英语人>词典>汉英 : 压缩冲程 的英文翻译,例句
压缩冲程 的英文翻译、例句


compression stroke
更多网络例句与压缩冲程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An alternative is the two-stroke cycle, which combines the exhaust and compression strokes into one.


An alternative cycle is the two-stroke cycle, which combines the exhaust and compression strokes into one.


The results of this study indicate that changing the angle of the intake port has a profound effect on the flow field during the intake stroke of the engine cycle. For the case with the intake-exhaust valves canted at zero degree (the so-called vertical valves), the tumble ratio, swirl ratio, turbulent intensity, and turbulent kinetic energy in the direction perpendicular to the bisecting plane of the cylinder are at their highest levels than those obtained for the other cases. This effect is most pronounced after the compression stroke of the cycle. As a result of this study, it is observed that the behavior of the overall flow field from the intake to the completion of compression stroke has a major impact on the effectiveness of the mixing of fuel-air prior to the ignition of the engine cycle.

结果显示,改变进排气阀的倾斜角度对进气期间的流场变化有很明显的影响,其中以垂直阀(进排气阀倾斜0度)所得的 Y轴向(Y方向系垂直於将汽缸对分为二平面的方向)滚流强度、涡漩比、紊流强度、紊流动能等流场强度为最强;若以流体经活塞压缩后的流场特性进行探讨,所得结果显示压缩冲程对汽缸内流场的效应是不容忽视的;因此由进气到压缩过程结束的整体流场现象,才是影响引擎点火前的油气混合程度与燃烧品质的关键。

Compression stroke The second stroke is the compression stroke.


As the piston rises again on the compression stroke the charge is compressed and ignited, and the cycle begins again.


A control apparatus for an engine increases an intake air quantity just before engine stop to increase a compression pressure in a compression stroke.


As the compression pressure is increased, a negative torque in the compression stroke increases and obstructs engine rotation, and brakes the engine rotation.


While Atkinson's original engine design is no more than a historical curiosity, the Atkinson cycle, where the power stroke is longer than the compression stroke, is increasing in popularity due to the increase in fuel economy it provides.


The highly efficient Atkinson-cycle engine, made possible by the Variable Valve Timing with intelligence system, allows the expansion/power stroke to be longer than the compression stroke so that combustion energy can be more effectively used for production of engine power.


The compression, power, and exhaust strokes are identical to those of the diesel cycle.


更多网络解释与压缩冲程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它是负责引擎曲轴(crankshaft) 跟 凸轮轴 (camshaft)之间的一个联系. 简单来说,曲轴是控制各气缸活塞上下移动的次序,而凸轮轴则是控制各气阀的开关次序. 彼此一定要有非常精准的配合,来达到4冲程所发生的"进气,压缩,燃点和排气"过程.

cetane number:十六烷值(用特殊的试验仪器测得)

compression stroke 压缩冲程 | cetane number 十六烷值(用特殊的试验仪器测得) | cetane index 十六烷指数()

intake stroke:吸气冲程

高温高压的气体作用于活塞顶部,推动活塞作往复直线运动,通过连杆、曲轴飞轮机构对外输出机械能. 四冲程汽油机在进气冲程、压缩冲程、做功冲程和排气冲程内完成一个工作循环. (1) 吸气冲程(intake stroke)活塞在曲轴的带动下由上止点移至下止点.


主要按照(GB) 日标(JIS)美标(ANSI)英标(BS)德标(DIN)等标准生产外径 在M1-M6,长度在100mm以下的螺钉. 弹簧:各式精密电池弹簧、压缩弹簧、拉伸弹簧、扭矩弹簧、各类 高难度异形弹簧等. 主要设备:台湾进口精密多冲程螺丝成型机,

power stroke:做功冲程

在上图中做功冲程(Power stroke):当活塞要到顶点位置的时候,并且混合体也被充分的压缩后,火花塞(spark plug)在缸的顶端点火. 爆炸气体推动活塞向缸

compression stroke:压缩冲程

(2) 压缩冲程(compression stroke)压缩冲程时,进、排气门同时关闭. 活塞从下止点向上止点运动,曲轴转动180°. 活塞上移时,工作容积逐渐缩小,缸内混合气受压缩后压力和温度不断升高,到达压缩终点时,

air suction stroke:吸气冲程

272. air suction separator ==> 吸气式(谷物)分选机 | 273. air suction stroke ==> 吸气冲程 | 274. air supply ==> 压缩空气量,气源,送气,供气,空气供给