英语人>词典>汉英 : 卷头的 的英文翻译,例句
卷头的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与卷头的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mechanical structure of the coiler cone of 2150mm aluminum foil mill was researched.

通过对2150mm 铝箔轧机卷取机锥头的机械结构研究,分析卸料时掉卷原因并探讨防范措施。

The book is the last work compiled by the celebrated poet Zang Kejia, and the Preface of the Second Enlarged Edition of the book is the last work of the senior Zang in his seventy years of literary career.


As to his dress, it was careful to the verge of foppishness, with high collar, black frock-coat, white waistcoat, yellow gloves, patent-leather shoes, and light-coloured gaiters.

头 发也是如此,当他脱去那顶帽沿高高卷着的帽子时,只见头部周围一圈灰白的头发,头顶上的头发稀稀拉拉。

The cognoscente will know it,and the word 'frizzle' has met the point.Which style is this kind of 'frizzle' lion head?According to the books about carving,I think it's earlier than Ming dynasty.


A small tropical cephalopod of the genus Spirula having prominent eyes and short arms and a many chambered shell coiled in a spiral .


What the curl modelling with western fleeciness and natural star causes many domestic ladies is yearning, but Asian face because unlike Hesperian is so stereo, so big head is put on Asian head to be able to become very heavy, be about to be balanced through adjusting hair color and hair amount at this moment, catch hair look Cheng Zong look for instance, reduce the amount of the hair appropriately, very can good-looking on visual effect.


I, for one, look a lot less friendly as a bald 49-year-old than I did as a curly-haired teen.


Plus, I have bilingual and even multilingual ones, such as my two-volume Hebrew-Greek-Latin.


Promax Tension Ind Corp has long sold and manufactured a variety of custo mized air shafts/ air chucks/ safety chucks, edge position control systems/ EPC, powder/ air/ disk brakes and clutches, AC/DC motor control systems, re-winding/ un-winding systems


The cognoscente will know it,and the word 'frizzle' has met the point.Which style is this kind of 'frizzle' lion head?According to the books about carving,I think it's earlier than Ming dynasty.


更多网络解释与卷头的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


frontal /前的/ | frontiersman /边疆的居民/ | frontispiece /卷头插画/标题页/正面/

Bill Haley:比尔.哈利

他的花名叫做(Gustje de Krol)"卷发的小居斯特"因为他有一撮卷发贴在他的前额,就像比尔.哈利(Bill Haley)一样. 居斯特做好屠宰这头"黑猪"的准备了. 不过,其中有一个问题,就是这名屠夫本身也是养鸽子的. 他是答应了冯斯给他杀猪,

how often:频率

l 按何种序列(what order)将进程规划到CPU;l 进程使用CPU的频率(how often)卷头(volume header)存储在最外层的磁盘柱面上,卷头包括:4,用mkdir来创建挂点(mount point)在你正确地脱挂(umount)一个文件系统时,fs_dirty标志被置为false.

Selaginella moellendorffii:最晕头的江南卷柏

9320 看叶片基部未强度收小这个应该是 南方铁角蕨Asplenium belangeri | 9242 最晕头的江南卷柏Selaginella moellendorffii | 8822 厚叶贯众Cyrtomium pachyphyllum

volume serial number:卷序列号

卷标号所含的内容有:标号标示(Label ID)和卷序列号(Volume Serial Number);文件头标号所含内容有标号标示(Label ID)和数据集名、记录格式、记录大小及块大小.


卷尾猴属(Cebus)常见的美洲热带猴,分布於尼加拉瓜到巴拉圭的森林. 被视为新大陆最聪明的猴子之一,因头顶毛发类似嘉布遣僧侣的头巾而得名. 这些猴子圆头而身形粗壮,有能够缠物的多毛尾巴和与其他手指相对的拇指. 身长30∼


frontispiece /卷头插画/标题页/正面/ | frontless /无前部的/无正面的/ | frontlet /额饰/额带/额上护符/


limicolous 烂泥中的 | liminal 阈的 | liminary 卷头的


liminal 阈的 | liminary 卷头的 | limit of heat 处暑

beet root:红菜头

奶酪猪肉卷中用到的红菜头(Beet root)又名糖萝卜,常制成香料腌渍切片的罐装产品. 而俄罗斯的传统名汤甜菜汤就是用红菜头为主要原料烹调而成.