英语人>词典>汉英 : 原法的 的英文翻译,例句
原法的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与原法的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main collagens in skin are type I and III. In this research, total collagens were separated from rat skin by enzymatic digest and acetum methods. The collagens were denatured at 60℃ and digested with trypsin. Characteristic peptides typical for collagen type I and III were identified with high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.


It includes determination of properties of the acid protease and lipase, application of acid enzymes to processes of bating pickling pelt and wet blue of sheepskins, analysis of activities of collagenase in acid protease and trypsin. Comparison was conducted to acid bating and common bating. Orthogonal experiments were used to determine influence of some factors in acid bating on qualities of leather. Scanning electronic microscope was used to observe separating of collage fibers.


We proposed this SNP site correlated with IMP content in chickens. A neighbour-joining dendrogram was constructed based on the Nei's genentic distance. The genetic relationship between Chinese red jungle fowl and Tibetan chickens was the nearest, whereas Baier chickens were more closer to Silkies chickens. The Chinese red jungle fowls were relatively closer to the domestic fowls, whereas Thailand red jungle fowls were relatively diverging to the Chi-nese native breeds. These results supported the theory concerning the independent origins of Chinese native fowl breeds.


Result:There are problems in the management of transfusion reaction,such as incomplete registration,limited range of samples and insufficient testing percentage of the cases,inconsistence in the conclusion of two testing methods of drugs-domestic:hare testing method and limuloid testing method,unawareness of the medical staff and ineffective investiga...

结果 :输液反应管理中存在以下问题:登记不全;取样范围局限和热原检测比例不足;两种药物热原检测方法—家兔试验法与鲎试验法的结论有不一致性;医务人员思想认识模糊,原因排查不力。结论:健全医院输液反应管理制度,做好各种原始记录,在输液反应热原检测中,鲎试验法更为可靠及时

The thesis analysises the superiority of genetic algorithm in dealing with discreate variables and primal-dual interior point method in dealing with continuous variables, and brings forward a discoupled combined algorithm which is based on the equipment control priority and take advantage of genetic algorithm and primal-dual interior point method, and the emulator of IEEE-30 bus system validates the fesability of the discoupled combined algorithm.


The objectives of the study were to investigate the characteristics and influencing factors of myocardial interstitial collagen of right ventricle in tetralogy of Fallot.Tissues of the infundibular septum from 22 patients with TOF were studied and 8 patients without cardiovascular disease and collagen system disease were used as control.Collagen were determined by biochemical methods.


Using indirect ELISA, the contents of vitellin in the fat body, haemolymph and ovary of P. japonica were detected. The results suggested that the vitellogenin was synthesized in fat body at the 2nd day after eclosion. The contents of vitellogenin in fat body, haemolymph and ovary increased quickly on the 4th day after eclosion and reached the peak stage approximately on the 8th day in adult stage.


First, the character clustering algorithm regards the character as our features and then it can cluster these sentences of our target words to the correct group without any other resources. The average precision is 66.1%. Second, in the concept clustering algorithm of the aggregate computing, we use HowNet as the knowledge base of our feature words and obtain the concepts of these words. We cluster the sentences which have the same or similar concepts of the feature words into the same group. And then we can complement some lacks of the character clustering algorithm. The average precision is 72.3%. Third, regarding the concept clustering algorithm of the sememe distance, we use the sememe distance to compute its concept similarity. It improved similarity measure of the concept clustering algorithm of the aggregate computing. It achieves 81% average precision and gets better cluster quality.


Rabbit was immunized by the conjugated alginate-BSA (1.0mg/kg) for 40-days routine immunity method; ELISA method was used to examine the titration of anti-alginate serum; The first generation parotid acinar cells were chosen to divided five groups (group A :contrast, group B: BAS, group C: alginate, group D: anti-alginate serum, group E: alginate +anti-alginate serum), We examined the proliferation of each part by MTT method at four times (lh, 6h,12h and 24h); In the meanwhile, The growth and shape of parotid acinar cells were observed under phase contrast microscope and scanning electron microscope.16 of the immunized rabbits by alginate were divided equally into Al and Bl groups, 12 normal rabbits were divided equally into A2 and B2 groups as control groups, Each rabbit was affused by 0.3ml(40fil/ml)alginate though parotid duct once time two days.


