英语人>词典>汉英 : 取消 的英文翻译,例句
取消 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abolishment  ·  abrogate  ·  abrogation  ·  annul  ·  annulment  ·  blank  ·  cancel  ·  cancellation  ·  countermand  ·  elide  ·  erasing  ·  negate  ·  nullification  ·  nullify  ·  recall  ·  recision  ·  rescind  ·  rescission  ·  retract  ·  revocation  ·  swallow  ·  undo  ·  undoing  ·  unsay  ·  unspeak  ·  vacate  ·  voidance  ·  withdrawal  ·  annull  ·  blanked  ·  disaffirm  ·  disannul  ·  unspeaking  ·  abrogated  ·  abrogates  ·  abrogating  ·  annulled  ·  annulling  ·  annuls  ·  blanks  ·  canceled  ·  canceling  ·  cancels  ·  countermanded  ·  countermanding  ·  countermands  ·  disaffirmed  ·  disaffirming  ·  disaffirms  ·  disannulled  ·  disannulling  ·  disannuls  ·  elided  ·  elides  ·  eliding  ·  negates  ·  negating  ·  nullifies  ·  nullifying  ·  recalled  ·  recalling  ·  recalls  ·  rescinded  ·  rescinding  ·  rescinds  ·  retracts  ·  swallowed  ·  swallows  ·  undoes  ·  unsaying  ·  unsays  ·  unspeaks  ·  vacated  ·  vacates  ·  vacating  ·  annulments  ·  redline

back out of · call off · cancel out · cross off · cross out · pull out of · rule out · set aside · set-aside · take off · take sth off · write off · blank out
更多网络例句与取消相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I'm empowered to investigate and recommend for or against disbarment proceedings.


The hotel's commitment towards quality and efficiency has made it one of the best Hotels in Hoi An in Vietnam.


Although there was not a significant difference in cancellation rate in the operating theater between the patients who had been or had not been evaluated in preanesthetic clinic, there was an improvement of reducing the cancellation rate because of patient's medical problem in the operating theater.


What is the meaning of recantation , recantation translation recantation explain what is recantation , Hande dictionary explanation: qu3 xiao1 qian2 yan2 Widerrufu.

取消前言是什么意思,取消前言翻译,取消前言解释,什么是取消前言,汉德辞典解释:qu3 xiao1 qian2 yan2 Widerrufu。

This article begins to ascend eliminativist origin, then requires into eliminativist basic ideas, arguments and intentional realists' refutations.


B if STORER shall not agree to share such agreed costs, AAA may remove all or other part of such works, as the case may be, in which event AAA shall as soon as practicable or within such longer period as AAA may demonstrate to STORER's reasonable satisfaction is required by AAA to effect such removal, remove all or other part of such works , as the case may be, at its own expense without causing damage or deterioration of the Dedicated Facilities and shall restore the Dedicated Facilities to their state and condition immediately preceding such works or AAA may with STORER's consent leave all or part of such works intact, in which event such works shall at the expiry or termination of this Agreement become the property of STORER without claim or charge by AAA.


TABLE 7-4:OUTLANDS EFFECTS ON SPELLS AND ABILITIES Distance form Spire Impeded Spells Limited Spells Other Effects 1,200 mi. None None None 1,100 mi. 9th None None 1,000 mi. 8th-9th None None 900 mi. 7th-9th 9th All creatures gain immunity to poison 800 mi. 6th-9th 8th-9th Psionic spell -like abilities don't function 700 mi. 5th-9th 7th-9th Positive and negative energy can't be channeled 600 mi. 4th-9th 6th-9th Supernatural abilities don't function 500 mi. 3rd-9th 5th-9th Access to the Astral Plane prohibited 400 mi. 2nd-9th 4th-9th Divine powers of demideity rank and lower annulled 300 mi. All 3rd-9th Divine powers of lesser rank and lower annulled 200 mi. All 2nd-9th Divine powers of intermediate rank and lower annulled 100 mi.

表 7-4:在外域上法术及能力的效果距离无极尖峰的距离阻碍法术限制魔法其它效果 1200英哩无无无 1100英哩 9级无无 1000英哩 8级-9级无无 900英哩 7级-9级 9级所有生物获得对毒素免疫能力 800英哩 6级-9级 8级-9级心灵类法术能力无效化 700英哩 5级-9级 7级-9级正能量和负能量无法进入 600英哩 4级-9级 6级-9级超自然能力无效化 500英哩 3级-9级 5级-9级无法接触星界位面 400英哩 2级-9级 4级-9级半神及以下等级神力被取消 300英哩所有 3级-9级微弱及以下等级神力被取消 200英哩所有 2级-9级中等及以下等级神力被取消 100英哩所有所有所有等级的神力被取消

I state that it is obviously in need of studying on the position and effect of the legal regime of disqualification of corporate directors.We can educe several suggestions from the corporate scandals of companies in Western countries,one of which is that in the process of the rights expanding of corporate directors,the progress of corporate inherent paradoxy constitutes the ultimate causation and contents.


At the historical centre of Brugge, in a quiet, trafficfree shopping stret you will find the hotel 't Koffieboontje.

取消政策如果在入住日 2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。过了期限,取消预订酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

There are two clauses bonding companies will typically look for: 1 Cancellation Clause: A cancellation clause allows the surety to cancel a bond.


更多网络解释与取消相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aborting booster ignition. -Roger. Aborting booster ignition:取消发射推动器 -收到,取消发射推动器

Genesis, I hate to say this, but it looks like we're... | -Aborting booster ignition. -Roger. Aborting booster ignition.|-取消发射推动器 -收到,取消发射推动器 | Boosters are non-responsive. We're still ...

cancel button:取消按钮, 在对话方块里用来取消命令或操作的键 (计算机用语)

cancan 康康舞 (名) | Cancel button 取消按钮, 在对话方块里用来取消命令或操作的键 (计算机用语) | cancellation 取消 (名)

Cancel:取消 取消

"结构和热学模拟"即被移除.Windows"开始""开始""开始""开始"(Start) 菜单类似,"PTC 应用程序管理器"提供的菜单安装期间,您可随时单击"取消""取消""取消""取消"(Cancel) 来停止安装.



Disable Change Password button:取消改变密码按钮功能

Disable Task Manager option:取消任务治理器功能 | Disable Change Password button:取消改变密码按钮功能 | Disable Lock Workstation button:取消锁定工作站按钮功能


counterglow 对日照 | countermand 取消前令;取消定货 | countermark 附加标志

FadeOut is cancelled when holding down the Ctrl key:压住 Ctrl 键时取消渐隐效果

["FadeOut Cancels on Ctrl"] = "Ctrl 取消渐隐", | ["FadeOut is cancelled when holding down the Ctrl key."] = "压住 Ctrl 键时取消渐隐效果", | ["FadeOut Cancels on Alt"] = "Alt 取消渐隐",

disqualification undertaking:取消资格承诺

disqualification 取消资格 | disqualification undertaking取消资格承诺 | foreign disqualification 外国取消资格

foreign disqualification:外国取消资格

disqualification undertaking取消资格承诺 | foreign disqualification 外国取消资格 | person disqualified 被取消资格的人

mark up /mark down cancellation:加价取消/减价取消

cancellation money 解约金 | mark up /mark down cancellation加价取消/减价取消 | floral arrangement 插花