英语人>词典>汉英 : 印第安人 的英文翻译,例句
印第安人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Indian  ·  Indians

Native American · Red Indian
更多网络例句与印第安人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This type of corn, introduced to the settlers by Native Americans, was long grown by them, little knowing that their benefaction would one day be consumed by countless moviegoers while watching Westerns.


He led an escape to Canada in September 1876 in the vengeful aftermath of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.


He also survivied the Battle of Little Bighorn, where he fought side by side with Custer himself--even though he'd sworn to kill him.


The disease began to fall a-mongst them also, so as almost half of their company died before they went away, and many of their officers and lustiest men, as the boatswain, gunner, three quar-termasters, the cook and others.


But such of the passengers as were yet aboard showed them what mercy they could which made some of their hearts relent, as the boatswain who was a proud young man and would often curse and scoff at the passengers.


One of the first people generally credited with forming the idea of a "national park" was George Catlin, a self-taught artist who traveled extensively among the native peoples of North America, while sketching and painting portraits, landscapes, and scenes from daily Indian life. On a trip to the Dakotas in 1832, he worried about the impact of America's westward expansion on Indian civilization, wildlife, and wilderness.


A core theme of US experience in developing the west is the forcible relocation of Native Americans through atrocities such as the 1831 " Trail of Tears ", during which the Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole and other nations were moved from the south-eastern part of the United States to what is today's Oklahoma , thousands of Indians dying from disease and starvation along the way.


It was the largest and most powerful group in the west. The Santee Sioux lived along the northeastern edge of the Great Plains in what is now the state of Minnesota. They signed treaties with the government giving up ninety percent of their land. The Santee agreed to live in a small area.


However, the deprivation of identity and pride has turned out to be devastating for the native people, who are now trying to recover some of their traditions by reviving rituals such as the Sun Dance and to re-learn their language in native-run schools.


A core theme of US experience in developing the west is the forcible relocation of Native Americans through atrocities such as the 1831 " Trail of Tears ", during which the Choctaw, Cherokee, Seminole and other nations were moved from the south-eastern part of the United States to what is today's Oklahoma , thousands of Indians dying from disease and starvation along the way.


更多网络解释与印第安人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Amazon 亚马逊河 | Amazonian 印第安人 | amazonite 天河石

American Indian:印第安人

他们有些跑不远便定居下来,成为今天阿拉斯加爱斯基摩人 (Eskimo) 的祖先;有些则跑远些,成了美、加的土著如印第安人 (American Indian). 到了约一万七千年前,他们的足迹已到达了南美洲. 大约 3,200 年前,其中一批亚洲移民在墨西哥湾海岸,

American Indian:美洲印第安人

吸烟的习惯最早起源于美洲印第安人(American Indian)部落. 古代印第安人在举行庄严的宗教仪式时,首领们手执烟斗吸烟,烟从口中吐向四方. 这种烟斗被称为卡梅特烟斗,是用白腊木做杆,饰以兽毛鸟羽,还使用一些大理石材料等. 使用这种烟斗是头领的特权,

American Indian Movement:美国印第安人运动

米恩斯(Russell Means)等人的领导下,在明尼苏达州成立了以明尼阿波利斯为中心,其他许多大城市、乡村和印第安人保留地设立分支的"美国印第安人运动"(American Indian Movement),为争取印第安人的基本民权、为阻止联邦政府在保留地开发资源而展开了

Antelope Canyon:印第安保护区 印第安的仙境--羚羊谷印第安人保护区

州立保护区 自然奇观--马蹄谷州立自然保护区Horseshoe Bend | 印第安保护区 印第安的仙境--羚羊谷印第安人保护区Antelope Canyon | 遍野荒蛮的断痕残壁--纪念碑谷印第安人保护区Monument Valley

Inter-American Indianist Congress:美洲印第安人大会

Inter-American Indian Institute,美洲印第安人事务研究所(印第... | Inter-American Indianist Congress,美洲印第安人大会,, | Inter-American Indigenous Congress on Natural Resources and the Environment,美洲自...


Didn't you ? 是吗? | Injun 印第安人(不礼貌的说法,带有歧视的意思) | Native Americans 印第安人 (现在对印第安人的称呼)

Native Americans:印第安人 (现在对印第安人的称呼)

Injun 印第安人(不礼貌的说法,带有歧视的意思) | Native Americans 印第安人 (现在对印第安人的称呼) | Behind The Scenes 特别收录

blanket Indian:[美]毛毡裹身的印第安人(指印第安人保留其民族服装的习俗)

rawness 生, 无经验 | blanket Indian [美]毛毡裹身的印第安人(指印第安人保留其民族服装的习俗) | computation mechanics 计算力学

blanket Indian:毛毡裹身的印第安人(指印第安人保留其民族服装的习俗)

blanket hemming machine || 毛毯缝边机 | blanket Indian || 毛毡裹身的印第安人(指印第安人保留其民族服装的习俗) | blanket insurance || 综合保险,总括保险