英语人>词典>汉英 : 发水泡 的英文翻译,例句
发水泡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
vesicate  ·  vesicated  ·  vesicates

更多网络例句与发水泡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The characteristic skin lesions present large and tense blisters arising on normal, erythematous, or urticarial bases and most commonly involve lower abdomen, inner thighs and flexural areas.


On March 3, the child developed a generalized papular vesicular rash on the face, neck, and upper extremities, and was transferred to a tertiary-care facility in Chicago where contact precautions were implemented. He had had a fever 2 days before his hospital admission and weeping skin lesions beginning on February 24. By March 7, the rash had worsened, with umbilicated lesions with an erythematous base, mostly on the hands, forearms, neck, chest, face, and knees, encompassing 50% of the keratinized skin.


For an instant, I comprehended a liquid shaft of sunlight, a corner of the gray boulder disappearing into the gravel and rocks of the bottom, and somewhere ahead of me a pair of white legs treading water beneath a cloud of sparkling bubbles. Eerie, muffled laughter and shouts came from somewhere above me.


Also known as flamingo flowers or pigtail plants, eating tropical Anthuriums could give you a painful burning sensation in the mouth that then swells and blisters.


The one thing Beckett, who missed two starts with a skin tear on his pitching hand, doesn't have on his 2007 resume is a quality start against the Yankees, though he did win a 7-5 game in April.


The backer card will be judged against creasing, bending, rolling, tearing, scuffing, scratching, lifting, print marks, loss of gloss, soiling, discoloring, edge wear, nicks, punctures, ink or foreign markings, peg hole punch, tape repair, focus, price sticker, sticker tear, sticker residue, water damage, bubbling and attached foreign objects.


更多网络解释与发水泡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

herpes zoster:带状泡疹

容易令人混淆的是水痘(Chickenpox)和带状泡疹(Herpes Zoster),这两种病是由同一种病毒Varicella-zoster Virus造成,原发於小孩,水泡是分散状(不是群聚状),从躯干先长,迅速扩散到四肢及脸部;痊愈后,病毒会躲在神经节里,当免疫力低时再复发.

herpes zoster:泡疹

带状泡疹(Herpes Zoster)是一种由水痘,即带状疱疹病毒引起的急性炎症性皮肤病. 其临床表现为:病发突然或患部先有灼热感,皮损初起为规则片状红斑,迅速形成群集性丘疹和发亮的水泡. 水泡排列成带状,可形成不同的群集区,唯各区之间的皮肤是正常未受感染.


若是水泡还没发出来,或是水泡刚发的第一天,可以擦acyclovir的药膏. 根据研究,此类药膏,油膏(ointment)的剂型,效果会比乳霜(cream)的剂型来得好.


使发水泡vesicate | 使发咚咚声rataplan | 使反刍regurgitate

Vesicular varioloid:水泡样变痘

Vesicular trichophytia; Vesicular ringworm 小泡性秃发癣; 小泡性秃疱疹 | Vesicular varioloid 水泡样变痘 | Vestibular anal atresia; Vulvovaginal anus 前庭瘻锁肛


vesical 膀胱的 | vesicant 发泡的 | vesicate 发水泡


vesicate 发水泡 | vesicatory 发泡药 | vesicle 囊

Vesicular syphilide; Varicelliform syphilide; Herpetiform syphilide:水泡性梅毒疹; 梅毒泡疹

Vesicular scarlet fever 疱性猩红热; 大泡性猩... | Vesicular syphilide; Varicelliform syphilide; Herpetiform syphilide 水泡性梅毒疹; 梅毒泡疹 | Vesicular trichophytia; Vesicular ringworm 小泡性秃发癣; 小...


vesicant 发泡的 | vesicate 发水泡 | vesicatory 发泡药


vesicantvesicatory 发泡剂 | vesicate 使发水泡 | vesicle 小水泡