英语人>词典>汉英 : 反补贴税 的英文翻译,例句
反补贴税 的英文翻译、例句


countervailing duty · anti-subsidy duty · countervailing levy
更多网络例句与反补贴税相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 46 Where it is decided in the final awards not to levy the countervailing duty, or it is not decided yet in the final awards to retrospectively levy the countervailing duty, the cash caution money collected during the period of the provisional countervailing measure shall be refunded, and the guarantee letter or other forms of guarantee shall be cancelled.


Article 46 Where it is decided in the final awards not to levy the countervailing duty, or it is not decided yet in the final awards to retrospectively levy the countervailing duty, the cash caution money collected during the period of the provisional countervailing measure shall be refunded, and the


Article 41 The taxpayers of the countervailing duty shall be the import operators of the subsidized imports.


However, in practice, it is also applied to deal with the issues of evading the countervailing duty in some countries.


Article 43 The amount of countervailing duty shall not exceed the amount of subsidies determined in the final awards.


Whereas more and more anti-circumvention investigations are initiated by the two countries/areas against products from China, In general the anti-circumvention is regarded as results of extension and development of anti-dumping. However, in practice, it is also applied to deal with the issues of evading the countervailing duty in some countries.


U.S. Steel, the largest U.S. based steelmaker, is seeking dumping duties of 60 percent or more, and subsidy duties of 15 percent to 30 percent, Schagrin said.


The court ruled that the imposition on off-road tires exported by Hebei Starbright might cause double counting and ruled that the DOC either scrap the countervailing duties or amend its methodologies and procedures of levying duties on merchandise from China.


Article 4 The State Council shall establish the Tariff Commission, which is responsible for making adjustment to and interpretation of tariff items, tariff headings and duty rates in the Tariff and the Flat Duty Rates on Inward Articles and implementing such adjustment and interpretation after they are submitted to and approved by the State Council; determining the goods subject to temporary duty rates and the rates and

第四条 国务院设立关税税则委员会,负责《税则》和《进境物品进口税税率表》的税目、税则号列和税率的调整和解释,报国务院批准后执行;决定实行暂定税率的货物、税率和期限;决定关税配额税率;决定征收反倾销税、反补贴税、保障措施关税、报复性关税以及决定实施其他关税措施;决定特殊情况下税率的适用,以及履行国务院规定的其他职责。

So would a decision to apply countervailing duties tariffs on particular imports aimed at neutralising foreign-government subsidies on all Chinese imports.


更多网络解释与反补贴税相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

countervailing duty:反补贴税

」 克鲁曼上周指出,美国可能必需更积极与中国协商 ,或许可以将汇率问题视为反补贴税(countervailing duty)或其他出口补贴. 克鲁曼今天指出:「我有点怀疑,按照罗奇的提议 ,美国若提高储蓄率,而人民币依旧不动如山,情况会 如何. 商品与服务需求将来自何方?

Countervailing Duty Law:反补贴税法

Countervailing Duty Action 反补贴税行动 | Countervailing Duty Law 反补贴税法 | Countervailing Duty Order 征收反补贴税

Countervailing Duty Law:反补贴税

Audit law duty相关词的翻译: | 反补贴税:countervailing duty law | 民事注意义务:duty of care in civil law

Countervailing Duty Action:反补贴税行动

Countervailing Charge 反补贴指控 | Countervailing Duty Action 反补贴税行动 | Countervailing Duty Law 反补贴税

Countervailing Duty Order:征收反补贴税令

Countervailing Duty Law 反补贴税法 | Countervailing Duty Order 征收反补贴税令 | Countervailing Duty Rate 反补贴税

Countervailing Duty Rate:反补贴税率

Countervailing Duty Order 征收反补贴税令 | Countervailing Duty Rate 反补贴税率 | Countervailing Measures 反补贴措施

Countervailing Power:均等势力

countervailing levy || 抵销税, 反补贴税, 反倾销税 | countervailing power || 均等势力 | countervailing tariff || 抵销性关税, 反倾销进口税

countervailing charge:反补贴税;反倾销税

*counter-weapons 反击武器 | *countervailing charge 反补贴税;反倾销税 | *counting and control systems [IAEA] 核算与管理制度

countervailing charge:反补贴指控

Counter-notification 反向通知 | Countervailing Charge 反补贴指控 | Countervailing Duty Action 反补贴税行动

Counter Vailing Duties:反补贴税

反补贴税(Counter Vailing Duties)是对进口商品使用的一种超过正常关税的特殊关税. 这种关税是对那些得到其政府进口补贴的外国供应商具有的有利经济条件作用的反应,反补贴税的目的在于为了抵消国外竞争者得到奖励和补助产生的影响,从而保护进口国的制造商.