英语人>词典>汉英 : 受雇人员 的英文翻译,例句
受雇人员 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与受雇人员相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The private attendants of members of the mission shall, if they are not nationals of and permanently resident in China, be exempt from income tax on the emoluments they receive by reason of their employment.


" Her previous history and the impracticability of her continuing employment as a normally rostered customer service agent would have justified Air NZ's decision to dismiss her ".


The 90,000 NVA servicemen and women and 47,000 civilian employees that remained were merged into the Bundeswehr on a preliminary basis.


This Convention applies to all persons employed on board any vessel, other than a ship of war, registered in a territory for which this Convention is in force and ordinarily engaged in maritime navigation.


Every person employed as master or Member of the crew or otherwise in the service of the ship, on board any vessel, other than a ship of war, registered in a territory for which this Convention is in force and engaged in maritime navigation or sea-fishing, shall be insured under a compulsory sickness insurance scheme.


Health Authorites and Trusts must ensure that all employed or contractal staff, who work with patients or blood/ body fluids are immunised against hepatis B and that their antibody response is checked.


This Convention applies to all persons who are employed as seafarers.


" Her previous history and the impracticability of her continuing employment as a normally rostered customer service agent would have justified Air NZ's decision to dismiss her ".


The expansion of the universities since the beginning of World War II and the great increase in the number of college graduates and Ph.D.'s have produced a corps of technicians, aides, speechwriters, symbol manufacturers, investigators, and policy proposers who are now employed by practical men in all institutions.


Other researchers noted that hairdressers see themselves as more than just scissors for hire.


更多网络解释与受雇人员相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Vice Chairman:副主席

"订明公职人员"(prescribed public officer) 指─(h)受雇于政府部门或政策局而在该政府部门或政策局任职(不论该职位属永久性或临时性的)的人;"候选人"(candidate) 指获提名竞选民选议员的候选人;"副主席"(Vice Chairman) 就任何区议会而言,


1. prerogative 权力,(尤指)特权 | 2. chauffeur 受雇开车人,(尤指富人、要人的)司机 | 3. entourage 随行人员,伴随者,近侍;建筑物周围



Occupational therapists:职业理疗师

社区服务业受雇人员:康乐治疗师、护理、家庭健康护理、职业理疗师(Occupational therapists)及助手、个人健康护理、护士、营养师、公共医疗服务管理人员、建筑清洁工及该行业的厨师.



Government Regulations:<政府规例>

以及任何当其时受雇于惩教署的其他人; (由1966年第14号第2条代替)"政府规例"(government regulations) 指称为>的行政规则及规管公务人员的任何其他行政规则或其他文书;


安大略省的房地产销售人员(Salespeople)必须受雇於壹个房地产经纪公司. 他们的收入通常是以佣金为基础. 销售人员的收入与他与经纪公司的分成比例有关. 佣金比例可能会由於所销售或出租的房屋数量不同而不同.

employable:称职的; 有资格任职的 (形)

employ 雇用, 使从事于, 使用 (动) | employable 称职的; 有资格任职的 (形) | employee 职员, 受雇人员, 员工 (名)




另外,其中约有三成的受访者是受雇或自雇(即拥有自己的事业),其余的25%有工作的亚裔人士是任职劳工(Labourers)职位,11% 是办公室工作人员.