英语人>词典>汉英 : 原子钟 的英文翻译,例句
原子钟 的英文翻译、例句


atomic clock
更多网络例句与原子钟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Absolute frequency measurement is performed with the help of a femtosecond laser referenced to a commercial cesium atomic clock.


Finally discussed the conception of the connatural time and observation time, and take example for atomic clock and pulse laser Doppler speedometer, particular analysed problem of antipathic between 'formula of time slow' and formula of Doppler of light, and try to explained some dark understand about this problem before .


Over the years, the time expressed by atomic clocks has diverged slightly from that determined by the astronomic approach.


The adjustment will be carried out by sticking to an extra second into atomic clock at the stroke of midnight.


According to the power model of atomic clock, a new model of atomic clock noize of time-frequency domain and it's algorithm is presented preliminary.


Atomic clocks rely on regular oscillations of caesium atoms to keep time and are extremely accurate.


In a caesium clock, the optimum frequency corresponds to 9,192,631,770 oscillations of the microwave per second (just over 9 GHz in frequency), so dividing the output electronically by this number provides one-second 'ticks' of the atomic clock.

对于铯原子钟,其最佳频率是微波每秒振动9,192,631,770次(频率略高于9 GHz),而用电路把输出的信号除以这个数字就提供了原子钟的一声"滴答"。

The Hong Kong Time Standard is provided by a caesium beam atomicclock. Accuracy within fractions of a microsecond a day is maintained.


The modem spectral estimate and higher order spectral analysis are utilized to estimate the spectrum of the atom clock data respectively, and the noise characteristic is analysed by fitting to the spectrum of the atom clock.


With the analysis of ADEV and HDEV for NTSC s more than 20 atomic clocks as well as the BIPM publications of rate and weight,the usability of a clock in high precision time keeping is discussed.

该文根据NTSC 20多台原子钟的ADEV和HDEV的分析、BIPM发表的TAI系统中原子钟的速率公报和权重报告,讨论了在高精度守时系统中对原子钟频率稳定度的要求。

更多网络解释与原子钟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astronomical time:天文时

argument of perigee 近地点角距 | astronomical time 天文时 | atomic clock 原子钟

atomic energy:核能

atomic clock 原子钟 | atomic energy 核能 | atomic fuel 核燃料

atomic weight unit:原子量单位

atomic weight 原子量 | atomic weight unit 原子量单位 | atomichran 原子钟

atomic clock:原子钟

现已发现,与动力钟(Dynamical clock)相比,原子钟(Atomic clock)所记录的时间比较慢. 在圣经的缄言(The Testimony of the Bible)中,有关与宇宙形成的记载. 兹引述如下:据统计,在旧约(The Old Testament)中,共有12处谈到上帝拉伸了天空.

atomic clock:天文时

近地点角距 astronomical time | 天文时 atomic clock | 原子钟 atomic time

biological clock:生物时钟

有周期性的生物行为变化-生物时钟(Biological Clock)上我们每日过著一天24小时的生活,依据原子钟提供的分秒来安排生活作息,将该做的事誊写为密密麻麻的计画表.

atomic clock time:原子钟时

原子钟 atomic clock | 原子钟时 atomic clock time | 原子常数 atomic constant

caesium atomic clock:铯原子钟

caesalpinia 石莲子 | caesium atomic clock 铯原子钟 | caesium bicarbonate 碳酸氢铯

rubidium atomic clock:铷原子钟

因为大陆的铷原子钟(rubidium atomic clock)已经研发成功,它的精确度每年误差小于 3 x 10**(-10) 秒(10兆分之3秒/年). 能够研发出如此精确的钟而且重量和体积小到能放在卫星上,钟上的电子设备能长期经受太空中的高强度辐射和频繁又巨大的温度变化,

rubydium atomic clock:铷原子钟

红宝石雷射 ruby laser | 铷原子钟 rubydium atomic clock | 鲁勃列克特不对称梁 Rueprecht asymmetrical beam