英语人>词典>汉英 : 叙利亚的 的英文翻译,例句
叙利亚的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Syriac  ·  Syrian

更多网络例句与叙利亚的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On his journeys between Syria, Hijaz, and Yemen, Mohammed had every opportunity to come in close touch with Yemenite, Abyssinian, Ghassanite, and Syrian Christians, especially heretic.

在他的旅途叙利亚之间, Hijaz和也门,穆罕默德曾利用一切机会来密切联系也门,阿比西尼亚, Ghassanite ,和叙利亚的基督徒,尤其是邪教。

Rice met with Lebanon's newly elected Prime Minister Fuad Saniora and other officials in Beirut today. But she did not meet the country's pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud, whom anti-Syrian leaders are trying to oust.


In 1967, in response to a Syrian attack, Israel occupied the Golan Heights.


As Bush and Sarkozy lose patience with Assad, Syrian MP threatens Dimona A Syrian member of parliament thought to be familiar with the thinking of President Bashar al-Assad is quoted in the London-based pan-Arab daily newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday as saying that Syria could strike Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona as retaliation for any future forays into Syrian airspace and violation of Syrian "sovereignty", Haaretz reports.


It was inevitable that the Syrian Liturgies, coming from Monophysite sources, should be examined at Rome before they are allowed to Syrian Catholics.

这是无可避免的叙利亚liturgies ,来自monophysite来源,应研究在罗马,然后才让他们到叙利亚的天主教徒。

Caption :Palmyra Ruins:In the heart of Syrian Desert it is hidden Palmyra, often described as the bride of the desert.


George Bush said this week that Syria wanted to overthrow the pro-Western, anti-Syrian coalition government in Lebanon.


This is, of course, a source of pride for Syria and the Syrian public in general.


The Bush administration recalled its ambassador to Syria in 2005, following the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

布什政府在叙利亚前黎巴嫩总理Rafik Hariri遭暗杀后,在2005年召回了其在叙利亚的大使。

As Bush and Sarkozy lose patience with Assad, Syrian MP threatens Dimona A Syrian member of parliament thought to be familiar with the thinking of President Bashar al-Assad is quoted in the London-based pan-Arab daily newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday as saying that Syria could strike Israel's nuclear reactor in Dimona as retaliation for any future forays into Syrian airspace and violation of Syrian "sovereignty", Haaretz reports.


更多网络解释与叙利亚的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Asgard [北欧]仙宫 | Ashtoreth []古代腓尼基和叙利亚的爱神和司繁殖之神(Astarte) | Ashur [亚述]亚述宗教的主神和战神


Ashtoreth []古代腓尼基和叙利亚的爱神和司繁殖之神(Astarte) | Ashur [亚述]亚述宗教的主神和战神 | Aurora [罗]曙光女神


由于种类不同,Latakia的颜色也从黑棕色到黑色不等,主要有两种:塞浦路斯(Cyprian)和叙利亚(Syrian). 叙利亚的颜色通常比塞浦路斯的颜色亮,烟熏味也更重. 为了得到这特殊的橡木而进行的森林砍伐使橡木的产量越来越少了,

Nissen hut:半圆形活动营房

Syriac 古代叙利亚语 叙利亚的, 叙利亚语的 | Nissen hut 半圆形活动营房 | margin stock 差额股票


请以HotelsArea 服务来预订在大马士革(Damascus)的 经济型酒店 . 如果您想要核实可能性大马士革(Damascus) 经济型酒店 和实施一个在线预定,请使用寻找的表格. 您也可以按"预订"键以进入每所住处的预订表格. 其它城市在 叙利亚 (Syria) 的其它城市地址: 29 Aiar str - 大马士革(Damascus), 叙利亚 (Syria)


古叙利亚语(Syriac)的意思为财富和金钱,在基督教却变了恶魔. 她原本是宙斯(Zeus)的情人,但孩子被宙斯的妻子希拉(Hera)所杀,从此以後,她变成了专吃别人小孩的怪物. 犹太教中,她是在夏娃(Eve)更早的女人,和亚当(Adam)第一个妻子.

Syriac:古代叙利亚语 <单词词性>叙利亚的, 叙利亚语的

hold the floor 拖长发言时间来控制会议 作令人厌烦的长篇发言 | Syriac 古代叙利亚语 叙利亚的, 叙利亚语的 | Nissen hut 半圆形活动营房


Syrian 叙利亚人 | Syrian 叙利亚人的 | Szczecin 什切青


syriac 古代叙利亚语的 | syriacism 古代叙利亚语风格 | syringa 山酶花属的植物

he secedes the wealth of Syria to a foreign power:他还把叙利亚的财富拱手让人

Not only does he proclaim an Egyptian bastard as heir to Rome,|他不只宣怖以埃及杂种 为罗马继... | he secedes the wealth of Syria to a foreign power!|他还把叙利亚的财富拱手让人! | Shame! Shame!|耻辱!耻辱...