英语人>词典>汉英 : 压缩地 的英文翻译,例句
压缩地 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与压缩地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experimental results show that the algorithm can segmentalize ROI effectively, CR is higher than 30, PSNR of the whole image is higher than 42 dB, and the object keeps original fidelity. Inter-frame CR is about 7, background has cumulative error and PSNR is higher than 40 dB.


Part 1: On image compression coding 1 Based on human visual property, we present a rhomb-partitioning fractal image compression coding, discuss fractal image coding of fixed-size rhomb partitioning and adaptive rhomb partitioning.

第一部分是有关图象压缩编码的: 1基于人眼的视觉特性,提出了基于菱形分割的分形图象压缩编码方法,讨论了固定菱形块分割图象·自适应菱形块分割图象的分形图象压缩编码问题,实验结果表明菱形块分割图象比方块分割图象更有效地抑制"块效应",重建图象质量明显提高,但编码时间较长。

Some methods aiming at the two problems have been researched. First, the optimal number of ATE site can be calculated based on a cost model of DAT-ATE. Second, the problem of test schedule which is equitant with two-dimensional Bin-Packing problem is presented. Then a TCG denotation satisfied with T-admissible rule is more convenient for combinational optimization. With Simulated annealing algorithm, better test scheduling results can be achieved; but there is no great optimization space because the efficiency of scheduling is greater than 90%. Third, A novel test compression method——Multi-capture testing is proposed to compress the stimuli. And the ATPG results show that MC achieves high compression ratio which is greater than 90% in some large-scale circuits. MISR, widely used in LBIST, is employed to compress the responses. The aliasing analysis demonstrates that the fault coverage reduction is little due to the existence of aliasing. Fourth, an improved TIC (called S-TIC) aiming at structured test is proposed based on ARM's TIC. A MC scheduling algorithm is proposed to compute the SoC test time and combine MC vectors to SoC test vectors. The scheduling results shows that test time is greatly reduced when using the proper scheduling priority.


The results show that the degree and period of squeezing depend strongly on the initial parameters, and energy nonconservation item has a great impact on squeezing property.


In OverEasy mode, signals begin to gradually activate the 166XL's gain change circuitry as they approach the THRESHOLD reference level and they do not get fully processed in the manner defined by the RATIO control until they have passed somewhat above the THRESHOLD reference level.


An asynchronous coupling method is proposed to reduce the walkoff effect, and the results show that asynchronously coupling of the bright pulse with the dark soliton can efficiently improve the bright pulse compression relative to the synchronous coupling method.

还发现,若采取本文提出的非同步耦合法,则可以明显地弥补离散效应对脉冲压缩的影响,从而有效地改善脉冲压缩效果。标签脉冲离散交叉相位调制脉冲压缩非同步耦合 pulse walkoff cross phase modulation pulse compression asynchronous coupling

The plastic go down the hopper smoothly and is gripped by the thread of the screw. It is forced to go toward the direction of the gear end along with the rotation of the screw. A mechanical transferring process is formed. During the running of the plastic from the feed port to gear end, a high pressure is formed in the process of plastic curing due to the gradual decreasing of the thread depth and the resistance of filter gauze, splitter plate and gear end. The high pressure helps to press the raw material and improve its heat conductivity performance and the quick melting of the plastic, at the same time, the gradual increasing pressure can help the gas which is among material particles exhausted from the air holes.


For 〓,especially,ordinary squeezing disappers,while other squeezings(k≥2)are still existent,whose degrees,although,are very weak.


A rate-distortion model is presented in order to make use of the down channel of deep space effectively and analyzed the error of image loss compression exactly.It is fit for CCSDS image compression standards based on wavelet transform.


A rate-distortion model is presented in order to make use of the down channel of deep space effectively and analyzed the error of image loss compression exactly.It is fit for CCSDS image compression standards based on wavelet transform.


更多网络解释与压缩地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astringently:收敛性地, 压缩地

astringent | 收敛剂 收敛性的, 严酷的, 涩的 | astringently | 收敛性地, 压缩地 | astringer | 驯鹰师

chirp radar:线性调频雷达, 脉冲压缩雷达

chirp filter | 线性调频脉冲滤波器 | chirp radar | 线性调频雷达, 脉冲压缩雷达 | chirp | 喳喳声, 唧唧声 吱喳而鸣, 尖声地说

compressed SLIP:压缩串行线Internet协议

compressed powder | 压(制)粉(末) | compressed SLIP | 压缩串行线Internet协议 | compressed solid | (弹簧)压缩到极点, 尽可能地压缩

dramatize: v.1:把...改编成剧本,使戏剧化 2.戏剧性地描述,生动地表达,使引人注

rewarding: a.1.(作为)报答的 2.给予报偿的,有益的,有意义的 | dramatize: v.1.把...改编成剧本,使戏剧化 2.戏剧性地描述,生动地表达,使引人注 | compress: v.1.压紧,压缩 2.把...打成包,压捆 3.镇压,管束

lossless compression:无损压缩

无损压缩(lossless compression) 描述一种压缩算法,即减小图像文件的大小,但是不丢失任何图像数据. TIFF文件是一种无损文件类型. 有损压缩(lossy compression) 描述一种压缩算法,即永久地丢弃图像图像数据,以便得到较小的文件,

rosette cell:玫瓣细胞;压缩细胞

丛叶基生基;着地丛叶型;莲座型;丛生叶;叶丛 rosette | 玫瓣细胞;压缩细胞 rosette cell | 簇晶 rosette crystal;druse;clustered crystal

strangulation:勒杀, 压缩, 箝制

partyism 党派心, 党派性 | strangulation 勒杀, 压缩, 箝制 | bewitchingly 迷人地

compressional force:压缩力

compressional faulting 挤压断裂作用 | compressional force 压缩力 | compressional graben 挤压性地堑


Compressive 压缩的 | Compressively 压缩地 | Cumbersome 难处理的

squeezed state:压缩态

奥地利学者在国际上首次实现了未知量子态的远距传输,成功地将一个量子态从甲地的极化光子传送到乙地的极化光子上,1998年,美国加州理工学院的H.J.Kimble和合作者用光的压缩态(squeezed state),成功地将一束光从一个房间转移到另一个房间,