英语人>词典>汉英 : 加上说明 的英文翻译,例句
加上说明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
caption  ·  captioned  ·  captioning  ·  captions

更多网络例句与加上说明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the request of the Applicant, we, industrial and commercial bank of chinaBranch,,hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of(say: Amount In Words), plus interest at% of p.a accrued on a 360 days basis calculated as from up to, within Business days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his payment obligationunder the underlying contract and the respect in which the Applicant is in breach.


This letter is in no way an acknowledgement of the above listed debt - that way they cannot even attempt to try and re-age your debt (add another 7years of collection and reporting to further harass).


The black and white photographs with explanatory text about each landmark, address the cultural, historical, and architectural significance of each site.


I think that if I were allowed to add one small beatitude as a footnote to the other it might be: Blessed are the courteous.


Until recently, the most authoritative definition of the word is Press Photo of the news is happening in fact, an instant image of the crawl, together with the text of the assistance, reports to the spread of the form.


The 4th: Of exterior link guide, a lot of stationmaster can feel more to had been jumped over here, actually otherwise, but the catenary outside doing not have is no good for certain, at this o'clock I admit, so I had the site with the alternative forum in a few my friends that be close friends and Baidu tall weight to be added to this site guide link, the daily record is analysed before, the spider crawls rarely, the catenary outside the course is brought, the result has greatly change, basic be can crawl everyday, seize this opportunity, update the content that achieves a gender formerly for the website every day, actually to be being achieved formerly, a lot of people have different view, what the specification wants here is, I those articles also are not achieve completely formerly, also be everywhere estreat

第四: 外部链接的导入,这里很多站长会觉得越多越好,其实不然,但是没有外链肯定是不行的,这点我承认,所以我对该站点有选择性的在我几个要好的朋友的论坛及百度权重高的站点加上了导入链接,之前分析日志,蜘蛛很少爬行,经过外链一引,结果大有改观,基本是天天都会来爬行,抓住这个机会,天天为网站更新原创性的内容,其实对于原创,很多人有不同的见解,我这里要说明的是,我那些文章也并非完全原创,也是到处摘抄

The 4th: Of exterior link guide, a lot of stationmaster can feel more to had been jumped over here, actually otherwise, but the catenary outside doing not have is no good for certain, at this o'clock I admit, so I had the site with the alternative forum in a few my friends that be close friends and Baidu tall weight to be added to this site guide link, the daily record is analysed before, the spider crawls rarely, the catenary outside the course is brought, the result has greatly change, basic be can crawl everyday, seize this opportunity, update the content that achieves a gender formerly for the website every day, actually to be being achieved formerly, a lot of people have different view, what the specification wants here is, I those articles also are not achieve completely formerly, also be everywhere estreat, throw into confusion ordinal, change caption stopped, because you want to know, search indexes propping up is a machine after all still is not a person.


The 4th: Of exterior link guide, a lot of stationmaster can feel more to had been jumped over here, actually otherwise, but the catenary outside doing not have is no good for certain, at this o'clock I admit, so I had the site with the alternative forum in a few my friends that be close friends and Baidu tall weight to be added to this site guide link, the daily record is analysed before, the spider crawls rarely, the catenary outside the course is brought, the result has greatly change, basic be can crawl everyday, seize this opportunity, update the content that achieves a gender formerly for the website every day, actually to be being achieved formerly, a lot of people have different view, what the specification wants here is, I those articles also are not achieve completely formerly, also be everywhere estreat, throw into confusion ordinal, change caption stopped, because you want to know, search indexes propping up is a machine after all still is not a person, optimize the site for the key to website of this kind of Beijing especially, more such, because not have,essential nobody looks before the rank, so the article also does not have any relations in disorder again, here my spec just, the top that has felt.

