英语人>词典>汉英 : 反复灌输 的英文翻译,例句
反复灌输 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inculcate  ·  ram  ·  inculcated  ·  inculcates  ·  inculcating  ·  rams

hammer in · ram sth. into sb.'s head
更多网络例句与反复灌输相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

State personnel have had this viewpoint drummed into them.


The early form of education is to inculcate .


Private banks, too, are trying novel approaches to help clients inculcate their values in succeeding generations.


So I sat in these meetings with President Wilson at the head of the table, and all the others, and I heard them drum into President Wilson's brain the graduated income tax and what has become the Federal Reserve, and I heard them indoctrinate him with the Zionist movement.


They have been inculcated with the idea of working their way through college.


So, I think it could become both inculcated and as it's more measurable over time, then you'll get the processes working on your side, and you won't need the heroic CEO time and time again.


There was, at the time, a widespread belief that mass literacy would foster civic virtue. Noah Webster's famous blue-backed spelling book sold tens of millions of copies; schoolchildren were drilled relentlessly in grammar and spelling.


更多网络解释与反复灌输相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beat down:击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁; 杀价, 使卖方降低价格; (烈日)照射

22.beat back 打退, 使后退 | 23.beat down 击败, 压倒; 镇压; 摧毁; 杀价, 使卖方降低价格; (烈日)照射 | 24.beat into 反复教诲; 灌输

glorify patriotism:颂扬爱国主义

● 培养爱国主义 foster patriotism | ● 颂扬爱国主义 glorify patriotism | ● 反复灌输爱国主义 inculcate patriotism

hammer sth. in / into sb:向某人反复灌输某事

They hammered away at this difficult problem.他们刻苦钻研这道难题. | hammer sth. in / into sb. 向某人反复灌输某事 | 1.They have had English grammar hammered into them. 他们强制自己反复学习英语语法....

Project Hope:期望工程

反复灌输 inculcate | 期望工程 Project Hope | 学龄儿童 educate-ager

Have/has a lump in the throat:因感情激动而喉咙哽住

A clergyman's sore throat慢性喉炎 | Have/has a lump in the throat因感情激动而喉咙哽住 | Thrust sth down sb's throat把某物硬塞给某人吃下去,填鸭式的反复对某人灌输某事

incontrovertible:无可辩驳的, 不容置疑的

hypotenuse (直角三角形的)斜边, 弦 | incontrovertible 无可辩驳的, 不容置疑的 | inculcate 极力主张, 反复灌输


法语系 French Language Department | 反复灌输 inculcate | 纺织工程系 Department of Textile Engineering

inculcate patriotism:反复灌输爱国主义

● 颂扬爱国主义 glorify patriotism | ● 反复灌输爱国主义 inculcate patriotism | ● 受强烈的爱国心驱使 be stimulated by passionate patriotism

inculcation:灌输; 谆谆教诲 (名)

inculcate 反复灌输; 教育; 谆谆教诲 (动) | inculcation 灌输; 谆谆教诲 (名) | inculpable 无罪的 (形)

Department of Textile Engineering:纺织工程系

反复灌输 inculcate | 纺织工程系 Department of Textile Engineering | 纺织航海学校 textile machinery school