英语人>词典>汉英 : 动机 的英文翻译,例句
动机 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
incentive  ·  inducement  ·  motif  ·  motivation  ·  motive  ·  signal  ·  motived  ·  motives  ·  motiving  ·  signaled  ·  signals  ·  incentives

reason for
更多网络例句与动机相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However there are some differences in the learning motivation in terms of different backgrounds:① The higher the academic degree holders, the lower the intensity of the learning motivation in self-development, social contact, family requirement and degree pursuing.② The students from town and villages show great motivation in Better Serving Society, however the students from cities pay more attention to the assessments from family and working company.③The intensity of the motivations in female students in pursuing knowledge, self-development and social contact are apparently stronger than male students.④With the increasing of age, the motivation intensity decreases in the aspects of self-development, career-development and competition or promotion. The students in the age of 40"s to 50"s pay more interests in educating children.⑤The motivation intensity in Better Serving Society, Avoid Failure in The Work and Better Educating Children decreases with the increasing of the income. Middle income class emphases more in promotion.⑥ The intensity of motivation in pursuing knowledge is very strong in state-worker and free-lancer. Teachers pay more attention to career development and the free-lancer emphasis in developing enterprises and self-expressing.


The study reveals that: 1 most of the professional mid-college students' English learning motivation is instrumental motivation or certificate motivation. 2 successful learners have intrinsic motivation.3unsuccessful learners have extrinsic motivation.4 both successful learners and unsuccessful learners spend nearly the same time learning English.


By means of SPSS13.0 software, the author makes analysis of these data, the study revealed that: 1 Most of the vocational college students'English learning motivation is instrumental motivation; efficient learners have intrinsic motivation; less-efficient learners have extrinsic motivation.


The study revealed that: 1 most of the vocational school students English learning motivation is instrumental motivation or certificate motivation. 2 successful learners have intrinsic motivation. 3 unsuccessful learners have extrinsic motivation. 4 both successful learners and unsuccessful learners spend nearly the same time learning EnglishSocial constructivism includes the following four schools of thought: humanism,cognition, constructivism and social interactionism.

调查结果表明:1 职业中专学生英语学习绝大多数是属于工具型动机或证书动机 2成功的英语学习者都具有内在动机 3不成功的英语学习者大部分具有外在动机。4成功的英语学习者与不成功的英语学习者在英语学习上所花时间没有明显差异。

Motivation can be described in two broad categories------intrinsic and extrinsic, both of them are important in learning procedure, but intrinsic motivation is the main factor.


Having studied the theory of motivation, the author induces the conception of motivation in this first part. He thinks that motivation is a land of cause or power which incites people to move, including personal intention, will psychological impulsion, and goal wanted to reach, The motivation of study is a kind of internal course or psychological state which stirs individual to study, maintains the action of study which has already been stirred up, and lead the action to the development of certain study goal.


In summary, this study provided the practical experience for other science teachers to think how to infuse picture-book into science instruction in order to promote students' motivation for learning science.


There are significant interplays between culture teaching and types of motivation, which are displayed in five aspects: 1 knowledge of custom versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively; 2 teaching communicative knowledge versus motivation of information medium and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively; 3 interactive teaching versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of social responsibility respectively; 4 teaching with modern technology versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, motivation of intrinsic interest and motivation of social responsibility; 5 cultural knowledge related with the contents of the textbook versus motivation of information medium, motivation of individual development, and motivation of intrinsic interest respectively.


I. e. conform and doing shopping type motive, pigeonholing and belonging to type motive, amusement and emotion type motive, practice that slowly and visiting friend type motive, friend-making and chasing the star type motive and exploring and bunting the strange motive, but the university student most main traveling motives are seeking knowledge motive, the slow pressure with the ownership motive, the entertainment and the emotion motive, practice and visits friends the motive.

结果 发现大学生旅游动机为六大类型,即从众与购物型动机、缓压与归属型动机、娱乐与情感型动机、实践与访友型动机、交友与追星型动机和探险与猎奇型动机,其中求知动机、缓压与归属动机、娱乐与情感动机、实践与访友动机是大学生最主要的旅游动机

The investigation consists of three parts: questionnaires on learning achievement motivation and self-attribution, and the relationship between learning achievement motivation and self-attribution.


更多网络解释与动机相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


44:主导动机 (Leitmotiv)瓦格纳的歌剧写作手法之一. 指以一个乐曲动机代表剧中的某一角色、情景、观念或事物. 如>中的"指环"动机、"神剑"动机等. 45:半音音阶 (chromatic scale)相邻二音的间距为"半音",谓之"半音音阶".

motive:动机 动机

二、动机 动机(motive)的原意是引起动作. 心理学上把引起个人行为、维持该行为并将此行为导向满足某种需要的欲望、愿望、信念等心理因素叫动机. 奥尔伯特(Allport)的价值观分类方法:经济型;审美型;社会型;政治型;宗教型.

Patronage motives:惠顾动机

动机有购买动机(buying Motives)及惠顾动机(patronage Motives).关于动机理论较有名的为马斯洛(Maslow)的五个需求层次说:惠顾动机(patron age motives)是为何顾客会反复不断的向某一公司购买,而不向其他公司购买,即是对此公司的商品有忠诚度(loyality)的,

precautionary motive:预防动机

(2)预防动机(Precautionary Motive)是指人们为了应付意外开支而持有货币的动机. 同样为收入的增函数. (3)投机动机(Speculative Motive)是指人们为了在货币与盈利性金融资产之间进行选择而保留货币的动机,这是它不同于古典经济学派的地方,

water motor alarm:水动机报警装置<喷水灭火装置之一

water mobile supply 移动式水源 | water motor alarm 水动机报警装置<喷水灭火装置之一 | water motor gong 水动机报警铃<水动机报警装置中由水动机驱动的报警铃

water motor transmitter:水动机发送机water motor 水动机

water motor proportioner 水动机比例混合器 | water motor transmitter 水动机发送机water motor 水动机 | water of crystallisation 结晶水

water motor proportioner:水动机比例混合器

water motor gong 水动机报警铃<水动机报警装置中由水动机驱动的报警铃 | water motor proportioner 水动机比例混合器 | water motor transmitter 水动机发送机

water motor gong:水动机报警铃<水动机报警装置中由水动机驱动的报警铃

water motor alarm 水动机报警装置<喷水灭火装置之一 | water motor gong 水动机报警铃<水动机报警装置中由水动机驱动的报警铃 | water motor proportioner 水动机比例混合器

primary motives:原始性动机

衍生性动机(secondary motives)虽系由原始性动机(primary motives)为基础,但一经成为某种行为的动机之后,常与其原来的基础动机脱离关系,而具有一个独立支配个体行为的功能,这种现象称为动机功能自主或又称为功能自主作用.

buying motives:购买动机

动机有购买动机(buying Motives)及惠顾动机(patronage Motives).关于动机理论较有名的为马斯洛(Maslow)的五个需求层次说:惠顾动机(patron age motives)是为何顾客会反复不断的向某一公司购买,而不向其他公司购买,