英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡巴可 的英文翻译,例句
卡巴可 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

carbamylcholine chloride
更多网络例句与卡巴可相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To a large extent it is the natural outcome of the extraordinary hidden meaning ascribed by the Kabbala to the words of the Sacred Text, and in particular to the Divine names.


It is reported in this paper that diphenylcarbazone reacts with Hg in pH 2.2 in the presence of Tween─60 to form a purple complex with its absorption maximum at 486 nm. The existence of chloride will depress the absorption of the complex. The negative absorption will be proportional to the consistence of chloride.

摘要﹞ 在pH为2.2的酸性介质中,在吐温-60溶液的存在下,Hg与二苯卡巴形成紫色的配合物,其最大吸收波长为486 nm,氯离子的存在可使原紫色配合物吸光度降低,其负吸光度与氯离子浓度成正比。

Luckily, by that time, Clark's own heart seemed to have fully recovered. In February 2006, Dr. Victor Tsang of Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, Yacoub and other doctors removed Clark's donor heart.


The result of the study shows that every single piece has its own title and implied style which inspires children's imagination towards music. Besides, the length of music is often kept within 48 measures, which is short enough to maintain children's attention during practicing and performing. The spreading range of fingers is set within sixth during the music, which suits children's palm shape. Also, the music is mainly based on ternary form which provides a simple structure with motivated composing strategies of repetition and sequence. All the above shows that he successfully grasped the characteristics of beginner and intermediate piano learners and adopted the regularity and pure nature of music in composition which tends to attract children's interests.


Three of the most important sites in the proposed corridor are the Estero del Soldado, in Guaymas, and Marismas Nacionales and Marismas Las Cabras to the south. Punta Lobo, where the Yaqui lives, is an area that Conservation International also hopes to include in the project.


For example, Nu and Had are thought to correspond with the Tao and Teh of Taoism, Shakti and Shiva of the Hindu Tantras, Shunyata and Bodhicitta of Buddhism, Ain Soph and Kether in the Qabalah.

比如,有人认为Nu和Had两个神对应各个文化里同一事物的两种表现形式:道家的&道&,印度教的湿婆神(Shakti、Shiva,前者可泛指女神的配偶)、佛教的空性(Shunyata、Bodhicitta,后面一词是菩提心)、卡巴拉的Ain Soph和Kether。

In this study,the muscarinic current was induced by carbachol(50 umol/ L) or GTPYB(0.5 mmol/L).The results showed that hyposmotic superfusate(202mOsmol/ L) increased carbachol-induced current by 145士27%and increased GTPYS-induced current by 183士30%;but in the presence of cytochalasirr B(cyt- B,20 umol/ L),an actin cytoskeleton disrupter,posmotic membrane stretch increased 1CC6 by 70士6%.However,hypos motic membrane tretch induced increase in 1CC6 was potentiated to 545士81% by phalloidin(20 umol/ L),an actin microfilament stabilizer.

当豚鼠胃窦平滑肌细胞的膜电位钳制在一20 m V时,灌流液中50umol/ L卡巴胆碱(carbachol , CCh)或电极内液中0.5 mmol/L GTPYS均可引导毒覃碱电流,2 m Os mol/ L分别使其增加145士27%和183士30;当电极内液中加入20 umol/ L的细胞松弛B时,低渗牵张使1 cce只增加70士6;而电极内液中加入20 umol/ L的鬼笔环肤则使Icce增加了545士81。

Selected SMCs showed contractility stimulated by 10-5 mol/L carbachol and were recruited to endothelial lumen-like structure.

筛选到的平滑肌细胞在10-5 mol/L卡巴可刺激下出现明显收缩,且能够募集到内皮管腔样结构周围。

Barker is synchronized code in digital communication. In this paper, design methods of barker 7 data transmitting card arc presented. The application background of Barker are introduced. The used methods of MCU 80C196KB and CPLD EPM7128SLC are set forth. Transmitting card is designed and implemented by using interface circuit and above-mentioned chips. The control process of barker 7 is introduced under PC parallel-port EPP mode. The partial design circuit is given, the cards is proved to achieve the generation and output of 7 Barker through practice. it can satisfy testing requirements of a certain Russian-made airborne product.


The King of Cappadocia had ever a lying tongue, but he is no true


更多网络解释与卡巴可相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Simone Barone:中 场 巴罗内

卡利亚里失去阿夸弗雷斯卡,引入的内内(Anderson Miguel Da Silva, 昵称Nene上季为葡萄牙国民队攻入20球)实力同样不俗,另外从克罗地亚哈久克俱乐部引入的中场布尔克亚卡(Mario Brkljaca万)以及前都灵中场巴罗内(Simone Barone)均可为卡利亚里的中


卡马兰岛 Kamaran I. | 坎巴 Kamba | 坎巴可塔 Kambakota

Kata Beach:卡塔海滩

之后前往卡塔海滩,(Kata Beach)的规模比起巴通和卡隆可就要小许多,长度在普吉岛排名第六. 不过,在海湾接近南边的海域有漂亮的珊瑚礁群,加上这段海湾风浪较小,海水清,适宜游泳和浮潜,成了卡塔海滩最迷人的地方. 游览过两个海滩后,


"马可尼"(MARCONI)级:"巴拉卡"(BARACCA)号,"比安奇"(BIANCHI)号,"达芬奇"号,"马拉斯皮纳"号,"马可尼"号,"托雷利"号. "马切洛"(MARCELLO)级:"巴尔巴里戈"号,"当多罗"(DANDOLO)号,"埃莫"(EMO)号,"马切洛


可引用十七世纪法国思想家 - 巴斯卡(Pascal)说过的一句话 :可引用十七世纪法国思想家 - 巴斯卡(Pascal)说过的一句话 :可引用十七世纪法国思想家 - 巴斯卡(Pascal)说过的一句话 :可引用十七世纪法国思想家 - 巴斯卡(Pascal)说

carbacidometer:大气碳酸计 碳酸计

carbachol 氯化氨基甲酰胆碱 卡巴可 卡可林 氨甲酰胆硷 | carbacidometer 大气碳酸计 碳酸计 | carbadipimidine 卡巴咪嗪

carbanilic acid:苯氨基甲酸

carbamylcholine chloride 氨甲酰胆硷,卡巴可,氯化氨基甲酰胆碱 | carbanilic acid 苯氨基甲酸 | carbanion addition 阴碳离子加成作用


离体实验亦证明此药能松弛支气管平滑肌,可对抗卡巴胆碱(carbachol)或组胺引起的支气管痉挛. 麻醉时咽喉保护性反射一般不消失,舌后坠与喉痉挛较少发生,所以易于保持呼吸道通畅. 氯胺酮的这种支气管松弛作用可能是其拟交感神经作用的结果.


亚运会的运动项目不仅包括足球、体操等举世闻名且广受欢迎的项目,还包括有着悠久历史渊源的亚洲地 区特有项目,如藤球(11世纪在东南亚各国已有记载)、韩国武术跆拳道(其部分可追溯至公元前520年左右的中国拳击术)、印度传统运动卡巴迪 (Kabaddi),以及有着5000


"马可尼"(MARCONI)级:"巴拉卡"(BARACCA)号,"比安奇"(BIANCHI)号,"达芬奇"号,"马拉斯皮纳"号,"马可尼"号,"托雷利"号. "马切洛"(MARCELLO)级:"巴尔巴里戈"号,"当多罗