英语人>词典>汉英 : 发育营养正常的 的英文翻译,例句
发育营养正常的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与发育营养正常的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to the maintaining of the functions of mother and child's cardiovascular system. Sufficiency supply alimentation of high quality nutritional oils the mother and child required during pregnancy. Therefore, the highly nutritious tea seed oil is important to the proper growth of a fetus.


Vg could be detected in haemolmph of the water—fed female at 48h after eclosion, too.


Contents of calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the mallard eggshell at different hatching phases were measured.


In this paper, we studied M. meretrix ferritin, cathepsin B and caspase genes, which are involved in clam larval shell formation, nutrition, metabolism and apoptosis, respectively. We have cloned the three genes, investigated the temporal and spatial expression profile both at gene and protein level in trochophore (L1), D-veliger (L2), pediveliger (L3) and postlarvae (L4). The potential roles of these proteins were analyzed with specific inhibitors during larval development. Firstly, embryos were found developed into trochophore-like larvae with no shell if cultured at gastrula stage in artificial seawater without iron. Shell-like structures were formed only in the presence of iron. The larvae which had been transferred at L1 stage into ASW developed normal shell. This indicated that iron and iron associated protein are important for larval shell formation. The EST sequence which is homologous with ferritin, which is a principal iron metabolic protein, was selected from the M. meretrix cDNA library. The full-length of ferritin subunit cDNA was cloned by RACE. The results of real-time PCR revealed that the MmeFer mRNA expression changed before and after the larval shell formation.


The anthropometric data, being similar to those of the first Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (1993–1996), showed the normal growth and development of these students.


According to the result of the bariam enema examination after 6 Months,the average diameter of microcolon was 15mm.And based on the pathological report by frozen section during the 2nd operation.Gangliocyte could be seen into the mucous layer of the microcolon.They were all accepted the end-to end intestinal conastomosis in two-stage operation and be used intravenous feeding for 7 days.


Were analyzed under different nutritional levels. The results showed that in tuber development, under- or over-supply of nutrients reduced ZT content at initial stage and IAA, ABA and JA content at middle stage, but increased GA content in the whole process, which caused GA/ABA and GA/JA to be off balance in the key stage of tuberization.


Were analyzed under different nutritional levels. The results showed that in tuber development, under-or over-supply of nutrients reduced Zeatin content at initial stage and indole actic acid, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid content at middle stage, but increased gibberellins content in the whole process, which caused GA/ABA and GA/JA to be off balance in the key stage of tuberization.


The situation of abnormal development of male cells is as follows:microspore mother cell can't enter into meiosis because of intense vacuolation,shrink and disintegration of its cytoplasm;although vacuolated microspore mother cell can enter into meiosis,it can't form normal dyad and degenerate in the middle process;dyad and tetrad become vacuolated and can't develop normally;cytoplasm of microspore shrinks around the nucleus at the stage of central nucleus microspore,the shape of microspore is twisted into crescent or irregular shape,at last its cytoplasm and nucleus are disintegrated and crescent vacant microspore presents;nutritive substances can't be accumulated at the stage of vacuolated microspore,cytoplasm is disintegrated,and microspore turns into a big vacant pollen.


It is well known that Al ions eluted into soil solution under acidic conditions have a serious toxic effect to plant and forest.


更多网络解释与发育营养正常的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


寄生物从其寄主中获取营养的特性称为寄生性(parasitism). 植物寄生物(plantparasite)是一种与植物关系密切,并以植物为食进行繁殖或生长的生物. 寄生物从植物中掠取营养和水分,通常会削弱植物的正常生长,进而影响植物的正常发育和繁殖.


比较不同孕期及不同营养素供给量(RDA)间胎儿宫内发育迟缓的......目的 了解住院病人的营养状况.方法 采用整群抽样按调查表要求填写体格检查内容和生化项目.结果 经计算,体质指数(BMI)营养不良占11.7﹪,超重和肥胖占42.5﹪;生化结果:总淋巴细胞计数(TLC)测定低于正常的比例为68.8﹪,

renal osteodystrophy:肾性骨营养障碍

1肾性骨营养障碍(renal osteodystrophy)或称肾性佝偻病(renal rickets)病因为先天性肾发育不全多囊肾尿路阻塞所致的肾盂积水慢性肾炎或肾盂肾炎等所致的慢性肾功能障碍皆可导致125-(OH)2D3生成减少致使佝偻病发生并引起骨畸变血清钙常减低而血清磷显著高水平本病影响机体正常发育易导致侏儒状态血钙虽代但很少出现手足搐搦症