英语人>词典>汉英 : 原告 的英文翻译,例句
原告 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accuser  ·  claimant  ·  complainant  ·  demandant  ·  indictor  ·  orator  ·  plaintiff  ·  indicter  ·  libelant  ·  accusers  ·  complainants  ·  plaintiffs  ·  prosecutions  ·  querens

更多网络例句与原告相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The plaintiff being a chimney sweeper's boy found a jewel and carried it to the defendant's shop to know what it was, and delivered it into the hands of the apprentice, who under pretence of weighing it, took out the stones, and calling to the master to let him know it came to three halfpence, the master offered the boy the money, who refused to take it, and insisted to have the thing again, whereupon the apprentice delivered him back the socket without the stones.


An invitee is person who is invited to enter or remain on the premises for a commercial benefit to the possessor of premises, or for a purpose directly or indirectly connected with business dealings with the possessor.


The 2nd the accused not only copyright of enroach on accuser, and filch the market acknowledge of height of accuser QQ penguin is spent and huge trade praise, the first the accused ought to know accuser is the copyright person of figure of QQ penguin cartoon, however laches is examined, make tort product is able to enter the market to be sold illegally.


Nevertheless the plaintiffs原告 filed a claim against Chevron under this law in 2003 in a court in Lago Agrio.


In derivative suit, the article studied these issues: the parties, plaintiff"s faith, right and obligation,demand requirement and the qualificatory request to plaintiff. Security-for-expenses went gown very well with scholars, but the author doesn"t think so in view of actual facts in China.


The subject matter of standing in administrative litigation,which is mainly about the judicial protection of "individuals"aggrieved by an alleged misuse of administrative power ,is itself an area where the characteristics and basic trend of the constitutionalization of socialist China are vividly demonstrated.


The subject matter of standing in administrative litigation,which is mainly about the judicial protection of "individuals"aggrieved by an alleged misuse of administrative power ,is itself an area where the characteristics and basic trend of the constitutionalization of socialist China are vividly demonstrated.


The subject matter of standing in administrative litigation,which; is mainly about the judicial protection; of "individuals"aggrieved by an alleged; misuse of administrative power ,is;; itself; an area where the characteristics and basic trend of the constitutionalization of socialist; China;; are vividly demonstrated.


Plaintiffs have standing to bring this action as they have suffered an injury-in-fact caused by Defendant's conduct and redressable by this Court's declaration of Plaintiffs' rights.


Camps where the plaintiffs were detained in Bandoeng as a Pow plaintiff Lapre,and,as civilians,Batavia plaintiff Stolk,Bandoeng plaintiffs Jungslager and de Wit,Soerabaja plaintiff de Wit,Tjimali plaintiffs Hermans and Weiffenbach and Semarang plaintiff Anonymous,were found,after the war,by the Special Martial Court of Dutch East Indiesto be places where the war crimes,such as organized terrosism and inhuman treatment,were committed.

荷属东印度最高军事法庭在战后发现,在关押原告的万隆,巴塔维亚,苏腊巴亚和三宝垄等地的集中营中,均发生了诸如有组织恐怖活动和非人道行为等战争罪行。这些集中营中关押了战俘和平民,前者如原告Lapre,后者如原告Stolk,Jungslager,de Wit,Hermans ,weiffenbach 以及那名匿名原告。累死了,楼主可不能让我白辛苦一场啊

更多网络解释与原告相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


新英文圣经(NewEnglishBible)的翻译:"谁是神所拣选的人的原告(accuser)呢?"很能表达保罗的意思. 保罗的字眼在几方面加强了他的意思:第三,保罗提醒我们基督做中保的有效性. 最后像英文修订标准本(RevisedStandardVersion)圣经的译法一样,

accusator accuser:讼人 原告

accusator accuser 讼人 原告 | appellatio appeal 越诉 上诉 上诉、申诉 | diversitas legum diversity of laws 法律多类 法律的多样性

原告 appellee 被告:plaintiff

perplex 困惑 | plaintiff 原告 appellee 被告 | enig matical 难解的,不可思议的,迷一般的

district attomey:原告

prosecution(刑事)原告 | district attomey 原告(DA) | alibi 不在场证据


口令验证(password-based authentication)是实体验证的最简单最古老的方式,这里密码是原告(claimant)知道的事情. 当一个用户需要访问一个系统并使用系统的资源(登录)的时候,就要用到口令. 每一个用户有一个公开的用户身份,

I wasn't planning to, Your Honor, but the complainant is my daughter:这并非本意 法官大人 但原告是我的女儿

Good to see you, Sara. I wasn't aware you were practi... | I wasn't planning to, Your Honor, but the complainant is my daughter.|这并非本意 法官大人 但原告是我的女儿 | What's this about, counselor?|这个...





nominal plaintiff:名义上的原告,名义上原告,名义原告

nominal pitch ratio 公称螺距比 | nominal plaintiff 名义上的原告,名义上原告,名义原告 | nominal population 名义总体

the qualification of plaintiffs:原告资格

职业资格制度:the Vocational Qualification System | 原告资格:the qualification of plaintiffs | 原告资格:the qualification of the plaintiff