英语人>词典>汉英 : 双胞胎 的英文翻译,例句
双胞胎 的英文翻译、例句


twin brother
更多网络例句与双胞胎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First of all, the male sex longer, after a number of rounds, will enable the woman excited.


The twins were winched into one helicopter and the mother into another before being flown to hospital in Cheltenham, where the twins died.


In a study of nineteen sets of twins who had been separated from birth, investigators found that in approximately two thirds of the sets there were no more significant differences than existed among unseparated pairs of twins.


Para.4 In a study of nineteen sets of twins who had been separated from birth, investigators found that in approximately two thirds of the sets there were no more significant differences than existed among unseparated pairs of twins.


For this study, Waldron and her colleagues analyzed data gathered on two groups of Australian twins born between 1893-1964 (3,634 female and 1,880 male twins) and 1964-1971 (3,381 female and 2,748 male twins).

在这项研究中, Waldron 和他的同事分析了两组从澳大利亚来双胞胎数据,这些双胞胎于1893-1964年间(3634对女性和1880对男性双胞胎)和1964-1971年间(3381对女性和2748对男性双胞胎)出生。

The investigators studied 353 pairs of monozygotic twins and 246 pairs of dizygotic twins from the Australian Twin Registry, as well as 218 pairs of monozygotic twins and 134 pairs of dizygotic twins recruited in Canada and the U.S.


Our subjects included a total of 228 twin/sibling pairs aged 12 to 18 (130 monozygotic twins, 68 dizygotic twins and 30 sibling pairs) were recruited from the middle schools.


The twin genetic investigation conducted by Sun-Chong WANG's cross-country research team (consisting of researchers from Canada, Sweden, Australia, and the US etc.) observed 114 pairs of monozygotic twins and 80 dizygotic twins.


After adjustment for age and other clinical factors, the correlation coefficient for the percentage of dense tissue was 0.61 for monozygotic Australian pairs, 0.57 for monozygotic North American pairs, 0.25 for dizygotic Australian pairs, and 0.27 for dizygotic North American pairs.


Given the playwright's obsession with twins – several of his plays, including The Comedy of Errors and Twelfth Night, feature them – it's interesting to observe that Shakespeare fathered them in real life.


更多网络解释与双胞胎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


- by being outrageous and sexy. - i like it.|- 暴躁而又性感 - 我喜欢 | yeah. uh,amalia,sophie,twins--|Amalia Sophie 双胞胎-- | you're the struggling dwarf boy band.|你们是努力奋斗的矮人们

fraternal twin:异卵双生的双胞胎

Identical twin:同卵双生的双胞胎 | Fraternal twin:异卵双生的双胞胎 | Pinpoint: 精确地找出

identical twins:同卵双胞胎

● 王珏琪 (王珏琪报道)勒韦萨德博士(Bruno Reversade,33岁)希望通过双胞胎的研究,颠覆人们对复制人类的想法,因为他认为,同卵双胞胎(identical twins)就是大自然在婴儿胚胎时期复制而成的产物,复制人类并没有人们想象的那么可怕.

non-identical twins:异卵双胞胎

identical twins:同卵双胞胎 | non-identical twins:异卵双胞胎 | extroversion:外向

Jack Sloper:杰克.斯罗伯(桂芬多快迪奇队员,接替卫斯理双胞胎)

Andrew Kirke 安德鲁.克克(桂芬多快迪奇队员,接替卫斯理双胞胎) | Jack Sloper 杰克.斯罗伯(桂芬多快迪奇队员,接替卫斯理双胞胎) | Roger Davies 罗杰.戴维斯(瑞文克劳快迪奇队长)

Thomasa:双胞胎 女性 希腊

Thistle 蓟 女性 古英语 | Thomasa 双胞胎 女性 希腊 | Thomasina 双胞胎 女性 希伯来

Thomasina:双胞胎 女性 希伯来

Thomasa 双胞胎 女性 希腊 | Thomasina 双胞胎 女性 希伯来 | Thora 雷鸣,雷电 女性 古挪威语

The twins:双胞胎

练习:1.这对双胞胎(the twins)长得一模一样.练习:1.这对双胞胎(the twins)长得一模一样.练习:1.这对双胞胎(the twins)长得一模一样.

twinborn:双胞胎的; 孪生的 (形)

twill 斜纹织物 (名) | twin brother 双胞胎 | twinborn 双胞胎的; 孪生的 (形)

Ton-Tongue Toffees:肥舌太妃糖. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后舌头变长、变大

Canary Creams 金丝雀饼干. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后会变成近似黄色小鸟的模样,过一会儿又恢复原状. | Pumpkin Pasties 南瓜馅饼 | Ton-Tongue Toffees 肥舌太妃糖. 双胞胎所发明,吃了以后舌头变长、变大.