英语人>词典>汉英 : 反粒子 的英文翻译,例句
反粒子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In particular, every type of particle of which matter is composed has an equal and opposite antiparticle composed of antimatter.


Matter and antimatter are perfect opposites; for each of the basic particles of matter, there exists an antiparticle, in which properties such as the electric charge are reversed.


Anderson (1905-1991)—the antiparticle of the electron—in the fall of 1932, when people gradually realized that a new milestone in physics had been reached.

Anderson , 1905 - 1991)发现了电子的反粒子以后,大家才渐渐认识到反粒子理论又是物理学的另一个里程碑。

Utilizing the symmetric property of the hyperbolic complex space-time, we may explain the correspondence relations of time inversions, energy inversions and complex conjugate transformations.


Itwas found that the"out-group"antiparticles of Bose type, which came into being because of CP ( charge conjugation-parity conservation) violation in the early universe and became heavier due to the phase transformation from low temperature to high temperature, are the supersymmetry companionsof the"in- group"particles of Fermi type.


In the "indirect" process, first observed in neutral kaon particles in 1964, quantum mechanics allows particles to change into their antiparticles and back again in a process known as "mixing". In 2001, The BaBar team, working at the Stanford Linear Accelerator -- and independently the Belle collaboration at the KEK laboratory in Japan -- were the first experiments to detect this in a B meson. BaBar observed "direct" CP violation in 2004 by showing that the number of decays observed for B mesons was higher than for their antiparticle equivalents.


The Tevatron collider and its bigger cousin, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, can smash matter and antimatter particles together to create energy, as well as new particles and antiparticles.


Charge symmetry states that particles should behave exactly like their alter egos, antiparticles, which have exactly the same properties but the opposite charge.


If a particle/antiparticle pair comes in contact with each other, the two annihilate and produce a burst of energy, which may manifest itself in the form of other particles and antiparticles or electromagnetic radiation.


Itwas found that the"out-group"antiparticles of Bose type, which came into being because of CP ( charge conjugation-parity conservation) violation in the early universe and became heavier due to the phase transformation from low temperature to high temperature, are the supersymmetry companionsof the"in- group"particles of Fermi type.


更多网络解释与反粒子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antioxidant 抗氧化剂 | antiparallel 反平行的 | antiparticle 反粒子

antiparallel spin:反平行自旋

antiparallel 逆平行的 | antiparallel spin 反平行自旋 | antiparticle 反粒子


例如,枪炮在发射子弹和炮弹时的后坐作反粒子( antiparticle) 一类基本粒子. 通常所说的基本粒子可称为"正粒子". 反粒子和正粒子的质量(m)、寿命(τ)、自旋(s)、反射(reflection) 光行进到两种媒质的分界面时,有一部分返回原媒质的现象.


"anti-parasitic","防寄生振荡的" | "antiparticle","反粒子,反质点" | "anti-phase","反相"

particle antiparticle conjugation:粒子 反粒子共轭

particle analyzer 粒子分析器 | particle antiparticle conjugation 粒子 反粒子共轭 | particle beam 粒子束

antiparticle lt;anti:(反)+particle(粒子)

(3)antiparticle 译成:反粒子 | antiparticle lt;anti-(反)+particle(粒子) | (4)biosatellite 译成:载生物卫星


antiparticle 反粒子 | antiphase 反相,逆相 | aperture 孔徑,口徑,孔

antiphase boundary:反相边界

antiparticle 反粒子 | antiphase boundary 反相边界 | antipod 对映体


其他粒子也有反粒子,例如反质子在1955年由佘格里(Segre)及张伯仑(Chamberlain)利用当时正建好的质子加速器(Bevatron)制造出来. 质子与反质子也会湮灭而产生一对光子. 在基本粒子世界中,还有各类反粒子,例如反中子、反K介子等.


泰勒斯认为,水或湿气是万物的本原,万物起反冲(recoil) 物质系统在向外发射其部分物质或能量的同时,余下部分产生的方向相反的运动. 例如,枪炮在发射子弹和炮弹时的后坐作反粒子( antiparticle) 一类基本粒子. 通常所说的基本粒子可称为"正粒子".