英语人>词典>汉英 : 副交感的 的英文翻译,例句
副交感的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与副交感的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A study that this scholar carried out has also proven that the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated when people cry while they are moved, yielding a pressure-relieving effect.


In this paper, we focus on the sympathetic and parasympathetic effects of SCS on CBF. Method Sprague-Dawley rats were selected for the experimental series.


Producing effects similar to those produced when a parasympathetic nerve is stimulated.


Previous investigations have shown that halothane preservescardiac parasympathetic activity more than sevoflurane.


The present morphological experiments revealed that Barrington's nucleus in the rabbit was also located in the dorsal pontine tegmentum, and that it sent projections fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus and received afferent axons from the sacral spinal cord.


Previous studies have revealed that aganglionic or morphological and numerical abnormalities of the intestinal intramural ganglia may contribute to the pathogenesis of the intestine motility obstacle of them.


Our findings suggest that increased brain activity in ipsilateral pons involved in trigeminal vascular reflex may be related to the pathogenesis of pain in cluster headache.Other brain regions known to be response to pain,such as cingulated gyrus and prefrontal cortex might be also involved in CH attack processing.


In summary, the present study revealed that Barrington's nucleus and D-region received direct projection fibers from the sacral spinal neurons in lamina I, parasympathetic nucleus and dorsal commissural nucleus; periaqueductal gray also received afferent projections from the lumbosacral spinal cord and sent projection fibers to the Barrington's nucleus and D-region.

上述结果说明:大鼠腰骶髓 I 层、骶髓副交感核和后连合核神经元发出的投射纤维直接终止于 Barrington's 核和 D 区内;导水管周围灰质也接受来自腰骶髓的投射纤维,同时发出纤维终止于 Barrington's 核和 D 区内。

Therefore, in the present study, a retrograde and anterograde experiments were made in the rat to address this issue. After injection of cholera toxin B subunit, a retrograde tracer, into Barrington's nucleus or D-region, some retrogradely labeled neurons were found in lamina I, sacral parasympathetic nucleus and dorsal commissural nucleus of the lumbosacral spinal cord segments. Injection of biotinylated dextran amine into lamina I, sacral parasympathetic nucleus and dorsal commissural nucleus, respectively, a large number of BDA-labeled axon terminals were seen in Barrington's nucleus and D-region.

发现,将逆行示踪剂霍乱毒素 B 亚单位( Cholera toxin B subunit; CTb )注射到 Barrington's 核或 D 区后,在大鼠腰骶髓 I 层、骶髓副交感核和后连合核内分布有一定数量的 CTb 逆标神经元;将顺行示踪剂结合生物素的葡聚糖胺(Biotinylated dextran amine; BDA)分别注射到腰骶髓 I 层、骶髓副交感核和后连合核内后, Barrington's 核和 D 区内出现大量顺行标记的轴突终末。

Reservation technic of the parotid masseter fascial in parotidectomy could prevent regeneration of parasympathetic nerve and thus prevent Frey's syndrome post-operation.


更多网络解释与副交感的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


两者互相保持...诸多身体器官的毛病非侵入性...[摘要]...SYMPATHETIC) 与副交感神经 (PARASYMPATHETIC) 组成,两者互相保持...诸多身体器官的毛病非侵入性...[摘要]...SYMPATHETIC) 与副交感神经 (PARASYMPATHETIC) 组成,两者互相保


parasthenia 机能异常 | parasympathetic 副交感的 | parasympathetic nervous 副交感神经


尿道旁裂 paraspadia | 副交感神经的 parasympathetic | 消副交感(神经作用)的 parasympatholytic

parasympathetic nervous:副交感神经

parasympathetic 副交感的 | parasympathetic nervous 副交感神经 | parasympathetic nervous division 副交感神经部分


拟副交感(神经作用)的 parasympathomimetic | 交列接合 parasynapsis | 滑液囊周炎 parasynovitis


与犒赏和惩罚相对应的生活事件比较局限,远无法解释所有情形,比如恐惧、焦虑、幸灾乐祸(schadenfreude)以及下面要提到的一些应激事件. 另外,实际情况不像xifzou朋友假设的那样,副交感系统和兴奋性递质掌管奖励,而交感系统和抑制性递质负责惩罚,


antinomy 自相矛盾 | antiparalytic 抗麻醉的 | antiparasympathomimetic 拟抗副交感的


parasternum /旁胸骨/ | parastyle /前柱/ | parasympathetic /副交感的/


parasympatholytics 副交感神經阻斷藥 副交感神经阻滞药 | parasympathomimetic 擬副交感神經作用的 | parasympathomimetics 擬副交感神經藥 拟副交感神经药

postganglionic fiber:节后纤维

由中枢发出的纤维叫节前纤维(preganglionic fiber);而由外周神经节发出的纤维叫节后纤维(postganglionic fiber). 8.4.2 自主神经系统的功能特征 ①除少数器官外,一般组织器官都接受交感和副交感神经的双重支配,并且交感和副交感神 经的作用往往具有拮抗性.整体情况下,