英语人>词典>汉英 : 发音 的英文翻译,例句
发音 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enunciate  ·  enunciation  ·  pronounce  ·  pronunciation  ·  sonation  ·  sonification  ·  enunciated  ·  enunciates  ·  enunciating  ·  pronounces  ·  pronunciations

phonation articulation
更多网络例句与发音相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/#英语音标规则有发音图型和真人的发音1 元音: 1 字母组合:ee ea e ie three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2 发音字母 i y e sit picture it is list six ...


The sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels.there are several basic ways in which articulation can be accomplished:the articulators may close off the oral tract for an instant or a relatively long period;they may narrow the space considerably;or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other.manners of articulation:stop,fricative,approximant,lateral.other consonantal articulations include TRILL,TAP or FLAP and AFFRICATE.consonants may be produced at practically any place between the lip and the vocal folds.eleven places of articulation are distinguished on the IPA chart.


Degree of clarity and distinctness of pronunciati on in speech or singing enunciation .


Rofessor Paul Hanse explained, the english pronunciation is very abundant, the soul is the cadence, extremely exaggeratingly vowel and spoken by belly. But chinese is used to pronunce by throat when speaking english, not by nose and belly, this way will cause the tone wateriness, crudeness, no rhythm.

aul Hanse教授说,英语发音是很丰富的,英语的味道在于语音抑扬顿挫,在于元音的极度夸张和用腹部说话,而中国人说英语常见的毛病是习惯用喉咙发音,而不用鼻子和腹腔发音,这样说出来的英语往往声音平淡,语句生硬,没有节奏感。

Foreign teachers and chinese teachers will explain to students in the class how to pronounce each sound, word and sentence correctly, make them practice again and again to make sure that each student could lay a strong foundation on the basic level.


In other languages, the words 'father' and 'mother' have a similar pronunciation as those in other languages. For example, in oral French, the pronunciation of father is 'papa', while mother's pronunciation is 'maman'. In Arabian language, the pronunciation of father is 'baibai', the pronunciation of mother is 'mama'.In Spanish, Italian, Japanese and german language, the words 'father' and 'mother' all have the same pronunciation as 'papa' and 'mama'.


Under the help of Teacher Liu, professionally and carefully , through Teacher Liu's pointing out in all seriousness that my pronunciation is not Received Pronunciation in training of the 20Vowels and 28Donsonants by the great many help of Teacher Liu in training and practicing of the pronunciation of the 20Vowels and 28Donsonants ,in greatness and in seriousness, I master the keys and skills of the pronunciation.


In England these had a purely traditional and casual pronunciation, but Americans who hear Worcester pronounced Wooster are apt to spell it in that way; and Birmingham is fully and carefully pronounced, never in the elided English manner.


As it was, being instructed, he returned an answer, intimating that Mr Heathcliff objected to his calling at the Grange; but his uncle's kind remembrance delighted him, and he hoped to meet him, sometimes, in his rambles, and personally to petition that his cousin and he might not remain long so utterly divided.


According to the degrees of PSC they have,Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are classified into four stages as elementary ,intermediate ,intermediate-advanced and advanced.Then the phonologies of Standard Mandarin and Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage are compared in order to find out the phonological differences between these two dialects. Based on the statistical results, the writer chooses ten typical kinds of pronunciation errors of finals according to the rates of pronunciation errors of finals on stages.Then, the phonetic level analysis is made on them for the four stages respectively. Furthermore, acoustic features of vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs and vowels with nasal endings are analysized and compared by plotting vowel charts and formant patterns for them. Finally, the writer gets some preliminary results of the typical pronunciation errors of finals during the whole process of Shanghai-accented Mandarin interlanguage and on the stages of it respectively.


更多网络解释与发音相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


articulator 发音器官 | articulator 发音清楚的人 | articulatory phonetics 发音音声学

articulatory phonetics:发音音声学

articulator 发音清楚的人 | articulatory phonetics 发音音声学 | articulatory system 发音系统

articulatory tension:发音张力, 发音的紧张状态

somnial 梦的,睡梦中的 | articulatory tension 发音张力, 发音的紧张状态 | TSU Technical Service Unit技术服务处[美]

dysphonia:发音困难 发音障碍

dysphasia 言语艰涩 言语困难 语言困难 | dysphonia 发音困难 发音障碍 | dysphoniaclericorum 慢性咽喉炎性发音困难

dysphonia spastica:痉挛性发音困难,痉挛性发音困难

dysphagia spastica 痉挛性吞咽困难,痉挛性吞咽困难 | dysphonia spastica 痉挛性发音困难,痉挛性发音困难 | dysplasia of rib 肋骨发育异常


enunciable /发表的/宣布的/发音的/ | enunciate /明确地叙述/表明/发音/ | enunciation /说明/发音/宣布/


7. Wilfrid 中文发音:威尔弗里德 | 8. Jocelin 中文发音:乔斯林 | 9. Wilfried 中文发音:威尔弗里德

dai mou:中文意思: 但是!,汉语拼音发音

中文意思: 多多关照!,汉语拼音发音:you lou xi gu | 中文意思: 但是!,汉语拼音发音:dai mou | 中文意思: 大家!,汉语拼音发音:min na




1) 英语的发音(Pronunciation)和口音(accent)单词的发音(pronunciation):很多中国学生都会考虑自己是学习英式发音还是美式发音呢?其实对中国的学生来说,英式和美式关系不大,因为最终我们都是中国式口音. 在这里,