英语人>词典>汉英 : 区域扫描 的英文翻译,例句
区域扫描 的英文翻译、例句


sector scanning
更多网络例句与区域扫描相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, we research the imaging problems beneath volcanic area. We sort common asymptotic conversion point gathers and perform velocity analysis to establish the initial velocity which will be used in PSTM. By scanning migration velocity and V p/ V s, we get the optimum migration velocity and


Methods 65 patients were scanned in brain with magnetic resonance spectroscopy,the location and the size of region of interesting and other scanning parameters values (FOV,frequency matrix,phase matrix,saturate cingulum,etc.) were changed intentionally,the values of full width at half maxium and water suppression lever were recorded.A preliminary evaluation of the resulted waves and the relationship between the parameters data and the quality of the MRS waves were probed.


Objective To explore the effects on images from the space location of spectrum and scanning parameters,and summarize the technological essential and application hints.Methods 65 patients were scanned in brain with magnetic resonance spectroscopy,the location and the size of region of interesting and other scanning parameters values (FOV,frequency matrix,phase matrix,saturate cingulum,etc.) were changed intentionally,the values of full width at half maxium and water suppression lever were recorded.A preliminary evaluation of the resulted waves and the relationship between the parameters data and the quality of the MRS waves were probed.

目的 观察波谱空间定位和扫描参对图像质量的影响,并初步小结应用要点方法对65例头颅检查的受检者行磁共振波谱扫描,有目的地改变感兴趣区域的位置、小和其他参数设置(FOV、频率矩阵、相位矩阵、预饱和带等),记录预扫描后系统显示的半高宽、水抑制程度等数值,并对扫描后显示的图像质量进行初步评价,探讨些数值与波谱质量之间的关系。

objective to explore the effects on images from the space location of spectrum and scanning parameters,and summarize the technological essential and application hints.methods 65 patients were scanned in brain with magnetic resonance spectroscopy,the location and the size of region of interesting and other scanning parameters values (fov,frequency matrix,phase matrix,saturate cingulum,etc.


objective to explore the effects on images from the space location of spectrum and scanning parameters'and summarize the technological essential and application hints.methods 65 patients were scanned in brain with magnetic resonance spectroscopy'the location and the size of region of interesting and other scanning parameters values (fov'frequency matrix'phase matrix'saturate cingulum'etc.

目的 观察波谱空间定位和扫描参数对图像质量的影响,并初步小结应用要点。方法对65例头颅检查的受检者行磁共振波谱扫描,有目的地改变感兴趣区域的位置、大小和其他参数设置(fov、频率矩阵、相位矩阵、预饱和带等),记录预扫描后系统显示的半高宽、水抑制程度等数值,并对扫描后显示的图像质量进行初步评价,探讨这些数值与波谱质量之间的关系。

In order to improve scan precision of the laser galvanometer scan system, especially when scan area is large, the reasons of graphic distortion are analyzed in this paper when the laser galvanometer scan system is running, and the whole bag of compensating tricks are put forward for every reason of corresponding graphic distortion.


Firstly,3D point clouds produced by 3D laser scanner are converted into polygon mesh.Then,normal vectors and areas of every polygon mesh are computed and some candidate regions are obtained using region dilation strategy.Finally,the 3D laser scanning data is segmented into regions of similar orientation after the elimination of the insignificant regions.


In addition, the preparation and package and store for standard reference materials of antioxidant BHT are studied.


Do you need Area OR Line Scan?


You may also read some of the scanner, especially at the low end of the scanner, use additional file input device to get the larger nanomorphology area, and the entire scan Board area only 8.5X11 inches.


更多网络解释与区域扫描相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aspect Ratio:画面比例

r)2 x画面比例(Aspect Ratio)转换器2 x影像解调器(Video Trans coder)2 x标志插入器(Logo Inserter)多种转换(Conversion)和扫描(Scaling)功能集於一身所有的影像输入皆具备同步锁定(Genlock)功能可放大(Zooming)画面中的某个区域到1000%,


之后是更新基本数据(Updating thedatabase)(第一次使用更新速度无比缓慢),终于可以使用卡巴斯基在线扫描专业版英文版. 选择检测对象,包括关键区域(critcalareas)、我的计算机(my computer)、文件(folder)等,选择完成后就会马上开始进行查毒操作.


译者)安装在可动的平衡环(gimbal)上,因此可以通过转动天线扫描不同的区域或是跟踪移动的目标. 通过装备的脉冲多普勒系统,雷达可以显示每一个目标的移动方向--原理是:反射回来的电磁波的频率的变化,可以反映目标是向着、还是背离雷达运动.

Paper Size:纸张类型

选择了 HP Scanjet 5590 TWAIN 以后,可以选择他的颜色模式(Mode)、纸张类型(Paper Size)、分辨率(Dots Per Inch)、区域(Area). 选择好了以后按扫描(Scan)按钮,进行预览扫描

prefrontal cortex:前额叶皮质

研究发现,加或减的不同想法会在大脑"前额叶皮质"(prefrontal cortex)的两个区域表现出不同的活动模式,在他们实际执行运算也有类似的表现. 如果把扫描到的"内侧前额叶皮质"(medial prefrontal cortex)部分的活动模式也纳入分析中,



scan area:扫描区域

扫描器 (Scanner) 一种电子设备,用于扫描条码符号并生成与符号的条扫描区域 (Scan Area) 期望包含信号的区域. 扫描序列 (Scanning Sequence) 一种通过扫描条码菜单为条码阅读系统编程或配置参数的方法.

Scanning system:扫描系统

在压电式多点触控的运算流程中,通过扫描系统(scanning system)侦测触控点信息,通过滤波器先将原始数据中的背景噪声消除,界定触控的区域范围并得到有效触控面积后,可以进一步计算出重心位置,经过DSP作运算处理判断是否合并成为坐标.



scannable resume:可扫描的回复

"扫瞄器","scanistor" | "可扫描的回复","scannable resume" | "已扫描的区域","scanned area"