英语人>词典>汉英 : 卷须 的英文翻译,例句
卷须 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cirrus  ·  clasper  ·  tendril  ·  tendrils  ·  cyrrhus

更多网络例句与卷须相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ampelopsis delavayana and Humulus scandens have relative longer internode and relative higher stem growth rate than Parthenocissus tricuspidata .


A tendril-bearing vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties.


Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genus Bryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine.


Texture mapping was used to leaf and fruit models, while process texture generation was introduced to cylinder-like organs such as caudex and petiole.


Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genus Cucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers.


The change of external support diameters have no significant effects on development of internode, blade, petiole and tendril.


The part touching the substrate bends toward the stimulated side, so bringing more of the tendril into contact with the substrate, until it encircles it.


Leaves bipinnate, 10-25 cm long, usually with 2 pairs of pinnae, rachis often ending in a tendril; pinnae with 2-4pairs of leaflets and terminal tendrils; leaflets opposite, oblong or long obovate, 3-9cm long, 1.5-4cm wide, apex obtuse or emarginated, bas


Stems unarmed, sometimes with conspicuous lenticels, or bark sometimes shredding; branches often swollen at 3-7-lacunar nodes; pith continuous or interrupted by diaphragms at nodes; tendrils simple, bifurcate to trifurcate, or 4-12-branched, usually leaf-opposed, rarely tendrils absent.


Green leaves, like a pin stripes main vein from the leaves has been grown out of the final Linked leaves vein became a long Juanxu, Juanxu the bottom of one of the 10-centimetre-long "bottle", whatever the field through the lips, then there is a bottle phenomenon, This is the lid -- like bottles favorite insect leaf cages, fishing worms Capsule cones shaped, slightly lower expansion, and some like pig cage, so that pitcher plants.


更多网络解释与卷须相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




taxonomic 分类学的,分类的 | tendril [植]卷须 | tension rope 压膜线


tenderloin,腰部嫩肉,里脊肉 | tendril,藤科植物的卷须,往外延伸的东西 | tense,紧张的,紧绷的


tendotomy 腱切断术 | tendril 卷须状之物 | tendrils 卷鬓

branch tendril:枝卷须

branch 枝 | branch tendril 枝卷须 | branched 分枝的

stem tendril:茎卷须

2.茎卷须(stem tendril)许多攀缘植物的茎细长,不能直立,变成卷须,称为茎卷须或枝卷须. 茎卷须的位置或与花枝的位置相当(如葡萄),或生于叶腋(如南瓜、黄瓜),与叶卷须不同(图3-120,C). 3.叶状茎(也称叶状枝,phylloid)茎转变成叶状,扁平,


caprate | 癸酸盐癸酸酯 | capreolate | 有卷须的 | capreomycin | 卷曲霉素 , 卷须霉素 , 缠霉素


卷须的 cirrate | 似卷须的 cirrhous | 卷须 cirrhus; cirsus


粗须叶藓 Cirriphyllum crassinervium (Tayl) Loesk. et Fleisch | 有卷须的;似卷须的 cirrose | 毛尖藓属(藓) Cirrphyllum

tendril climber plant:卷须攀援植物,卷须攀援植物

tendon-shortening ==> 腱缩短术,腱缩短术 | tendril climber plant ==> 卷须攀援植物,卷须攀援植物 | tenefrescence ==> 変色蛍光