英语人>词典>汉英 : 勒住马 的英文翻译,例句
勒住马 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rein  ·  reined  ·  reining

rein in a horse
更多网络例句与勒住马相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

From Tara, Brent drew his horse to a stop under a clump ofdogwood. Stuart halted, too, and the darky boy pulled up a few


One day in midsummer, when I was hoeing,a man who was carrying a load of pottery to market stopped his horse against my field and inquired concerning Wyman the younger.


So the horse, rather shabby, stood in an arrested prance in the boy's room


Having pulled up his horse he dismounted and walked up to us.


Rostov held in his horse, who seemed inspirited, as he was himself by the shots, and rode back at a walkingpace.


Carelessly holding in his horse, who neighed to get to his companions, and stamped with its foot, he looked at the squadron moving towards him.


Then, all of a sudden, he reined up his tired horse


They reined in in front of the post office.


Bout three months ago my cousin Bud, fourteen year old, was riding through the woods on t'other side of the river, and didn't have no weapon with him, which was blame' foolishness, and in a lonesome place he hears a horse a-coming behind him, and sees old Baldy Shepherdson a-linkin' after him with his gun in his hand and his white hair a-flying in the wind; and 'stead of jumping off and taking to the brush, Bud 'lowed he could outrun him; so they had it, nip and tuck, for five mile or more, the old man a-gaining all the time; so at last Bud seen it warn't any use, so he stopped and faced around so as to have the bullet holes in front, you know, and the old man he rode up and shot him down.


But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess, and earth round about cried fearfully, and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly: the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while, until the maiden Pallas Athene had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders.


更多网络解释与勒住马相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Make aright turn shortly beyond the village:村前不远处往右拐

5.The rider pulled his horse up short.骑手突然一下把马勒住. | Make aright turn shortly beyond the village.村前不远处往右拐. | 6.Please stand clear of the gate.请不要站在门前.

Hold your horses:勒住你的马(慢来)

hold the key to my heart 掌管我心灵的钥匙 | hold your horses 勒住你的马(慢来) | hang somebody out to dry 把......晾起来了(把......坑苦了)

Maginot line:马其诺防线

而且,把这种自由观当作防止极权主义威胁的最后一道防线也是颇为谨慎的,但问题是,这道"马其诺防线"(maginot line)最后能否守住?泰勒的回答是否定的. 其次,即使我们把霍布斯主义对自由的理解修改成对我本真的欲望的内在的或外在的障碍付之阙如的一种状态,

to pull together:重新振作

to pull through使度过难关 | to pull together 重新振作 | to pull up 勒住马

rein in:放慢

rein in a horse 勒住马 | rein in 放慢 | rein up a horse 猛然勒马

rein in a horse:勒住马

rein in a horse 勒住马 | rein in 放慢 | rein up a horse 猛然勒马


choker | 噎住的人, 使人窒息之物, 宽领带 | chokerman | 捆木工 | chokestrap | 勒马索

They reined in in front of the post office:他们在邮局前面勒住马

The table is to the left of the window. 桌子在窗子的左面... | They reined in in front of the post office. 他们在邮局前面勒住马. | The good harvest scene emerges in front of us. 丰收景象在我们面前展现出...

Strangulated hernia:绞窄性赫尼亚

(马)腺疫 strangles; adenitis equorum | 绞窄性赫尼亚 strangulated hernia | 绞窄;勒住 strangulation


①厄勒海峡(Oresund)是哥本哈根的瑞典的马尔摩(Malmo)之间的一条很狭的海峡,也是丹麦的大门. ④温得人(Vendiske)是住在德国境内的一个斯拉夫系民族. ⑦她是柯尔菲兹.乌尔菲德(CorfitsUlfeld)的妻子. 她因爱她的丈夫而被诬陷下狱,