英语人>词典>汉英 : 厌氧菌 的英文翻译,例句
厌氧菌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anaerobe  ·  anaerobium  ·  anaerobia  ·  anaerobian  ·  anaerobion  ·  Anaerobes

anaerobic bacteria · anaerobic bacterium
更多网络例句与厌氧菌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results The positive detecting rate of aerobe bottle against aerobe was 100%, Sensitivity was 10 CFU/ml. The positive detecting of anaerobe bottle against anaerobe was 100%, Sensitivity against peptococcus niger, Peptostreptococcus anerobius, bacteroides fragilis was 10 CFU/ml, 100 CFU/ml, 1000 CFU/ml, respectively.

结果 需氧瓶对需氧菌的阳性检测率为100%,检测敏感性为10 CFU/ml;厌氧瓶对厌氧菌的阳性检测率为100%,对黑色消化球菌、厌氧消化链球菌和脆弱类杆菌的检测敏感性分别为10 CFU/ml、100 CFU/ml和1 000 CFU/ml;厌氧瓶对兼性厌氧菌的阳性检测率为100%,检测敏感性为10 CFU/ml。

Objective:to study the level of total anaerobic population, total aerobic population, four kinds of anaerobes and two kinds of aerobes in excrement of sufferers of varies kinds of irritable bowel syndrome and that of normal persons.methods:excrement specimens from 52 ibs sufferers of different kinds and that of 18 normal volunteers were collected, and the level of four kinds of anaerobes and two kinds of aerobes were quantified.results:the level of total anaerobic population and total aerobic population of excrement specimens of three kinds of ibs sufferers were different significantly, particularly the level of bifidobacterium and cillobacterium(p.01);the level of bacteroid population was higher significantly in diarrhea-predominant and mixed type of ibs sufferers (p.01);the level of enterococcus population was higher significantly in diarrhea-predominant ibs sufferers(p.05);among the aerobes, the number of escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus colonies were increased by different level(p.01or0.05) in the ibs suffers, in particular, the number of escherichia coli colonies in diarrhea-predominant ibs sufferers increased most significantly.conclusion:sufferers of different types of ibs have different intestinal tract dysbacteria phenotypes.


Results In the 128 specimens, anaerobic bacteria were the main pathogene and mined bacterial infection was the most common feature of spreading odontogenic infection. The predominant bacteria were Prevotella, Porphyromomas, Fusobacterium species, Capnocytophaga, Actionomyces and Eubacterium. Oral strepeococcus group was the most common facultatively anaerobic bacteria.

结果 128例牙源性间隙感染可培养的优势厌氧菌有普氏菌、牙龈卟啉单胞菌、梭杆菌、二氧化碳噬纤维菌、消化链球菌和放线菌;需氧菌和兼性厌氧菌有口腔链球菌、嗜血菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和奈瑟菌。

In recent years, discover armour saltpetre Zun has effect of bacterium of the oxygen that fight be disgusted with, constant with other antibacterial conpatibility of medicines, the bacterium of oxygen of be disgusted with when be being used at preventing operation of operation of department of gynaecology, gastric bowel line is affected, the postpartum pelvic infection that still can be used at bacterium of oxygen of be disgusted with to cause, septicemia, osteomyelitis.


RESULTS Among 327 specimens, cultures were positive in 320(97.9%),included 328 aerobe strains and 436 anaerobe strains.Most of the pathogenic bacteria were Gram negative.In aerobes,E.coli was the first (176 strains),while bacteroides were the first(216 strains) for anaerobes. In the positive cases, aerobic and anaerobic mixed infection were 64.7% while unitary aerobic and unitary anaerobic infection were only 25% and 10.3%, respectively.The drug sensitive rate of aerobes to the third generation cephalosporine was exceed 90%.The drug sensitive rate to metronidazole was 97.9%.

结果 32 7例标本中 32 0例有细菌生长,其中需氧菌 32 8株,厌氧菌 4 36株,以 G-菌为主;在需氧菌中以大肠埃希菌为主,占 176株;厌氧菌中以类杆菌属为主,占 2 19株;大多数为需氧菌和厌氧菌的混合感染,占 6 4 。7%;单纯需氧菌和单纯厌氧菌感染分别占 2 5 %和 10 。3%;需氧菌对第三代头孢菌素的敏感率在90 %以上,厌氧菌对甲硝唑的敏感率在 97.7%。

Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis is a rod-shaped, Gram-negative, anaerobic eubacterium that was isolated from a fresh water hot spring in Tengchong, China. Using a"whole-genome-shotgun"method, we sequenced its 2, 689, 445-bp genome from an isolate, MB4〓(Genbank Accession Number AE008691). The genome encodes 2, 588 predicted coding sequences . Among them, 1, 764 (68. 2%) are classified according to homology to other documented proteins, and the rest, 824 CDS (31. 8%), are functionally unknown. One of the interesting features of the T. tengcongensis genome is that 86. 7% of its genes are encoded on the leading strand of DNA replication.

