, which centers on the change of the forms of the village's authority and order during the course.

此为 WORD文,引用请参照中国社会科学出版社纸质书版本********本书以四川省东部地区的双村为个案,运用政治人类学的田野调查方法和民族志的叙述架构,详细地考察了个案村在20世纪一百年中的村治历程。村治变迁中的权威与秩序形态的变化是这一考察的核心。

If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a hand-out, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work.


"If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a hand-out, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work," said library media teacher Leslie Farmer.


If you structure the assignment in a creative way, and if students, for instance, have to transform the information into a hand-out, or do a drama, or write an account in first person narrative, then you may curb illicit work, said library media teacher Leslie Farmer.


I have realized that the struggle to reconcile the study of engineering and liberal-arts is difficult.

2,说明文,说明文说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相通之处即:提出问题----发现直接原因-----分析深层原因-----得出结论或找到出路。 2000 年 12 月四级考试阅读理解第三篇就是这样的一篇文章。

To this era Mr MacCulloch brings some baggage, and it can get in the way.


Second, it observes Chung Wen-Yin's rich female characteristic in her texts, which is a narrate technique of exquisite extension; it recovers things' original appearances an forms a highly intensive text; at the same time, it utilizes the way of suture to assemble segments, reassemble objects and construct female's memory and percipience as the writing domain. And female's detail description itself has a particular meaning which surpasses the text content.


The point of these narratives is to encourage us to pray.


更多网络解释与叙述文相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

descriptive research:叙述性研究

GHAF2F467AAF7EDEry research)目的:對新主題或現象作初探,獲得新觀點 專家經驗訪談(delphi)次級資料分析(文獻資料期刊、資料庫) 個案研究 深度集體訪談 二、敘述性研究(descriptive research)目的:在敘述一個整體的現象,例如消費 者對電腦使用態度調查,


来自格林尼治大学(Greenwich)的廖含文博士,则以自己的学术研究工作经历,把人际关系(network)的重要性叙述得淋漓尽致,使在场同学受益匪浅. 对于给记者印象最深刻的Steve,则用了一部大家都很熟悉的电影>来鼓励同学们不要轻言放弃,


在藏文中,这部论注的通俗名称是"局喇嘛"(Gyu Lama)梵文"乌塔晟"(uttara)及藏文"喇嘛"(lama)的意思都是至高或无上. 由于这个法教是佛陀三转法轮时所传的,所以有如此的叙述.


金斯伯格借用犹太教哀悼祈祷文悼念母亲("卡迪什"在希伯来文中有此意),虽然有所改变,但基本遵循其形式. 全诗可依次分为五个小部分,即:序曲(Proem)、叙述(Narrative),其中包括赞歌(Hymn)、挽歌(Lament)之一、之二, 悼文及赋格曲(Litany and fugue).



travel literature:旅行文学

有关旅行的叙述或是内容涉及旅行的作品,自有文学以来就有,可是旅行文学(travel literature) 作为一个文类而引起学者的注意,该是六十年代以后的事. 而在台湾,旅行文学的发展引起文坛的注意,已是在八十年代末了. 本课程希望学生能认识旅游的定义、型态、意义,


来自格林尼治大学(Greenwich)的廖含文博士,则以自己的学术研究工作经历,把人际关系(network)的重要性叙述得淋漓尽致,使在场同学受益匪浅. 对于给记者印象最深刻的Steve,则用了一部大家都很熟悉的电影<<pursuehappiness>>来鼓励同学们不要轻言放弃,


叙事学(Narratology)源于法文中的"叙述学"(narratology),是由拉丁文词根narrato(叙述)加上希腊文词尾logie(科学)构成的. 七卷本的<<大拉霍斯法语词典>>是这样解释"叙述学"一词的:"人们有时用它来指称关于文学作品结构的科学研究".