英语人>词典>汉英 : 反复无常地 的英文翻译,例句
反复无常地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The performance characteristic of various lines dissimilarity:The straight line is robust, serious, curve variety form many, the teeth of a saw line force eyes hurriedly repeated move a direction, cause fickle of the gravamen be steady sport.


He had been allowed to play fast and loose long enough.


By inserting the barrel of an arruginated male key in the hole of an unstable female lock, obtaining a purchase on the bow of the key and turning its wards from right to left, withdrawing a bolt from its staple, pulling inward spasmodically an obsolescent unhinged door and revealing an aperture for free egress and free ingress.


更多网络解释与反复无常地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从此"正当程序"被等同于一切"合理"的东西,要求政府的活动不得是"恣意的"(arbitrary)、"反复无常的"(capricious)、不得滥用裁量权(an abuse of discretion),排除立法者利用任何与目的之间缺乏(充足)关联的手段,也排除立法者随意地选择各种可能的手段.


capricious 反复无常的 | capriciously 任性地 | Capricornus 摩羯星座

capriciously:任性地, 善变地

capricious | 反复无常的 | capriciously | 任性地, 善变地 | Capricorn | 摩羯宫,摩羯(星)座

erratically: adv.1:飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖

trait: n.品质,特性,性格 | erratically: adv.1.飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖 | isolate: v.隔离,孤立,使脱离

erratically: adv.1:飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖僻地

trait: n.品质,特性,性格 | erratically: adv.1.飘忽不定地,不稳定地,无规律地 2.古怪地,反复无常地,乖僻地 | isolate: v.隔离,孤立,使脱离


inconstant /易变的/不定的/无节操的/反复无常的/ | inconstantly /易变地/不定地/ | inconsumable /烧不尽的/消耗不掉的/用不完的/

necessarily: adv.1:必要地,必需地 2.必然地

diminish: v.1.减少,缩减,降低 2.贬低,轻视 | necessarily: adv.1.必要地,必需地 2.必然地 | arbitrary: a.1.随心所欲的,个人武断的 2.反复无常的 3.专制的,任意的

whimsically:异想天开地; 离奇地, 古怪地 (副)

whimsicality 反复无常; 怪诞的观念 (名) | whimsically 异想天开地; 离奇地, 古怪地 (副) | whimsy 怪念头, 反覆无常, 心情浮动 (名)


whimper /抽抽噎噎地哭/带著声讲/啜泣/呜咽/ | whimsey /怪念头/反复无常/ | whimsical /古怪的/诙/

Ray blows hot and cold about church-going:雷(反复无常地)一会儿要去教堂一会儿又不想去

5) Two young blacks were blown away in a drive-by shootin... | 6) Ray blows hot and cold about church-going. 雷(反复无常地)一会儿要去教堂一会儿又不想去. | 7) Our relatives blew in from California toda...