英语人>词典>汉英 : 变量 的英文翻译,例句
变量 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
V  ·  variable  ·  variate  ·  variations

variable quantity
更多网络例句与变量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Events,Operation and Relation of Sets, Classical Probability, Geometrical Probability , Statistical Stability of a Frequency, Axioms of Probability, Conditional Probability, Total Probability Theorem, Bayes' Rule,Independent Events,Independent Repeated Trials, One Dimensional Random Variables, Discrete Random Variables, Distribution Function of a Random Variables , Continuous Random Variables, Normal Distribution, Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable, Multidimensional Random Variables, Joint Distribution Function, Marginal Distribution Function,Discrete Two—Dimensional Random Variables,Continuous Two—Dimensional Random Variables, Independent Random Variables, Distribution of Functions of Random Variables,Expectation,Variance, Covariance, Coefficient of Correlation, Bivariate Normal Distribution, Law of Large Numbers, The Central Limit Theorems, Sample and Population ,Chi—Squared, T and F Distributions , Sampling Distributions , Point Estimation , Interval Estimation , Testing Hypotheses , A Test of Significance for Parameters in a Single Sample From a Normally Distributed Population , A Test of Significance for Parameters in Two Sample From Normally Distributed Populations .

本课程的主要内容:概率的概念与运算、随机变量及其分布、随机变量的数字特征与极限定理、数理统计的基本概念、估计和检验的基本方法,随机事件与概率随机事件、事件的关系与运算、几何概率、统计概率等,条件概率、全概率公式、贝叶斯公式、事件的独立性、二项概率公式,随机变量的概念、离散型随机变量、随机变量的分布函数、连续型随机变量、随机变量函数的分布,多维随机变量及其分布函数、边缘分布函数、随机变量的独立性、二维随机变量函数的分布,数学期望、方差、协方差和相关系数、大数定律、中心极限定理,总体与样本, X 2-分布、 t-分布和 F-分布,统计量及抽样分布,假设检验的基本概念、单个正态总体参数的显著性检验、两个正态总体参数的显著性检验。

It has been showed that the quantum PCII can be still valid for the general case Jacobi J 1, which is different from quantum Noether theorem. The equivalence between quantum canonical equation and PCII is deflved at the quantum level. The comparisons of these results in quantum level with those in classical theories are discussed in detail. The relationship of canonical transformation with quantum PCII is obtained.


In presented method, the correlated variables are transformed into uncorrelated variables equivalently, and the performance functions in the correlated variables space are transformed into those in the equivalent uncorrelated variables space, in which the reliability sensitivity of the system failure probability with respect to the distribution parameters of the uncorrelated variables can be solved by the moment method for the uncorrelated variables. Finally the equivalent relationship between the correlated variables and the uncorrelated variables, the chain rule for derivative are employed to obtain the reliability sensitivity of the system failure probability with respect to the means of the correlated variables.


In 2006 the concept of new chance space and hybrid variable was introduced by Baoding Liu.


The main content of the study includes: the policy variables are classified into two types, which are continuous policy variable and discrete policy variable, and the two variable is analyzed respectively; as to the continuous policy variable, use reasonable weighting to synthesize comprehensive policy indicator to reflect the comprehensiveness of each main policy indicator; undertake regression analysis for the comprehensive policy indicator, economic and stock market variable and get the effect of all kinds of comprehensive policy indictor variables on the economy and stock market; undertake regression analysis for data on the economic indicator and the data on the stock market and get the relationship between the economy and the stock market; use event research method to analyze its effect on the stock market and get some corresponding conclusions; structure the differential or difference equation groups on the interactive relationship among the variable economy, stock market and policy and do the difference operation and constitute simultaneous equation with the original main variables one after another; use quantitative regression method and solve the coefficient of the simultaneous equation to predict the operating tendency.


This project also obtained several limit theorems for some important dependent random variables and stochastic processes, such as the Strassen law of the iterated logarithm for negatively dependent random variables, strong limit theorems for mixing random vectors in Banach spaces, sample path properties for two-parameter fractional Wiener processes, and so on.


If the number of variables or arrays being added with ADDITIVE plus the number of existing variables exceeds the variable limit, Microsoft Visual FoxPro brings as many variables and arrays as possible into memory from the variable file or memo field.

