英语人>词典>汉英 : 博大精深 的英文翻译,例句
博大精深 的英文翻译、例句


broad and profound · have extensive knowledge and profound scholarship · extensive and profound
更多网络例句与博大精深相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So it's necessary to compile some all-pervading reading matters and add them into the course system of middle and primary schools.


Similar to the any kind of sport culture form of the world, it all be placed in continuously abundant renewal and development process.


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And the economy Burma was the breadbasket of Asia, it was known for its intellectual people, its wonderful culture and now it is just in total shambles.


Like a bright night-shining jewel, Traditional Chinese painting is the best annotation to the broadness and deepness of the Chinese tradition culture.


Extensive and profound Chinese cu lture breed and perfect but original Chinese aesthstic theory, the calligraphist has used these to accumulate , fully show their peculiar aesthetic consciousnes s in the artistic expression of the calligraphy, have formed the unique artistic style of calligraphies .


And the subject has be appeared and recognize on the governmental media and the network of the police, censorate and law department, all these would be incarnated the democracy and enlightened course of the government adequately.


Welcome the foreigners to learn the chinese traditional dance, and know more about the chinese culture.


The theoretical visual angle of native folk in modern novels not only reveals the relationship between native folk, clerisy and national ideology,but also shows that the native folk containing large and scholarly contents takes part in the construction of modern literature rather than passively manifests,it has a notable impact on the development of modern literature.


Yesanpo Geopark is situated in Laishui County of Hebei Province, covering an area of about 600km~2 , main scenic spots 258km~2 . Yesanpo geopark is a wonderland gifted by nature, characterized by its One-Hundred-Li structural erosion gorge area, Gantry days related faults granite gorge area, Ming and Qing Great Wall, cliffside carvings culture heritages with great scientific and tourist significance.


更多网络解释与博大精深相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

profound and abstruse:精微深奥

插科打諢 comic parts | 精微深奧 profound and abstruse | 博大精深 extensive and profound

to carry forward:发扬光大

精神文明: spiritual civilization | 发扬光大: to carry forward | 博大精深: to have extensive and profound ideas

Kung Fu:功夫

而"功夫"(Kung Fu)是什么呢,"功夫"(Kung Fu)是黑头发、黄皮肤的你无论走到世界的哪个地方,其他民族都不敢对你侧目的一面旗帜. 诚然,中华武术博大精深,绝不是"功夫"(Kung Fu)二字就能简单代表的. 但仅仅"功夫"(Kung Fu)二字,


前面已经提到美国人认为膳食补充剂就是来自天然食品和草药(herbs)、具有扼制疾病的生理功能和产品. 在我国,关于中药材已有专门机构和专业,进行博大精深的研究,无庸营养学插手. 但值得注意的倒是87种"既是食品又是药品"一类物品[10],

Karl marx:卡尔?马克思

一、>,卡尔 马克思(Karl Marx)著,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局译>(Das Kapital)是马克思的著名著作,该著作揭示了资本运行的一般规律,是一部融哲学、政治经济学、科学社会主义为一体,博大精深的百科全书,

on the brink of extinction:灭绝边缘

Sustainable development 可持续发展 | On the brink of extinction 灭绝边缘 | Great and profound 博大精深

English speech contest:英语演讲比赛

(2)韩梅在英语演讲比赛(English Speech Contest)中获第一名,Mr brown赞扬地英语丰富多彩,中国文化更是博大精深,因此学习外语必须重视文化差异. 中国人见面习惯问"你吃过饭了吗?","干啥去?"或"上哪里去?":而英国人见面习惯总喜欢说"Lovely Weather,

a magnificent upsurge:波澜壮阔

充分调动和凝聚 fully mobilize and rally | 波澜壮阔 a magnificent upsurge | 博大精深 extensive and profound


如果真有翻译得信、达、雅的汉语词汇替代,何愁民众不用,像"电话"取代"德律风"(telephone),"维生素"取代"维他命"(vitamin)等等就是明证. 更何况,汉语从古到今不知吸纳了多少外来词汇,汉语的丰富多彩乃至整个中华文化的博大精深,

long-standing and well-established:源远流长

37. 博大精深 both extensive and profound | 38. 源远流长 long-standing and well-established | 39. 诸子百家 the masters' hundred schools