英语人>词典>汉英 : 反映点 的英文翻译,例句
反映点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The shock wave has made a nearly standard dodecahedron pattern on the surface of centre sphere. This pattern is the result of shock waves interaction from two adjacent detonating spots, and its position shows how the detonating of two adjacent spots acts, synchronized or not. The nice dodecahedron stroke patterns on the surface of recovered centre sphere indicate that this detonating method has good synchronization and spherical converging shock-wave.


The first rank derivative is a reflection of curve change and its rate, at certain range, if the sign of the first rank derivative has changed, the logging value of the correspondence depth point means maximum in this range; the second rank derivative is the knaggy property reflection of curve, at certain range, if the sign of the second rank derivative has changed, the correspondence depth point represent the inflexion of geophysical logging curve, it's also a turning point of the reflection of knaggy change property of the curve, it is the interface of stratum.


There may be more extra-landm ark noise associated with the measurement of angle NAPg than with the other thre e angles.Since change in SNA is affected by Nasion horizontal displacement,its r epresentation of Point A displacement was questionable.


The eye corner is applied as the reference point instead of mark and Purkinje points in traditional ones.


Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.


Firstly,the sampling design has great impact on the accuracy of remote sensing classification.There exists great randomicity on the result of points and cluster sample verification on the different Sampling design.On the same sampling design,the stability of point sample verification is higher than that of Cluster sample verification.Secondly,the average accuracy of different sampling designs of multi-point and multi-cluster sample verification can reflect the accuracy characteristic.During the course of point sample verification,stratified sampling's error is lower than others'.During the course of cluster sample verification,systematic sampling and stratified sampling's accuracy are prior to simple random sampling's.


In fact, on one hand, it is often found that two graphs with the same number of verticesand the same connectivity(edge-connectivity) may result in entirely different forms after a minimum disconnecting set of vertices is removed, one may be totally disconnected while the other may consist of a few very stable components, and thus be much easier to reconstruct.On the other hand, we often face this question: how easily can we disrupt a system at the least cost, on the contrary, when we set up a system, especially a communication system, we try our best to make it as stable as possible that it can be reconstructed easily if it do get disrupted .


Nevertheless, in these aPproaches the contact intethee are charactered sboly edstiffeess K. and K.' which is not PerfeCt and rigorous in thc vitw of solidmechanics and rather rough for the description of the behavior of the iDtfores. Incollbet, taken as a contact Problem, the principal chatrs of the iDtCthees can bereflected: the cbntact inifore is of shear strength Which imPlies tha a genericpair of contact points on the inidse will displace coincidentally if the tangentialfbrce at this POint has not reahed the 1imit resistance, else, relative s1ide betwee the\ points will occur along the tangental direction.


Isogram addition with line, histogram, and Lorenz plot is latterly realized in HBACIS so that the results of the inquiring, calculating and analyzing of the climate information can be visually displayed. The successful exploitation of HBACIS shows that the B/S system adopted JSP can totally satisfy the requirement of the agricultural climate information system. For one thing, JSP with the characteristics of high efficiency and security, multiplatform and expansibility, basing on the object oriented language-JAVA, can be sustained widely, and is easy to exploit and maintain. The JSP tags can be extended and the components are reused. For another, the client side of the B/S system is all applied with the browser as the interface, which is very simple and wieldy.


The point doses at the inferior beam edge for the two energies were 31.2% and 32.4%, respectively. There were 47-54% dose increase for superior beam edge and 37.6-35.2% dose decrease for inferior beam edge, as compared to the 50% field edge dose with the static dose distribution. There were 8.5 and 7.5 mm range increase for superior beam penumbras and 5.5 and 4.5 mm range increase for inferior beam penumbras, an important result corresponding to treatment volume.

结果:以正常人的平均值为例,在一个照射时距内,使用6 MV及18 MV光子射束, 10X10cm2照野10cm深度之中心轴下,照野上缘的剂量,分别为照野中心点剂量的73.5 %及77.2 %,照野下缘的剂量则分别为中心点剂量的31.2 %及 32.4 %,此剂量反映出因治疗中的呼吸位移,造成照野上缘较照野中心点有47 –54 %的剂量增加,及照野下缘有37.6 %- 35.2 %的剂量减少,相对照於静止态下照野边缘为中心点50 %剂量的状态。

更多网络解释与反映点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brand name:产品名称

点击率可以精确地反映广告效果,也是网络广告吸引力的一个标志.4)产品名称(brand name):产品的名称即品牌名称".好的品牌名称必须简洁,易读,易记,易写.美国有为产品取名的专业机构,他们利用电脑,把26个英文字母搭配成各种名称.有些品牌著名于世界,



dividend yield:股息率

另外,市帐率(P/B)及股息率(Dividend yield)均反映市值越来越贵,因此整体吸引力正在递减. 有鉴目前投资气氛仍然良好,市场欠缺即时大泻的触发点,但现水平确实偏贵,除了热钱流入追捧的因素外,笔者暂时认为上升空间不大. 无疑,

freezing point:凝固点

凝点/凝固点(FREEZING POINT)是反映油品低温性能的重要指标,是油品在特定的试验条件下,逐渐降低温度,当丧失其流动性那一瞬间的最高温度即为凝点. 但石油是一种混合物,它不像纯化合物那样有一确定的凝点,而是在一相当宽的温度范围内逐渐凝固,

frequency response:频率响应

频率响应(Frequency response)反映了播放器播放的各个频率的声音信号的信号相对大小是否还能保持原本面貌,理想情况下频响曲线应该是一条直线. 好的频率响应是在每一个频率点都能输出稳定足够的信号,不同频率点彼此之间的信号大小均一样.


[-h] 关闭系统(halt)公司内网无法访问外网Oracle服务器(Windows)查询( Query )处理步骤 1查询( Query )处理步骤检查点后台进程(CKPT)用于更新所有数据文件和控制文件的标题以反映该进程已成功完成,使数据库文件同步.

George Hargreaves:乔治哈格里夫斯

对乔治.哈格里夫斯(George Hargreaves)来说,景观建筑不仅仅是要解决与建筑场地有关的社会与环境问题,还要建立人与景观之间的接合点,以寻求要反映的系统美学.


垫款在银行中被列为不良资产. 垫款包括银行承兑汇票垫款、信用证垫款、银行保函垫款和外汇转贷款垫款等等. 外汇保证金当中,利差不在价格中反映,而在头寸展期(rollover)中反映,即放空高息货币,北京时间每日5点会在账户中扣除利息,反之亦然.

Scatter plot:散点图

[8] 散点图(Scatter plot)又称相关图,它是直观反映变量之间相关关系的统计图,在相关分析中有广泛应用. 在图中横坐标"文化程度"随数字0-7逐渐增加,最低为"小学及以下",最高为"硕士及以上". 纵坐标"收入程度"也是随数字0-8逐渐增加,

peritectic reaction:包晶反映

包晶点 peritectic point | 包晶反映 peritectic reaction | 包晶变化 peritectic transformation