英语人>词典>汉英 : 发热量 的英文翻译,例句
发热量 的英文翻译、例句


calorific power
更多网络例句与发热量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are used in traditional air cooling of electronic components and offer a low cost solution to low density thermal problems.


It is normal that the inverter has some radiation, please keep the fixing condition airiness and clean, don't build up the hole of airiness.


The key part of light alarm circuit of the system is the flashing tube and the life level of the main charge and discharge capacitance. Thus ,in this design, adopted autotransformer step-up type, two-level filter and double flashing tube, in order to light the burden of the main charge and discharge capacitance, reduce the heat productivity and extend the life level of the capacitance.


Measuring coal's caloric value in production, sale and use have a very important significance.


In the high-frequency full-power, long tube output should pay special attention to the cooling system is normal, because the full power output of the tube heating than half-power when the high heat four times, when the cooling system abnormalities and easily damaged when the tube


The result shows that the combustibility of plasticpillion and shell of the motorcycle is the main factor in theburning. The heat release rate and temperature profile of the motorcycle with an iron-shell is much lower than a motorcycle with plastic pillion and shell.

由试验结果发现,125c.c 塑胶壳机车之座垫与塑胶外壳燃烧所产生的最大热释放率峰值分别为619.0kW 与1268.0 kW ,总发热量为68.49MJ 与210.0MJ ,而单辆机车内所有塑胶材料之发热量约占机车整体可燃物发热量的71.2%,为机车燃烧之主要危险因子。

Pass to count to Wisterch parameter , and the steel wire is different from the molding tool get in touch with the length, and settle the path the research taking the length work the stabber angle to get under differently pull to stir the term, mold core adoption of best severally why size, combine the best work stabber of research the Cape, and settle the path to take the length nextly steel wire is in the molding tool of have fever to measure, air inside dispel-heat calories, winding dispel-heat on the coil-canister , and its molding tool dispel-heat calories of, and cause the steel wire the temperature difference pass in and outing the molding tool to influence steel wire machine function, under the experiment inside pull to stir the term according to the same race different work stabber Cape half of adoption the Cape(7 degree,10 degree,12 degrees, the best mold Cape, experience mold Cape) settle the path to take the length(2-3 mm,3-4 mm,4-5 mms, theories length, experience length) to proceed to experiment, and get the conclusion, work stabber the Cape then is more big the steel wire get in touch with the length with


White woven heat lamp is not small, the ideal situation is to use the Designed low heat.


Aiming at the physical and chemical characters of heavy oily sludge and starting from the study of residual oil thermal value of the oily sludge, incinerating treatment has been carried out to realize reduction and harmlessness of sludge, which developed the core technology and provide scientific support for oily sludge treatment.


In the studied temperature range, the combustion rates of straw and joss paper were positively correlated to the combustion temperature.

结果发现稻草发热量(3900kcal/kg)与纸钱发热量(4100 kcal/kg),与一般废弃物发热量(3500~6000kcal/kg)相近,显示这些物料应有潜力作为垃圾衍生燃料。

更多网络解释与发热量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boghead coal:藻煤

产多发现在古老地层 中大部分为高灰分低发热量的煤 1.31 风化煤(weathered coal) 受风化作用在物化特性上有明显变化的煤一般表现为氧含量增高发热量下降燃点 降低并含有二次形成的腐植酸 1.32 藻煤(boghead coal) 由藻类等浮游生物


calorie 卡 | caloric 热的、热量 | Caloric value 发热量、热值

caloric value:发热量、热值

calorie 卡 4V[+6EV | Caloric value 发热量、热值 c{&sf y | calorific 发热的、热量的 '#9ZP

calorific value:发热量

为了商业上易于评定媒的价值,我们将煤按照其成份来划分成许多等级(rank),这种等级是根据固定碳量(fixed carbon),挥发物量(volatilematter)及发热量(calorific value)三项数值来评定的.

calorific value:发热量,热值

Calorie 卡(热量单位) | Calorific value 发热量,热值 | Cam 凸轮

calorific power:发热量

calorific intensity 热强度 | calorific power 发热量 | calorific radiation 热辐射

digestible energy:消化能

2.消化能(digestible energy)从动物食入饲料的总发热量中减去从粪中排出的崐总发热量的差值. 是一种评价有效能值的初级指标,又称粗能(crude energy). 用常规的消化试验所测得的粪能中既包含饲料中未消化物的能量,

lower calorific value:低发热量,低卡值,低位热值=>低発熱量

lower calorific power 低热值 | lower calorific value 低发热量,低卡值,低位热值=>低発熱量 | lower camber 下弦

Lower heating value:低位发热量

以热值(heating value)而言,低位发热量(lower heating value)目前约在1700Kcal/kg(即每公斤废弃物之净热值),有逐渐增加之趋势. 垃圾之三成份乃指水份、可燃份(即灼烧减量 ignition loss)及灰份(ash)而言,台湾垃圾之水份约占45~55%,灰份约10~15%,

C.P. calorific power:发热量,热值,发热能力

Boiler pressure 锅炉压力 | C.P. Calorific power 发热量,热值,发热能力 | Center of pressure 压力中心