英语人>词典>汉英 : 前辈 的英文翻译,例句
前辈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antecessor  ·  elder  ·  eldership  ·  predecessor  ·  predecessors  ·  progenitors

grand old man
更多网络例句与前辈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our gallery is based on stable academicism, and the objective is grasping at contemporary trends, looking at artistic predecessors with reverence and looking to the future.


Perhaps that is not a fearful challenge to an adult who does not have the acrophobia, moreover, because the senior with calmly expression after fast falls, we were just full of curiosity, but not any panic. After a section of exhausting steps and ladders, we were on the dam.


Perhaps that is not a fearful challenge to an adult who does not have the acrophobia, moreover, because the senior's calmly expression after fast falls, we were just full of curiosity, but not any panic. After a section of exhausting steps and ladders, we were on the dam.


This skill applies the most adroitly should belong to Wang Tong elder.


The German manufacturer of luxury cars built the unique model as a modern interpretation of its legendary streamlined sports car from the 1930s, thereby forging a link with the historical predecessor, which at that time was likewise based on a powerful Maybach automobile (SW 38) and used by Fulda for tyre tests.

德国的奢侈汽车生产商创造了此绝无仅有的车型并将其作为对源于二十世纪三十年以来传统流线型跑车的一种现代诠释,因此其与历史上的"前辈"有着紧密的联系。那些"前辈"在当时也同样是基于权威车型 Maybach ( SW38)设计而成的,它们也曾被 Fulda 用于轮胎测试。

The next day sober, I have to eat the course of telling the older generation, the older generation will gabble sensible I do not, how can there be to help the boss while retaining wine, while the灌酒returned to the owner.


Greatly influenced by three styles, which include Vienna song, Berlin song school, and J. R. Zumsteeg's Ballade; even though quantity of his works is less than that of J. F. Reichardt before him, then quality of his works is much more ahead of all musicians of his generation or before him.


I tell childishness and fairy tale, the speech of elder Ceng Min says, he remembered a long time ago the poem that he writes childishness, anxious of elder poet Zheng grants to stand up reading poetry, professor of college of Hong Kong Chinese is told reach Andersen, young prince... I look at each writer scholar to stand up express childishness, those who feeling bamboo shoots in spring of bang of Pi Pi bang is gemmiparous, of childishness gemmiparous, feeling this world seem childishness general mobilization.


I am so called the forum that ascends body center cavalcade just joined stationmaster network, I adore successful elder very much people, I long to succeed but I also know oneself and these elder people difference, I arrive to had not used office software now even without the culture, knowledge that does not have major, can contact namely CMS\BBS program.


Thales is traditionally the first to have revealed the investigation of nature to the Greeks; he had many predecessors, as also Theophrastus thinks, but so far surpassed them as to blot out who came before him.


更多网络解释与前辈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


千真万确:As sure as fate | 前辈(工作事务上):Doyen | 前辈:Forebear;Ancestor;Antecedent


doyen 团长 | doyenne 女性前辈 | doyley 桌巾


elders /尊长/ | eldership /长辈/前辈/年长/长老/ | eldest /最年长的/年事最高的/伯仲叔季/大/最年长/


前辈(工作事务上):Doyen | 前辈:Forebear;Ancestor;Antecedent | 前所未有:Never experienced before;Unprecedented


conserve保护 | forefathers祖先、祖宗、前辈 | delicate易碎的

Are the views of our fighting forerunners:都有前辈们奋斗的身影

每一个黄昏 To dusk | 都有前辈们奋斗的身影 Are the views of our fighting forerunners | 每一次相聚 each gathering

implicit knowledge:内隐知识;不能用语言清楚表达,所以极度需要有经验的前辈的指导

immature as hell:有够不成熟. | implicit knowledge:内隐知识;不能用语言清楚表达,所以极度需要有经验的前辈的指导. | jockey for position:(篮下)卡位;

O: obeisance:尊敬前辈和爱他们的人

I: incentive 用歌声来鼓励着我们 | O: obeisance 尊敬前辈和爱他们的人 | R: ravishing 他们的歌最终会令人陶醉

O: obeisance:尊敬前辈和爱他们得人

I.incentive用歌声来鼓励我们 | O.obeisance尊敬前辈和爱他们得人 | R.ravishing他们的歌最终会另人陶醉


precursor (先驱者,前任,前辈) | precursory (先行的,先驱的,先锋的,前任的,前辈的) | current (流行的,通行的,流通的)