英语人>词典>汉英 : 印数 的英文翻译,例句
印数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与印数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the set of type, or you can consider the paper cutting bit larger, so that both ends of the empty part of the paper Wick portion of the water.


You can improve your ability to visualize imaginatively by speaking out loud your inner impressions to a tape recorder, or to another person.


The total number for print copies has reached 10.84 billion with the saleroom of the entire publishing system reaching to 9 billion yuan.


If you are using ratooning PS version made of plates, especially in larger print, can clearly feel this change.


Zheng Yuanjie ◆: 50 after the writers, founded in 1985 so far "King of Fairy Tales" half months, all published One person works Zheng Yuanjie, founded 21 years the total print run of books Yu Yi.


For example: great-looking packaging decoration products, high-set of the journals and products.


Finally, you will not waste time and money printing hundreds of web pages.


For example, size problem to offsctdruckereien point of view, the greater the number of celebrity…, the better, because the same set of products can be more, and flexography is not, efficiency depends on the machine speed, in parts of the appropriate size, size 小意 to use low-cost, small size, from roll to die-drum is plate, tape, seihan fees naturally had; size also means that the cumulative operation error gets smaller, quality control is easy.


Very short set up times and fast changeovers between functions make the further processing and finishing of small and mid-sized print runs profitable.


Her art takes the form of drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, books, performance, sound, video, jewelry, and costume design, among others.


更多网络解释与印数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在英国,有一部著作,引及>多处(据云七十余处)并注云:篇幅如此"重"(heavy) 的学术论著,三月连出三版,印数高达一万七千,实印刷史上罕见之例. 我们失散以前,每日晚饭后,情意悠闲,风日晴淑,例至校外散步,直走到墙子河畔为度,


Ⅰ 凸版(relief)中的Ⅱ 凹版(intaglio)中的Ⅲ 平版(planography) 中的Ⅳ 孔版(stencil print)中的原作作品左下角标明印数与印张,印数编号(edition number)一般是用阿拉伯数字的分数形式写成的,如32/99,即此画共印制了99张,这一张是第32张.


Ⅰ 凸版(relief)中的Ⅱ 凹版(intaglio)中的Ⅲ 平版(planography) 中的Ⅳ 孔版(stencil print)中的版画原作作品左下角标明印数与印张,印数编号(edition number)一般是用阿拉伯数字的分数形式写成的,如32/99,即此画共印制了99张,这一张是第32张.

Publish Date:出版时间

Publish Date 出版时间 ~J:cod | Impression of per Title 每选题印数 50000 =l7@YCj5c | Expected Press 待选出版社 JDp"!x{O

unprinted page:白页

underrun 印数不足 | unprinted page 白页 | unprinted leaf 白页

Walt Whitman:瓦尔特.惠特曼

1.>(Leaves of Grass),瓦尔特.惠特曼(Walt Whitman)著,被誉为"美国的第二次独立宣言",1855年第一版,惠特曼个人出资,亲自监督了整个印制过程,甚至还亲手选定了字体,印数仅有795本,现存世量极少,175,000美元.

overs:(一令纸中)补加纸张, 超越印数

a free fight 混战 | overs (一令纸中)补加纸张, 超越印数 | fluid transmission 流体变速机, 液力传动系

job office paper:印书纸

印数number of runs | 印书纸job office paper | 印实地时成块脱墨pull up

job office paper:中文:印书纸

中文:印数number of runs | 中文:印书纸job office paper | 中文:印实地时成块脱墨pull up

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:鲁拜集

7.<<鲁拜集>>(Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam),奥马尔.迦亚谟(Omar Khayyam)著,爱德华.菲兹杰拉德(Edward Fitzgerald)译,世界文学中最著名的长诗之一,英语文学中最伟大的翻译作品之一,1859年第一版,当年印数只有250本,流传下来的可谓凤毛麟角,