英语人>词典>汉英 : 包容一切的 的英文翻译,例句
包容一切的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与包容一切的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I love you. I can accommodate you all.


After this, also will do not have the successful case that can consult, because do not have any industries to resemble Internet industry such, such change multiterminal, not abide is groovy, so baronial to can include everything.


We want to explore what our uniqueness is in a world that is advocating tolerance and all inclusiveness.


The point is be to as inclusive as possible, taking a full inventory of what could go wrong at each step of the process as it actually exists.


"Love is always patient and kind It is never jealous Love is never boastful nor unconsidered It is never rude or selfish It does not take offence and it is not resentful Love takes no pleasure in other people's delights and truth It is always ready to excuse To trust To hope And to endure whatever comes"----What Is Love?


Our hands and beingness would be attuned to accept this all-inclusive healing spectrum , simply by being there .

我们的手和 beingness 将顺应接受这种包容一切的愈合谱,所要做的仅仅暂时的。

Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.


All-inclusive resorts are also very popular destinations for second honeymoons; check once you book to see if the resort offers a special second honeymoon package.


In the depths of the earth I saw innumerable powers in motion, and multiplying to infinity; whilst upon its surface, and beneath the heavens, there teemed ten thousand varieties of living creatures.


"No contending" is related to tenderness,perseverance, tolerance and the spirit of not being the trailblazer.


更多网络解释与包容一切的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


笑) 宇宙人体系: 弗利萨(FRIEZA):因为是所有宇宙人的老大,所以是能包容一切食物的冰箱(FREEZER) 古拉(COOLER):制冷机 格尔多大王(KING COLD):因为是冰箱的爸爸,所以是冷王 邱夷(KUWI):因为是死在蔬菜王子手上的...(因此短笛在剧场版里受不了悟饭的口哨声?

an innocence endures:你的天真无邪可以把一切包容

with a beauty that is pure 美丽而纯洁 | an innocence endures 你的天真无邪可以把一切包容 | you flow right through me like a medicine 你如天使一般穿过心灵治愈着我


笑)宇宙人体系:弗利萨(FRIEZA):因为是所有宇宙人的老大,所以是能包容一切食物的冰箱(FREEZER)格尔多大王(KING COLD):因为是冰箱的爸爸,所以是冷王邱夷(KUWI):因为是死在蔬菜王子手上的角色,所以都是水果,


用理论的语言来说,就是带标记(marked)的不带标记(unmarked)之间的区别. 所谓不带标记的称谓往往给人以中性的、权威的、包容一切的、不容置疑的幻觉,从而掩盖其中的性别政治. "女作家"这种带标记的称谓则不可能是中性的、权威的和不容置疑的.

Will be a tatter'd weed, of small worth held:将成为无用褴褛的丧衣

Thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now,只要着眼于此,你虚傲的华... | Will be a tatter'd weed of small worth held: 将成为无用褴褛的丧衣: | Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies,若问何处包容你一切之...


然而,这一前现代式的、包容一切的、其成员盲目认可的"礼俗社会"(Gemeinschaft)的理念明显与复杂的、充斥着冲突的大规模工业社会不相适应. 在<<正义的诸领域>>中,沃泽尔以印度的种姓制度作为按自己标准存在的非自由社会的例证,"在那里,