英语人>词典>汉英 : 印刷术 的英文翻译,例句
印刷术 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
printing  ·  algraphy

art of printing
更多网络例句与印刷术相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"This could be almost as significant as the invention of the printing press in the sense that a great mass of information is going to be made available much more readily to people all over the world," said Ronald Milne of Oxford University's library services.

"Google Print能让全世界的人更容易地获得大量信息。从这种程度上来说,它的重要性几乎能与印刷术的发明相提并论,"牛津大学图书馆服务负责人罗纳德·米尔恩说。

As one of the four greatest inventions of ancient China, block printing came into being 1,300 years ago.


In the time of the Tudors, English schools and universities were established to teach classical learning and humanistic ideas. William Caxton first introduced printing into England, making great contribution to spreading literature throughout the country .With the introduction of printing , an age of literary translation came into being .Many continental literary workd both ancient and modern were translated and printed in English .


Is invented in 1798 by the German actor and writer Aloys Senefelder, lithography came into its full artistic fruition in the 1890s with the color prints of Pierre Bonnard and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, among others.

平版印刷术,于1798年由德国演员兼作家Aloys Senefelder发明。直到19世纪90年代,平版印刷术被Pierre Bonnard与Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec等人运用于艺术彩印。至此,该印刷技艺在艺术的领域终开花结果。

The process of producing a heliotype.


A method of offset printing using photomechanical plates.


Chinese prints, after a thousand years of development, from woodcuts to the copper engraving, lithographs, from monochrome printing to color overprint by a single print religious literature to develop prints, prints Hua Pu, in areas such as print New Year by the text attached to the Illustrations to be relatively independent of the arts, has made brilliant achievements of ancient Chinese art has become an important part, but also any country in the world and prints pair with more than.


This course deals with the origin of books and libraries, ancient materials, bamboo and silk books, the invention and its spread of papers and printings, the structures of written books and printed books, the development of libraries from ancient times to modern times, etc.


Printing in China about the 7th century in the Early period there have been printed using printing book printing.

印刷术 中国约在公元7世纪的初唐时期就已出现采用雕版印刷术印制的书。

A process for printing from a smooth surface, as lithography or offset.


更多网络解释与印刷术相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


autographtosignone'snamesuperscription 题名 | autography 原纸石版印刷术 | autogyration 自旋转


autotune 自动调谐 | autotype 影印术,照相印刷术 | autovariance function 自方差函数

n. boldface:[印刷术]黑体的;粗体的

It was bold of him to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧着的房屋,真是勇敢. | n. boldface. [印刷术]黑体的;粗体的 | paragraph n. a group of lines of writing 段;节

William Caxton:威廉卡克斯顿,将印刷术引入英国的出版商

renaissance n.文艺复兴 | William Caxton 威廉卡克斯顿,将印刷术引入英国的出版商 | insular adj.海岛的


chromolithographic 石版或锌版套色印刷的 | chromolithography 石版印刷术 | chromomere 染色粒


chromolithographer /彩色石印师/ | chromolithography /彩石印刷术/ | chromoma /色素细胞癌/恶性黑色素瘤/


chromolithographic | 石版或锌版套色印刷的 | chromolithography | 石版或锌版套色印刷术 | chromomere | 染色粒, 染色体小粒

electron beam lithography:电子束石版印刷术

Electron Beam Fabrication 电子束制作 | Electron Beam Lithography 电子束石版印刷术 | Electron Camera 电子摄影机


1798年,奥国(今捷克的布拉格)人作曲家塞纳菲尔德(Alois Senefelder l771-1834) 发明石版印刷术(Lithography),利用水与脂肪互相反拨原理,在平面上印刷,是为 平版印刷术(Planography)的嚆矢.


1798年,奥国(今捷克的布拉格)人作曲家塞纳菲尔德(Alois Senefelder l771-1834) 发明石版印刷术(Lithography),利用水与脂肪互相反拨原理,在平面上印刷,是为 平版印刷术(Planography)的嚆矢.