英语人>词典>汉英 : 十五世纪 的英文翻译,例句
十五世纪 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Precursor to the great galleon of later centuries, the Grande Carrack is a superior version of the Carrack, used in the late 15th century and early 16th century.


Scholasticism went into desuetude in the fifteenth century, but it was revived in the sixteenth century.


It occurred about 1420 BC, since records exist of "Habiru" invasions of Canaan forty years later - this theory fits well the modern idea that the historical persona of Moses was the early 15th century BC Crown Prince of Egypt called Ramose, who also disappeared from Egyptian records around the time of Queen Hatshepsut's death


Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children.


The seal on the flag has two important symbols: the mountain is a depiction of Triglav, Slovenia's highest mountain, while the three six pointed stars are taken from the Counts of Celje's coat of arms, a powerful Slovene dynastic house during the 14th to 15th centuries.


He was active in the last ten years of the fifteenth century as a master of stained glass designs.


The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries witnessed the struggles of the Thomist School on various points of doctrine.


During the XIV and XV centuries, Italy was one of the richest and progressed country in the world.


Monastic communities are to the great social community what the mistletoe is to the oak, what the wart is to the human body. Their prosperity and their fatness mean the impoverishment of the country.


The one clear fact which seems to result alike from the statutes of several German Synods in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as also from books of devotion of a somewhat later date, is that the midday ringing, while often spoken of as a peace bell and formally commended by Louis XI of France in 1475 for that special object, was closely associated with the veneration of the Passion of Christ.


更多网络解释与十五世纪相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


它在19世纪初是一种应用广泛的建筑材料(图811、1018),后来为钢材(STEEL)和钢骨水泥(FERROCONCRETE)所代替. 庄严圣像(MAEST ) 意大利语,意为"庄严". 十四世纪和十五世纪时用来表现圣母子在其天国随从(圣徒和使徒)的簇拥下升座(图487).

Mogul Empire:莫卧儿帝国

至十六世纪,亚格伯大帝出,建设莫卧儿帝国(Mogul empire). 于是拉吉普特诸王国及全印度,殆全归其管领. 但此大帝又不能久持其势力. 至十五世纪以降,欧洲人遂殖民于此,葡萄牙人、荷兰人、法人、英人等陆续而来,持其本国之力,次第发展.


没有什么东西与多那太罗(Donatello)的雕塑或西纽雷利(Signorelli)的绘画或米开朗基罗设计的正立面有任何关系. 本质上,"十五世纪"(Quattrocento)是与同时代的哥特风格而不是其他东西有关. 古代希腊的阿波罗类型是受到了埃及肖像画或早期托斯卡纳的埃特鲁斯坎墓穴绘画的表现方式的"影响",

Standard Schnauzer:标准史纳莎

历史 迷你史纳莎系出现代史纳莎家族,成员包括标准史纳莎(Standard Schnauzer)及巨型史纳莎(Giant Schnauzer). 十五世纪时,原产於德国,它是由标准史纳莎与另一种小型犬交配而成,再养於室内,经过长期的改良成为现在的模样. 到了十九世纪其体型才固定.

Citrus aurantium:酸橙

这些柑橘大多是不同品种的"甜橙"(Citrus sinensis),在十五世纪时才由葡萄牙人从印度引进欧洲,很快的就取代了在十一世纪引进的,带有苦味的"酸橙"(Citrus aurantium).


十六天魔 SHIH LIU T'IEN MO | 十五、十六世纪所用的节拍法 TACTUS | 时机 TIMING

concert overture:乐会序曲

浪漫时期发展出音乐会序曲(Concert Overture),是一种独立的管弦乐作品. 叙事曲(Ballata 法)十二、十三世纪指游吟诗人唱的一种歌曲,常伴以舞蹈. 十三世纪后逐渐演变为只歌不舞的独唱曲. 十四、十五世纪在法国、西班牙等地成为独唱曲的总称.

Parallel fifths:平行五度

34:平行五度 (parallel fifths) 乐曲的两个声部隔开纯五度作平行进行. 十五世纪以来,在对位与和声上都规定应避免平行 ...原来单是听音乐过门,就 可欣赏到编曲者或作曲者的功力了. 在整首歌终结之前,大多有一段作完结的纯音乐 (ending).比如将歌的 最后一句重复一次,

Illuminating Ancient Tarots:启蒙塔罗(十五世纪塔罗)

ibis Tarot ibis塔罗 | Illuminating Ancient Tarots 启蒙塔罗(十五世纪塔罗) | Olympus Tarot 奥林匹斯塔罗

Benedict XV:本笃十五世

在同一左侧廊里,教宗本笃十五世(Benedict XV)立了一座献予和平之后圣母的纪念雕像. 中殿拱壁拱门(apsidal arch)上的镶嵌画,是廿世纪重新修复的,画中有<<默示录>>提到的24位长老,他们正朝拜天主的羔羊;画中还有耶路撒冷和白冷这两座别具象征意义的城邑.