英语人>词典>汉英 : 加味于 的英文翻译,例句
加味于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flavor  ·  flavour  ·  flavored  ·  flavors

更多网络例句与加味于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was a child diagnosed carefully, through the fur pulse was found at the Yin and Yang Ju virtual child disease, Qi blood off, gas is not photo blood in the veins outside the overflow, whereby I use flavored ShengmaiYin, issued by traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions: Ginseng 6 g, Ophiopogon 6 grams, 9 grams of Schisandra, Astragalus 30 grams, 30 grams Agrimony, 37 powder 2 grams, 30 grams Red Kid, Ji Song fried out of traditional Chinese medicine extracting room service legislation.

我为小孩认真检查诊断,通过舌苔脉象发现此病儿处于阴阳俱虚,气虚血脱,气不摄血,溢于脉外,据此我用加味生脉饮,开具中药处方:人参6 克、麦冬6 克、五味子9 克、黄芪30 克、仙鹤草30 克、三七粉2 克、红孩儿30克,急送中药煎药室煎出立服。

Cattle eggs red: also known as "fimbristipula Hance's" leaf-shaped, 145,290, Hi negative plants growing in the backlight, overcast mountain crevice temperature in each year, picking the best time for the Dragon Boat Festival, its flavor with acid, which is rich in amino acids, can be used for tea kitchen, add sugar, tart moderate , is pure natural drinks, radicals can lower blood pressure, the rule bonesetter pain, bleeding, and so scattered, if chicken, ribs food, but also delicious and pleasant.


Methods:Adopt the principle of randomization.Treatment group:127 cases treated by self-made lithospermum oil modified for 5 days,5~6 times a day.


The work of "shegan mahuang decoction" reducing the content of IgE and NO neared to that of prednisone.


The medicine of "shegan mahuang decoction" was good for asthma.


Methods: NG108-15 cells were cultured in vitro at 37℃in a humidified atmospherecontaining 5%CO_2. Aβ_(25~35) fragment was dissolved with deionized distilledwater and aged for 4 days at 37℃. The cells were exposured to 5μmol/LAβ_(25~35) for 24h to establish the cell model. Twelve rabbits were divided intotwo groups at random, and garaged with MWD or physiological saline controlrespectively for 7 days to collect two kinds of cerebrospinal fluid, theyare CSF from rabbits treated with MWD and CSF from rabbits treated withphysiological saline.


You can buy papadums (large round spicy chips, sold in packs, ready to fry), flavored waters (rose, saffron and kevda for making desserts and savories), pulses, mustard oil, Bombay mix and, of course, spices.


Cattle eggs red: also known as "fimbristipula Hance's" leaf-shaped, 145,290, Hi negative plants growing in the backlight, overcast mountain crevice temperature in each year, picking the best time for the Dragon Boat Festival, its flavor with acid, which is rich in amino acids, can be used for tea kitchen, add sugar, tart moderate , is pure natural drinks, radicals can lower blood pressure, the rule bonesetter pain, bleeding, and so scattered, if chicken, ribs food, but also delicious and pleasant.


Catering industry, garlic spicy slightly acidic, hot and sour flavor, green peppers, red peppers,小炒, ruddy油亮, conducive to下饭for wine, crisp outside and tender inside, deep-fried objects, bran bread, lemon pieces (chopped lemon, lemon the meaning of broken particles), brine ribs,起锅, wild salamanders, celery,猪肚, crisp band of tough, oil juice in covered dishes, the Chicken, salty flavor, green fried, fried garlic, QIANG speculation, Add the first bowl of charge, after 3 yuan per bowl, soup dishes, shark's fin, ham, baby abalone, the production process required 13 minutes, the above are the following soup are alcohol lamp, particularly suitable for winter consumption, cooked, baked, food hours open, butter flavor, salt and pepper flavor, oyster sauce flavor, watercress taste, flavor oil, bacteria smell, vanilla pepper flavor, on-demand customer Taste, cold / hot / warm drinks / ice tea, microwave ovens in the fire fast heating, only in Week 1 to Week 3 supply, ice lemon packaging.


Catering industry, garlic spicy slightly acidic, hot and sour flavor, green peppers, red peppers,小炒, ruddy油亮, conducive to下饭for wine, crisp outside and tender inside, deep-fried objects, bran bread, lemon pieces (chopped lemon, lemon the meaning of broken particles), brine ribs,起锅, wild salamanders, celery,猪肚, crisp band of tough, oil juice in covered dishes, the Chicken, salty flavor, green fried, fried garlic, QIANG speculation, Add the first bowl of charge, after 3 yuan per bowl, soup dishes, shark's fin, ham, baby abalone, the production process required 13 minutes, the above are the following soup are alcohol lamp, particularly suitable for winter consumption, cooked, baked, food hours open, butter flavor, salt and pepper flavor, oyster sauce flavor, watercress taste, flavor oil, bacteria smell, vanilla pepper flavor, on-demand customer Taste, cold / hot / warm drinks / ice tea, microwave ovens in the fire fast heating, only in Week 1 to Week 3 supply, ice lemon packaging.


更多网络解释与加味于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


主要品牌:必发达(BEEFEATER),狗头(GORDONS)等. 2,伏特加(VODKA):由玉米或土豆发酵的酒,经过精馏,澄清所以无杂味. 调制中常用于增加酒的酒精含量,俄国人喜欢泡干辣椒喝,红红的叫>(小心胃穿孔). 可以和任何...


其他相关 原产于希腊,干燥的花蕊柱头是全世界最昂贵的辛香料之一,芳香、辛辣且苦,可以制出亮黄色染料. 它可为汤、米饭、蛋糕及面包上色加味,尤其是法国马赛的鱼羹(bouillabaisse)及西班牙的什锦饭(paella). 可买到花蕊柱头或粉未.


丁香(Clove) 最早原产地是印尼摩鹿加群岛(MOLUCCAS). 又叫鸡舌、丁子香,是丁香树结的花苞在未开花之前采摘下来,经干燥后做成的香料. 丁香很适合于甜或浓味的食物,美国人常用来撒在烧烤类食物上:而欧洲人喜欢把丁香插在柑橘上,


文章摘要:杠柳(Periploca sepium Bunge)为萝蘑科(Asclepiadaceae)杠柳属植物,中国主产于吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、山东、山西、江苏等省区. 杠柳的干燥根皮即中药"香加皮",又称"北五加皮". 其味辛、苦,性温,有毒. 归肝、肾、心经. 具有祛风湿、强筋骨的功效.

bespell:迷住 着魔

bespectacled | 带眼镜的 | bespell | 迷住 着魔 | bespice | 用香料调(味), 加香料于

bespice:用香料调(味), 加香料于

bespell | 迷住 着魔 | bespice | 用香料调(味), 加香料于 | bespirit | 激动 鼓舞精神

bespirit:激动 鼓舞精神

bespice | 用香料调(味), 加香料于 | bespirit | 激动 鼓舞精神 | besplash | 遍溅 溅满


salt 盐;盐类 vt.加盐于 | saltish 略带碱味的,有盐分的 | salty 盐的;咸的


主要品牌:必发达(BEEFEATER),狗头(GORDONS)等. 2,伏特加(VODKA):由玉米或土豆发酵的酒,经过精馏,澄清所以无杂味. 调制中常用于增加酒的酒精含量,俄国人喜欢泡干辣椒喝,红红的叫<<屠夫>>(小心胃穿孔). 可以和任何...