如果使用 ADDITIVE 时,要添加的内存变量或内存变量数组的数目加上已有内存变量的数目超过了系统对内存变量数目的限制,Visual FoxPro 将从内存变量文件或备注字段中恢复尽可能多的内存变量和内存变量数组。

D. Declaration of nonprimitive types such as String, Vector ans so on allocates memory space for the object.

但是严格来讲此题的答案有待确定,因为只有原始类型的实例变量和类变量的声明在类对象被创建/类被加载时完成内存的自动分配,而原始类型的局部变量必须显式初始化,从这点来看原始类型的局部变量没有被自动分配内存,SL275中只提出了非原始数据类型的变量必须使用new Xxxx完成内存的分配而没有指出原始数据类型的变量是否在声明时即自动进行内存分配,而从局部变量不能在显式初始化前使用这点来看在声明时没有进行内存分配。

D. Declaration of nonprimitive types such as String, Vector ans so on allocates memory space for the object.

但是严格来讲此题的答案有待确定,因为只有原始类型的实例变量和类变量的声明在类对像被创建/类被加载时完成内存的自动分配,而原始类型的局部变量必须显式初始化,从这点来看原始类型的局部变量没有被自动分配内存,SL275中只提出了非原始数据类型的变量必须使用new Xxxx完成内存的分配而没有指出原始数据类型的变量是否在声明时即自动进行内存分配,而从局部变量不能在显式初始化前使用这点来看在声明时没有进行内存分配。

In the whole process, Behavioral Variables should act as the main variables, and Demographic Variables, Geographic Variables, Psychographic Variables as auxiliary variables.


更多网络解释与变量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dependent variable:应变量

所谓被解释变量,即其变化受其他一个或几个变量影响的变量,故又称"因变量"或"应变量"(dependent variable);解释变量即那些影响被解释变量的其他变量,也叫"自变量"(independent variable).

environment variable:环境变量

1.环境变量(Environment Variable)是什么一般来说,环境变量包括当前用户的用户环境变量和系统环境变量:用户环境变量对于特定电脑的每个用户都是不同的,主要包括由用户设置的所有内容以及由程序定义的所有变量,例如指向程序文件位置的路径(PROGRAM FILES)等;

global variable reference:全程变量引用,全局变量引用

global variable 全程变量,全局变量 | global variable reference 全程变量引用,全局变量引用 | global variable symbol 全程变量符,全局变量符号

multivariate hypergeometric distribution:多变量超几何分布;多变量超几何分配

变量指数分布;多变量指数分配 multivariate exponential ... | 多变量超几何分布;多变量超几何分配 multivariate hypergeometric distribution | 多变量递增故障率分布 multivariate increasing failure rate (MIFR...

local variable symbol:局部变量符,局部变量符号,局部变量符号

local variable declaration 局部变量说明,局部变量说明 | local variable symbol 局部变量符,局部变量符号,局部变量符号 | local variation 地方变化

predictor variable:预测变量

变量之间的关系分为五种:按变量之间是否存在因果关系分为(1)自变量 假定为原因的变量;(2)因变量 假定为结果的变量;(3)中介变量 介于原因与结果之间产生媒介作用的变量;如果变量之间为相关关系则分为:(4)预测变量(predictor variable) 预测行为发生的可能性的大小的变量;

random variable:随机变量

1.随机变量 随机变量(random variable) 指取值不能事先确定的观察结果,通常简称为变量. 随机变量有一个共同的特点就是不能用一个常数来表示,而且理论上讲,每个变量的取值服从特定的概率分布. 随机变量可分为两种类型:离散型变量和连续型变量.

binary state variable:二进制状态变量,二态变量,二值变量,二值变数,双态变量,双态变数

binary-octal 二-八进制 | binary-state variable 二进制状态变量,二态变量,二值变量,二值变数,双态变量,双态变数 | binary-to analog converter 二进制-模拟变换器

endogenous variable:内生变量

但是偏最小二乘回归在应用中存在一些先天的不足和缺陷,主要是:5.结构方程模型中可以包含定序( Ordinal)甚至分类变量(Categorical),而PLS则假定变量为定距变量;1、潜变量(Latent Variable)与观测变量(Observed Variable)2、内生变量(Endogenous Variable)与外生变量(Exo


// 用内嵌汇编取变量(var)地起始及末尾地址lea eax, <变量(var)名>// 根据变量(var)地地址来判断就为否合法// 变量(var)就为1个本函数function地局部变量(var)// 变量(var)肯定有问题和疑问, 原因是此值为函数function地开始处// 变量(var)为传值参数// 变