The whole process for the adoption of the original rough cut grid after sewage upgrade sewage pump upgrade, the grid or screen rate cut, after entering desilting tank, the sand separation of sewage water into the initial sedimentation tanks, more than one address, Shen early pool of water into the biological treatment facilities, activated sludge and biofilm,(which activated sludge of the reactor have aeration tanks, oxidation ditch, biofilm law, including biological filter, biological Wheel, biological Contact oxidation and biological CFB), The sedimentation tank sludge back to the initial part of sedimentation tanks or biological processing equipment, part of concentrated sludge into the pool, after digesting sludge into the pool, after dehydration and drying equipment, the sludge was last used


更多网络解释与原法的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

applicable law:准据法

(28)甚至在他们评价上述关于"适当法"的几种定义时还特别指出,努斯鲍姆的解释是最切合戴西所提出的"ProperLaw"这个概念的原义的. (29)我由衷地赞同这一评价. (二)"适当法"(Proper Law)与"准据法"(Applicable Law)的关系

En dedans:昂德当,人身体或动作腿向里的转动. 原义为往里

En face: 昂法斯,舞者面向观众站立. 原义为向正前方. | En dedans: 昂德当,人身体或动作腿向里的转动. 原义为往里. | En dehors: 昂德奥,人身体或动作腿向外的转动. 原义为往外.

Binary fission:二分裂法

空泡型和颗粒型细胞的生殖方式有:二分裂法(binary fission)、原质团分割法(plasmotomy)、裂体生殖(schizogony)、内出芽法(endodyogeny),而阿米巴型细胞的生殖方式则有出芽生殖(budding)、芽胞生殖(sporulation)及原质团分割法.

En lair:昂莱尔,人身体或动作腿在空中所作的动作. 原义为在空中

En tournant: 昂图尔囊指一切在地面上做的加转身的动作. 原义为在转身中. | En lair: 昂莱尔,人身体或动作腿在空中所作的动作. 原义为在空中. | Efface: 厄法赛,一切敞开式所做的动作.


英语中的"曲言法"(litotes)常使译者错解其意,如:文本间相关的性质与译者对原丈的理解之间有着密切的联系. 例如:英国剧作家德鲁登(John Druten)的剧本>在一家晚报上彼译成>.

Amebocyte lysate:变形细胞溶解物

但易出现"假阳性".鲎试验法原理是利用鲎的变形细胞溶解物(amebocyte lysate)与内毒素之间的胶凝反应.市场上有现成的鲎热原试剂.具体操作和鉴定结果的方法参阅>.鲎试验法特别适用于某些不能用家兔进行的热原检测的品种,


GENMED 基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)明胶酶谱法电泳分析试剂盒产品说明书(中文版)主要用途 GENMED 基质金属蛋白酶(MMP)明胶酶谱法(zymography)电泳分析试剂是一种旨在通过明胶聚丙烯要MMPs 的信号传递到细胞后才临时合成,合成的MMPs 以无活性的酶原(proenzyme)形式分泌到细胞布效


不客气的说,胡先生在"音译法"(transliteration)上的表现实在太差劲,连"传统派"还不如,只好说是"士担"、"仙士"、"飞林"的"广东派"!这是何等奇论!胡秋原又叫胡石明;胡石明又叫胡秋原(按胡先生字石明). 名字不同,所指(whatisdesignated)一也!

exact word method:原字評分法;照原文出現的字詞為標準的評分法

exact 精確的;逐字逐句的 | exact word method 原字評分法;照原文出現的字詞為標準的評分法 | exaggerate 誇張

Bonin Islands:小笠原群島

南硫磺岛是日本小笠原群岛(Bonin Islands)法兰的组成部分,而著名法兰的二战战场硫磺岛也是小笠原群岛法兰的一部分,硫磺岛位于南硫磺岛以北约60公里处.