英语人>词典>汉英 : 包袱 的英文翻译,例句
包袱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与包袱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The problem is that when code is merged together, and everyone adds their own name, people couldn't advertize without listing potentially hundreds of people – making this completely clause impractical as software scaled.


The project is a financial albatross from the start.


To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment; cling.


To attach oneself as a dependent or an impediment ;cling.


He began to feel that she was a disagreeable attachment.


It is also typical of a secretive and authoritarian state founded on Marxist-Leninist principles, even one that has discarded most of its ideological baggage, suggests Gérémie Barmé, an Australian historian.

澳大利亚历史学家Gérémie Barmé则认为,这也是建立在马克思列宁主义的原则基础上的一个隐秘和专制国家的典型做法,即便这个政府现在已经甩掉了它的大部分思想包袱,依然如此。

This set of unplugged time, although the house like the two men into their world, but this is the music he most truly side, each musician is not necessarily bright luster present in front of you, perhaps re - This course of time the state, the audience unknowingly became the music of the burden, perhaps to herself, could not see so clearly is not absolutely not what we want, than generous to show the real side of it, there is no burden exists, in the milli - No binding of the state, are more likely to inspire boundless creativity, imagination in the music.


Someone says, this story actually reflects our life: Before 20 years old, we are bearing a lot of living pressures, burden under the expectations of family, teacher, oneself is not enough for either ripely, ability is insufficient, so the stride is unavoidable and unstable. 20 years old later, leave everybody's pressure, unload the burden, begin to pursue one's own dream wholeheartedly, have so passed for 20 years happily.


We have to go through a great deal of pain and suffering until we figure out that we are creating pain from our own emotional baggage and the way to get rid of the pain is to release the baggage.


We have to go through a great deal of pain and suffering until we figure out that we are creating pain from our own emotional baggage and the way to get rid of the pain is to release the baggage.


更多网络解释与包袱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


只要在>中找得到,只要是>强调的,我们也应强调不过"称义","代罪"(substitution),"挽回"(propitiation),"赎罪"(atonement),"买赎"(ransom)及"不再定罪"(no more condemnation)等观念,不是西方教会的文化包袱,


(4) 此活动需教师抛开既定课程包袱,从无到有,由类似归纳法(inductive method)的形式统合知识. 统整的知识越多则越困难,亦较冒险. 但此活动能加强对教师如何处理课程、课程与学习者的关系等的警觉性(awareness),是一个颇为必须的步骤.

be in the wrong:理亏

51.沉重的包袱 a millstone around one's neck | 52.理亏 be in the wrong | 53.除非太阳打西边出来 till gigs can fly

Carrington, Lord:卡宁顿勋爵

carpet-bagger 包袱客 | Carrington, Lord 卡宁顿勋爵 | carrying trade 货运

gimmick, stunt:噱头;掉包袱

相声 cross-talk | 噱头;掉包袱 gimmick, stunt | 夜猫子 night people; night-owls

I was of a mind to lay your burden down:我想过卸下你的包袱

Once upon a time 曾经有一次 | I was of a mind to lay your burden down 我想过卸下你的包袱 | Leave you where you stood 把你留在你站着的那个地方

Pay up or pack up:有钱给钱,没钱收拾包袱,滚

8. 警恶惩*,维护世界和平这个任务就交给你了 The duty of upholding world peace an... | 9. 有钱给钱,没钱收拾包袱,滚! Pay up or pack up! | 10. 记忆是痛苦的根源,你能不记得算是福气了 Memories can be painful. ...

stand-up comedy:单口相声

黄西:从形式上美式"单口相声"(Stand up comedy)与中国单口相声相似,但表演方式却不同. 美国的comedy从19世纪马克.吐温开始,有着100多年的历史. 它讲的是一个接一个地抖包袱,让观众笑不停,而中国的单口相声则看重铺垫,铺垫足够了再抖包袱.

take sth off your hand:帮你卸掉包袱

do i look the part ,do i fit the part 我看上去得体吗,我适合吗 | take sth off your hand 帮你卸掉包袱 | stand for 容忍

He's footloose and fancy-free:他没有(家庭、感情上的)包袱

That was some fancy footwork.那真是个妙计 | He's footloose and fancy-free.他没有(家庭、感情上的)包袱 | She has a foot in both camps.她两边都吃得开