英语人>词典>汉英 : 受到鼓舞 的英文翻译,例句
受到鼓舞 的英文翻译、例句


take heart
更多网络例句与受到鼓舞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Today, looking back on the agonizingly long 95 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds we were required to fraternize with dwarfish, funny-talking mathletes, we are nevertheless invigorated and hopeful.


With a bevy of kitchen gadgets on the market, it can be hard to decide what's a gimmick and what will actually perform.


Instead, you will probably talk compassionately to her, put an arm around her, see what is so upsetting, and inspire her with words that will keep her optimistic and inspired.


Encouraged at commencement to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth.


Exhorted at commencement to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth.


And if you join a mastermind group, you'll receive ongoing encouragement, feedback, and support.


But let them take heart from this, it might have been worse.


My ritual, which I want and need before a game, is when the team stands as a unit in a circle.


Investors were also encourged when US regulaters temporarily protected the stocks of financial companies from a trading practise called "short selly" that rewards and vesters when the stocks fall.


They were buoyed up by hopes of success.


更多网络解释与受到鼓舞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cope with:处理

人们现实生活中要处理(cope with)很多麻烦,所以当他们看到电影中的正面人物最终取胜受到了鼓舞. 中世纪欧洲的大学(university)里,那些攻读高学位的须生必须和在他那个领域里有很大研究成果的学者进行讨论. 这一传统现在保持下来,

Kieron Dyer:戴尔

艾利克森说,英格兰队7日在札幌击败阿根廷队之后,全队受到无比鼓舞,战斗力大增,加上主要球员譬如队长贝克汉(David Beckham) 与中场戴尔(Kieron Dyer)的体能愈来愈接近最佳作战状态,预料将进一步加强英格兰队的实力.


instigate: 挑动,煽动 | encouraged: 受到鼓舞的 | concerned: 担忧的,不安的


」住在美国加州的艾莉卡(Erika)在youtube.com网站看到我们节目,并受到鼓舞而决定尝试吃全素两周. 她写道:「我已吃素两个礼拜,我的体重不但减了十磅...而且感觉很好. 我一定会建议那些想要让自己感觉更好的人采取这种生活方式.

The Pledge:誓不罢休

初步受到鼓舞的西恩.潘导演没有急功尽利,立即趁热打铁推出新作,而是在继续专注表演的基础上,慢工出细活,十年磨两剑,又分别于1995年和2001年推出两部执导作品>(The Crossing Guard)和>(The Pledge),从这两部作品中已

British Telecom:英国电讯

综合外电3月3日报道,英国股市3日在震荡走势中收高,有消息称电信运营商沃达丰拟退出日本市场,这令消费者受到鼓舞. 此外,英国电讯(British Telecom)受并购消息支撑上涨.

a delighting speech:令人高兴的演说

the inspired soldiers受到鼓舞的士兵 | a delighting speech令人高兴的演说 | the delighted audience受感动的观念

Paul Lawrie:保尔-劳列

自1999年英国人保尔-劳列(Paul Lawrie)在英国公开赛捧杯后,就再没有欧洲球员在大满贯赛中夺冠. 对此窘况,哈灵顿相信,一旦时机成熟,欧洲球员的表现将势不可挡. "越早有欧洲人赢得一场大满贯赛,我们其余人将越早受到鼓舞. 只要有一个人做到了,

A few moments later, emboldened by our conversation:不久后,受到我们对话的鼓舞

What's he doing in Chicago? I have absolutely no ide... | A few moments later, emboldened by our conversation...|不久后,受到我们对话的鼓舞 | Man, that class was tough. I never sweated so much in my ent...

Be inspired by:受到某人的鼓舞

没有痛苦的一天A day without pain | 受到某人的鼓舞Be inspired by | 一个受到鼓舞的人An inspired man