第四: 外部链接的导入,这里很多站长会觉得越多越好,其实不然,但是没有外链肯定是不行的,这点我承认,所以我对该站点有选择性的在我几个要好的朋友的论坛及百度权重高的站点加上了导入链接,之前分析日志,蜘蛛很少爬行,经过外链一引,结果大有改观,基本是天天都会来爬行,抓住这个机会,天天为网站更新原创性的内容,其实对于原创,很多人有不同的见解,我这里要说明的是,我那些文章也并非完全原创,也是到处摘抄,打乱顺序,改变标题罢了,因为你要知道,搜索引擎究竟是机器还不是人,尤其是对于这种北京网站优化要害来说的站点,更是这样,因为无排名之前根本没人看,所以文章再乱也没任何关系,这里只我投机而已,觉得好的顶。

The following table summarizes the relationship between episodes and DSM-IV disorders. Episodes are indicated on the outer border, while disorders are in the internal rectangle. For example, a person experiencing hypomanic episodes and major depressive episodes would be diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder. Click on the disorders and episodes to jump to a full description of the item selected. Click on items in quotes for some relevant notes.


In Plato's Theaetetus 201d-206b, when Socrates is ready to crossexamine the definition of knowledge that 'true belief "with an account" is knowledge,' he states and explores the so-called 'Dream Theory.


更多网络解释与加上说明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事实胜于雄辩,大量的、充足的(ample)实例(sample),足以说明一切问题了. 我的早餐:把苹果(apple)去掉一层皮(p),再加上一块麦当劳(m)汉堡,就很丰富(ample)了.


撰写物件批注(Annotation )您可以在Wireframe中为任何物件(Widget)加上批注. 4. 网页说明(Page Notes)网页说明可以用来收集网页层级的描述或需求. 5. 秘技(Quick Tips)秘技一. 超快速挪动画面:秘技二. 穿透物件(Widget)选取下层的物件:

Tips by the thousands, plus descriptions, hours, costs:数以千计的小费,加上说明,时间成本

Thorough, practical, and filled with sound advice深... | Tips by the thousands, plus descriptions, hours, costs数以千计的小费,加上说明,时间成本 | All reviews based on visits by savvy resident writers基于...

engineering drawing:工程制图

然而,有些情况下,质量体系规章会制定使用特殊的方法,如流程图或书面指令,但这并非意味着制造商不能改变指定的方法,只要GMP要求的目的能用其他方法达到,譬如使用工程制图(engineering drawing)加上器械模型作为制造的指示说明.


雷德利大可在我的>一书后面加上"婴儿的动物行为学"(ethology)一节来简要总结这些著作. 他对这整个领域的奇怪忽视只能说明他害怕发现他可能发现的东西:即后天学习在美德起源中所起的关键作用.


因此,有分析师以"企业价值(EV)"--市值加上债务减去现金--取代市值来计算市盈率. 理论上,企业价值/EBITDA比率可免除纯粹市盈率的一些缺点. 市盈率的高低说明什么? 市盈率表示的是投资者为了获得公司每一单位的收益或盈利而愿意支付多少倍的价格.

For example:举例

19 C 前后照应逻辑推理 此句是对上句的举例(for example)说明. in addition加上,又, 另外,表示添加意义;in any case无论如何, 总之;after all终究,毕竟,表示让步意义. 20 D 前后照应,词义比较 由后句They prefer stories about people,

foreign student:外籍学生

2.一般说来,学生可自由选择自己喜爱的坐位,但建议外籍学生(foreign student)尽量坐在当地学生旁边,先自我介绍一番,以便打开话匣交朋友;写作时不可抄袭,引用他人的文章、句子时,一定要加注说明或加上冒号,报告的格式可参考一般指导手册,


举例说明,以骨炎(osteitis)为例,oste/o有bone(骨)的意思,再加上字尾-itis(有inflammation的意思),也就是有骨发炎的意思(inflammation of the bone),将每一组字对於字首与字尾说明,并以常见字词解释,当累积一定的量之后,

Tequila Sauza:潇洒龙舌兰

Reposado与 Añejo等级的Tequila并没有规定非得是100%龙舌兰为原料不可 如果产品的标签上没有特别加上说明 那麽这就是一瓶陈年的Mixto混合酒 例如潇洒龙舌兰(Tequila Sauza)的Sauza Conmemorativo 就是一瓶少见的陈年Mixto酒.