英语人>词典>汉英 : 动乱的 的英文翻译,例句
动乱的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与动乱的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The answer is easy, as long as this still have already exploited and oppressed in the world, there will be the beggarliness and inequalities, will stir up the disaffection and old grudges, will produce the consciousness appearance of publicize the violence and turmoil.


"The Great Cultural Revolution " the period that period is a big convulsion.


If you read this book, you will have a better understanding of the causes of the trouble.


The local people were strangely incurious about the cause of the political upheaval surrounding them.


They failed to localize the effect of the disturbance.


In these troubled days, let's be like Obadiah.


Of that figure, about 6,000 are expected to be posted in the southern part of Afghanistan, one of the most restive areas in the country.


This situation accounts, in part, for the turmoil in the world.


When markets are in turmoil, that's an opportunity to shift market share.

" "当市场动乱的,这是一个机会,能够将市场份额。

We live in an age of uncertainty.


更多网络解释与动乱的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

convulsionary:震动的, 抽搐的

convulsion | 震撼, 动乱, 震动, 惊厥, 痉挛 | convulsionary | 震动的, 抽搐的 | convulsions | 抽搐, 哄堂大笑, 社会动乱


198. figurehead: 名义领袖,傀儡. | 199. firebrand: 引起(社会或政治)动乱的人. | 200. flatterer: 谄媚者,奉承者.


198. figurehead: 名义领袖,傀儡. | 199. firebrand: 引起动乱的人. | 200. flatterer: 谄媚者,奉承者.

lessening their burden:减轻他们的负担

痲疯 leprosy | 减轻他们的负担 lessening their burden | 减轻发生动乱的机会 lessens the potential for unrest

It is unlikely to localize this disease:(把这种疾病控制在局部地区是不可能的. )

4.Localize v. 使局部化;使具地方性;集... | 1)It is unlikely to localize this disease.(把这种疾病控制在局部地区是不可能的. ) | 2)They failed to localize the effect of the disturbance.(他们没能使动乱的影响...

Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky's commotion:你在动乱的太空中掀起激流

Destroyer and presserver; hear, oh, hear! 是破坏者,有是保... | Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion 你在动乱的太空中掀起激流, | Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shedd, 那上面...

Time for some riotous living:这样动乱的年代

Not even once.|一次都没有 | Time for some riotous living,|这样动乱的年代 | for no one has any idea what's going to happen tomorrow.|没人知道明天会发生什么

storm cloud:动乱的局势

动力因/efficient cause | 动乱的局势/storm cloud | 动人的悲剧/high tragedy


troublesomely /令人心烦地/ | troublous /纷乱的/骚乱的/动乱不安的/ | trounce /打/痛打/严惩/

lessens the potential for unrest:减轻发生动乱的机会

涌上街pouring on to the streets | 减轻发生动乱的机会lessens the potential for unrest | 滋事分子trouble-makers