英语人>词典>汉英 : 副肌 的英文翻译,例句
副肌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

accessory muscle · supernumerary muscle
更多网络例句与副肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would always be appreciative of your efforts :D You just got to love those eyes and I would still kill to get the abs ....


Objective: To study the immune response elicited by Cysticercus cellulosae paramyosin nucleic acid vaccine.


It is very important in the guanosine industry that guanosine must be completely separated from byproduct-inosine.


These include fluid within the tendon sheath, fluid withinthe medial or lateral bursae, sinus tarsi syndrome, periostitisat the insertion of the flexor retinaculum on the tibia, hindfootvalgus, subtalar and talonavicular malalignment, and accessorynavicular bone.


Barrington's nucleus that located in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum is an important site for controlling voiding in the mammalian brain and is often referred to as pontine micturition center. Barrington's nucleus sends direct projection fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating detrusor muscles of the bladder are distributed. Electron or chemical stimulation of Barrington's nucleus clicits bladder contraction and increases discharges of bladder postganglionic nerve. Conversely, lesion of the nucleus results in a permanent inability to empty the bladder. On the other hand, an area located just ventral to Barrington's nucleu has been reported to send projection fibers to the ventrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus in the caudal lumbar cord segments; the vetrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus is mainly composed of pudendal motor neurons innervating the external urethral sphincter muscle.


Previous studies have revealed that aganglionic or morphological and numerical abnormalities of the intestinal intramural ganglia may contribute to the pathogenesis of the intestine motility obstacle of them.


The principles of the operative technique are to (1) restore coronoid stability throughfracture fixation (type-II or III fractures7) or through anterior capsular repair (a type-I fracture),(2) restore radial head stability through fracture fixation or replacement with a metal prosthesis,(3) restore lateral stability through repair of the lateral collateral ligament complex and associated so-called secondary constraints such as the common extensor origin and/or the posterolateral capsule,(4) repair the medial collateral ligament in patients with residual posterior instability, and (5) apply a hinged external fixator when conventional repair does not establish sufficient joint stability to allow early motion.


Results:The blood supply of medial arm cutaneous nerves origined from three cutaneous branch of intermuscular septa, which from superior ulnar collateral artery, brachial artery and inferior ulnar collateral artery.The mean diameters at the originated site were 1.0 mm, 0.6 mm and 0.7 mm.

结果:臂内侧皮神经的血供来自尺侧上副动脉肌间隔皮支、肱动脉肌间隔皮支和尺侧下副动脉肌间隔皮支,起始处外径分别为1.0 mm、0.6 mm和0.7 mm,穿出深筋膜前长为1.5 cm、1.1 cm和1.2 cm。

One part of the muscle tendon membrane turned into the intermuscular septum and another part stopped at the external bone surface of the olecranon. The radial collateral ligament stopping at the corocoid process of ulnar came into being the radial-ulnaris collateral ligament, and there were two types of stopping points of the radial-ulnaris collateral ligament and the annular ligament of radius on the ulna.


Results:The anterior bundle of the UCL starts from anterior inferior part of the medial condyle,and ends on the sublimis tubercle in front of the coronoid process of ulna,locating in the deep layer of the flexor carpal ulnar muscle.The distance between ulnar nerve and UCL is (0.9±0.1)cm in the center of cubital tunnel,and (0.6±0.3)cm in the distal foramen of cubital tunnel.The distance from the point of ulnar nerve entering the flexor carpi ulnar muscle to the medial epicondyle is (3.7±0.8)cm.The distance between the closest branch innervated flexor muscle of the median nerve and the approach is (1.6±0.5)cm at the level of medial epicondyle,and (0.9±0.4)cm at the level of ulnar tubercle.


更多网络解释与副肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


paramyelin 副髓磷脂 | paramylum 裸藻淀粉;副淀粉 | paramyosin 副肌球蛋白


accessorily | 附从地, 附属地 | accessorius | 副神经,副肌,副腺 | accessorize | 装饰, 补充 穿戴装饰品

musculus flexor accessorius:副屈肌

musculus erector penis 阴茎竖肌 | musculus flexor accessorius 副屈肌 | musculus flexor brevis superficial 浅短屈肌

accessory diductor:副开壳肌

06.2610 内斜肌 internal oblique muscle | 06.2611 副开壳肌 accessory diductor | 06.2612 调整肌 adjustor


paramyosin 副肌球蛋白 | paramyosinogen 副肌球蛋白原 | paranuclein 拟核蛋白

paramyosinogen:副肌浆蛋白 副肌球蛋白原

paramyonum 肌安松 | paramyosinogen 副肌浆蛋白 副肌球蛋白原 | paramyxovirus 副粘病毒 副粘液病毒


副肌凝蛋白元 paramyosinogen | 肾上腺炎 paranephritis | 副核蛋白 paranucleoprotein


paralexia:错读[症] | paramyotonia:副肌强直 | paraparesis:轻截瘫

musculus quadratus plantae:副屈肌,足底方肌,跖方肌

musculus quadratus lumborum 腰方肌 | musculus quadratus plantae 副屈肌,足底方肌,跖方肌 | musculus rectus capitis anterior major 头前大直肌

musculus quadratus plantae:副屈肌,足底方肌,跖方肌

musculus quadratus lumborum ==> 腰方肌 | musculus quadratus plantae ==> 副屈肌,足底方肌,跖方肌 | musculus rectus capitis anterior major ==> 头前大直肌