英语人>词典>汉英 : 发明家 的英文翻译,例句
发明家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inventer  ·  inventor  ·  inventors

更多网络例句与发明家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two American inventors, Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray, succeeded at almost the same time.


Alfred Nobel is regarded as one of the greatest chemists and inventors.


Alfred Nobel was a leading inventor of his day.


Qin said Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel set up the prize to promote world peace and human progress.


In 1995, Mr. Farag Moussa ( Chairman of the International Federation of Invention Association, Switzerland "IFIA for short") encouraged me to chair the association again and said, You are an experienced and right person to dig out the wisdom of the inventors, and their wisdom is now similar to the precious gold burying under the ground.

但国际发明联盟组织会长Farag Moussa劝我把香港发明家们再次组织起来,并说道:如果不把发明家的智慧挖掘出来,就等於把金矿埋在地下。

After the great invention of telephone by bel in 1876.another inventer wilan green,invented coin public telephone buildings and got a patent.


With more than 300 paid-up members, the Houston Inventors Association is by far the largest inventors group in America.


Tamara is an award-winning inventor and the founder and CEO of Mom Inventors, Inc.

Tamara 是一位获奖的发明家,妈妈发明家公司的创始人和首席执行管。

In the now-canceled TV show "American Inventor", inventor wannabes competed for a one million dollar prize.

在现在已经取消的电视节目&美国发明家&里,发明家 wannabes 争夺百万美元大奖。

In the late 1950s, two inventors, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, were attempting to create a plastic, textured wallpaper. Their invention of sheets of plastic with air trapped between was unsuccessful as wallpaper, but when the two hit upon the idea of using it for packing material, they hit paydirt.


更多网络解释与发明家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alexander G Bell:电话发明家贝尔

Thomas Edison爱迪生 | Alexander G Bell电话发明家贝尔 | 大****者great humanitarian/

Thomas Edison:(美国发明家爱迪生)

自美国发明家爱迪生(Thomas Edison)在100多年前发明动画投影仪以来,电影一直在漆黑的电影院里的白色银幕上放映. 二十世纪七十年代,投影电视诞生,光学工程师便开始致力于将屏幕反射的投影仪光线最大化,而将屏幕反射的室内其他渠道的光线最小化.

Thomas Edison:爱迪生(美国发明家)

laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑 | Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林(美国政治家及科学家) | Thomas Edison 爱迪生(美国发明家)


preventer 防止者,预防者 | inventer 发明者,发明家 | painter 画家

inventer:发明者; 发明家 (名)

invent 发明, 虚构, 创作 (动) | inventer 发明者; 发明家 (名) | invention 发明, 虚构的故事, 创作能力 (名)


学者说,本文主角富勒是建筑师(architect)、诗人(poet)与发明家(inventor),更是一位热心传讲设计与科学知识的「公众知识分子」(public intellectual). 学者发现,在外人面前自信十足(self-assured),彷佛以救世主自居(messianic)的富勒,


inventress 发明家 | inventress 女发明家 | inventroy 详细目录


inventory 存货清单 | inventress 发明家 | inventress 女发明家

Samuel Morse:塞缪尔.莫尔斯(美国发明家)

relativity n.相对性 | Samuel Morse 塞缪尔.莫尔斯(美国发明家) | rider n.骑手;骑马(或自行车)的人

Neil Armstrong:尼尔.阿姆斯特朗(美国发明家)

Watson 沃森(姓氏) | Neil Armstrong 尼尔.阿姆斯特朗(美国发明家) | Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大.格雷厄姆.贝尔(美国发明家)