中文题名腾冲嗜热厌氧菌全基因组测序及分析副题名外文题名 A complete sequence of the T.tengcongensis genome 论文作者包其郁导师杨焕明研究员学科专业遗传学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数88页关键词腾冲嗜热厌氧菌基因组嗜热菌馆藏号BSLW /2003 /Q939.1 /33 腾冲嗜热厌氧菌(MB4')是分离于我国腾冲地区温泉内的革兰氏阴性厌氧真细菌。

Results: Pericoronitis was a complex odontogenic infection with aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria.


Methods:Excrement specimens from 52 IBS sufferers of different kinds and that of 18 normal volunteers were collected, and the level of four kinds of anaerobes and two kinds of aerobes were quantified.


Objective:To study the level of total anaerobic population, total aerobic population, four kinds of anaerobes and two kinds of aerobes in excrement of sufferers of varies kinds of irritable bowel syndrome and that of normal persons.


Abstract] The isolation and identification of anaerobic bacteria are often difficult because most of them grow much slower than the facultative or aerobic bacteria.

摘要] 目前厌氧菌的致病性及其相关研究备受关注,但厌氧菌难培养且时间较长,造成厌氧菌的培养、鉴定和厌氧菌感染的诊断非常困难。

更多网络解释与厌氧菌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Facultative anaerobe:兼性厌氧菌

3.细菌的呼吸类型:根据细菌对氧的需要不同.主要分为四类:(1)专性需氧菌(Obligateaerobe)如结核杆菌,(2)专性厌氧菌(Obligate anaerobe)如破伤风杆菌,(3)兼性厌氧菌(Facultative anaerobe)在有氧或无氧或无氧环境中均能生长.但以有氧时生长较好.大多数病原菌属此类,

Facultative anaerobe:兼性厌氧菌[在有氧条件下也能发酵产能并维持正常生长繁殖的厌氧菌]

factor I|(凝血)因子I | facultative anaerobe|兼性厌氧菌[在有氧条件下也能发酵产能并维持正常生长繁殖的厌氧菌] | facultative heterochromatin|兼性异染色质

Obligate anaerobe:专性厌氧菌

3.细菌的呼吸类型:根据细菌对氧的需要不同.主要分为四类:(1)专性需氧菌(Obligateaerobe)如结核杆菌,(2)专性厌氧菌(Obligate anaerobe)如破伤风杆菌,(3)兼性厌氧菌(Facultative anaerobe)在有氧或无氧或无氧环境中均能生长.但以有氧时生长较好.大多数病原菌属此类,

Obligate anaerobe:专性厌氧菌;专性厌氧生物

obligate aerobe 专性需氧菌;专性需氧生物 | obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌;专性厌氧生物 | obligate parasite 专性寄生物


anaerobiosis | 乏氧生活, 厌气生活 | anaerobium | 厌氧菌,厌气微生物 | anaerogenic bacteria | 非产气细菌

anaerobion; anaerobium:厌氧菌;厌氧微生物

"厌氧呼吸","anaerobic respiration" | "厌氧菌;厌氧微生物","anaerobion; anaerobium" | "厌氧生活","anaerobiosis"

anaerobic microbe:厌氧菌

anaerobic halophiles 厌氧嗜盐微生物 | anaerobic microbe 厌氧菌 | anaerobic reduction 厌氧还原作用

anaerobion:嫌气的 厌气生物, 厌氧菌

anaerobictraining | 无氧代谢训练 | anaerobion | 嫌气的 厌气生物, 厌氧菌 | anaerobiosis | 乏氧生活, 厌气生活


氧菌](Aerobes) 嗜血流感杆菌 志贺菌属 大肠杆菌 百日咳博德特氏菌 奇异变形菌 布鲁菌属 普通变形菌 淋球菌 克雷伯菌属 脑膜炎球菌 卡他莫拉菌属 霍乱弧菌 沙门菌属 出血败坏血性马氏球菌 [厌氧菌](Anaerobes) 炎杆菌属包括脆弱