英语人>词典>汉英 : 剪取 的英文翻译,例句
剪取 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scissor  ·  scissoring  ·  scissored

更多网络例句与剪取相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The biggest surprise came to me after we have collected a bagful of cuttings, he said,"You just go around and cut whatever you like".


Scissor contains the branch of terminal bud, insert spic lower 1 - 2 lamina should be cut, in inserting element sand, bury 1 - 2 bud, irrigate show water, put at shady and cool and ventilated place, often preserve basin earth and week exclosure area wet, about 20 days or so namely can rooted, rooted one week later immigrant flowerpot.


Then the mice were killed in different time after given the medicine wine, and the wounded limbs were got follow the articular genua, and the limbs were put in the 10% formaldehyde solution to fix them, then the histopathologic sides were done, and the change in the tissue structure were observed in light microscope.

于给药后不同时段分别处死小鼠,然后沿膝关节部位剪取小鼠的击伤腿置于10 %甲醛溶液中固定,作病理组织切片,光镜下观察组织结构形态学变化评价,评价永康宁骨康宁药酒对小鼠击伤腿肿胀有无消肿作用。

Clip the wool of California or Pennsylvania


Some explants were collected indirectly from epicormic shoots which sprouted from branches of plus trees raised on wetting sands, and some were from grafts of plus trees when their scions were grafted onto seedlings for 3 months.


METHODS: Rat bilateral olfactory bulbs and olfactory mucosa at 1/3 nasal septum were obtained, sliced, digested in trypsin, and made into monoplast suspension. At 1×109/L, cells were incubated in uncoated 25 cm2 culture flask. At 18-20 hours, cell suspension was moved into another uncoated 25 cm2 culture flask (the first differential adhesion). At 24 hours, cell suspension was moved into a poly-D-lysine-coated 25 cm2 culture flask or poly-D-lysine-coated 6-well culture plate (the second differential adhesion). At 48 hours, parenchyma cells were removed after a half of medium was changed.

完整取大鼠双侧嗅球及剪取鼻中隔后1/3嗅黏膜,剪碎后胰酶消化,制成单细胞悬液,按1×109 L-1密度接种于未包被的25 cm2玻璃培养瓶中,18~20 h后将细胞悬液转移至另一未包被的25 cm 2玻璃培养瓶中(第1次差速贴壁),24 h后再将细胞悬液转移至经多聚右旋赖氨酸包被的25 cm2塑料培养瓶或经多聚右旋赖氨酸包被的6孔培养板中(第2次差速贴壁),接种培养48 h后半量换液以去除杂细胞。

This study uses plate shear instrument that can produce a plate shear and record both torsion and settlement simultaneously. Radius of specimen ring is 10 cm. Height of the specimen is 10.5 cm. The plate shear tests were carried out with initial relative densities 30%. Fine contents 5%~35% of Mai-Liao sand , fine contents 0%、20% of Vietnam-sand, fine content 0%、18% of Ottawa-sand. Reversal and one-way shear, normal stresses 7 kPa~100kPa.To measure settlement and try to get a relative density and to measure cone resistance value after plate shear.

本研究系利用可施加盘转剪力并同时记录扭力与沉陷的圆盘剪力仪进行实验,土样环半径为10 cm,土样高度为10.5 cm,初始相对密为度为30%、细料含量为5%~35%之麦寮砂、0%及20%之越南砂、0%及18%之标准砂,进行单向及往复式盘转剪力试验,载重为7 kPa~100 kPa,试验后量取沉陷量,求得盘剪后之相对密度,并量测盘剪后之圆锥贯入阻抗值。

In the experiment, Fenneropenaeus chinensis brooders infected by WSSV were exposed to different water temperatures and the mortalities were recorded over a period of 20 days.


This means that W in dows restricts pa in t in g to with in the clipp in g rectangle.

这意味着 W in dows 将绘制限制在剪取矩形之间。

0.5-1.0 cm segments of single leaf of Wanshu 7 were pruned and inoculated on MS solid media with different hormone, and cultured for 30 days in the fallowing conditions of temperature of (27±1)℃, photoperiod of 16 h/d and light intensity of 1 500-2 000 lx.

方法]剪取万薯7号0.5~1.0 cm长的单叶节段,接种到不同激素处理的MS固体培养基,在温度(27±1)℃,光周期16 h/d,光强1 500~2 000 lx条件下培养30 d。

更多网络解释与剪取相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


泛美航空把旗下大部份飞机都以"飞剪"(Clippers)命名,而飞剪一词则取自19世纪的高速帆船-飞剪船(clipper ship),这些飞机是当时唯一能进行洲际飞行的客机.

hot dividing line:热定尺剪切机组(作业线)、热轧分卷线

hot dip sheet galvanizing薄板热镀锌 | hot dividing line热定尺剪切机组(作业线)、热轧分卷线HDL | hot downcoiler热带地下卷取机

measuring machine:(厚板剪切前的)划线机

measuring junction(热电偶)测量接点、测量结 | measuring machine(厚板剪切前的)划线机 | measuring off量取

upcut lever shear:下切杠杆式剪切机

upcoiler地上卷取机 | upcut lever shear下切杠杆式剪切机 | up-cut shear下切式剪切机

kelectome:瘤组织剪钳 取瘤质刀

keldyshite 硅钠锆石 | kelectome 瘤组织剪钳 取瘤质刀 | kellering 仿形铣

Paper round cut:纸剪法 头发如剪纸的剪刀一张一合

Panel 发束 头发上被取的一部分或是区分之部分 | Paper round cut 纸剪法 头发如剪纸的剪刀一张一合 | Parallel section 平行部分 取一个与先前部分线平行的部分

Paper round cut:紙剪法 頭髮如剪紙的剪刀一?堃缓

Panel 髮束 頭髮上被取的一部分或是區分之部分 | Paper round cut 紙剪法 頭髮如剪紙的剪刀一?堃缓? | Parallel section 平行部分 取一個與先前部分線平行的部分

Paper round cut:紙剪法 頭髮如剪紙的铰剪一張一合

Panel 髮束 頭髮上被取的一部门或者是區分之部门 | Paper round cut 紙剪法 頭髮如剪紙的铰剪一張一合 | Parallel section 平行部门 取一個與先前部门線平行的部门

Clinton Limestones:克林顿石灰岩

clinometer ==> 旋斜视计,倾角计,测角器 | Clinton Limestones ==> 克林顿石灰岩 | clip ==> 小夹,切砖,钢轨扣件,回形针,夹,夹片,剪,剪取

Cut line:(剪下单行文字)

Copy Lines (將選取的文字,複製成新行) : Ctrl+Alt+方向鍵'↓' | Cut Line (剪下單行文字) | Cut to Beginning of Line (剪下文字,範圍為選取處至單行開頭)