英语人>词典>汉英 : 到处搜索 的英文翻译,例句
到处搜索 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ransack  ·  ransacked  ·  ransacking  ·  ransacks

scout about for
更多网络例句与到处搜索相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Qantaqa, thinking herself summoned, came galloping back to dan in circles around the pair, until they had to halt to avoid tripping over the frisking wolf.


They were not even quartering on the scent.


The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry .


Stroll around the house constantly leaves a impression of needs and anxieties insider. It will make other associate of Madi Mo Zuckerman or afood hunter in malnutrition.


She was ransacking到处搜索 the stores for Jim's present.


Then the carbineers scoured the country in different directions, but in vain; then, after a time, they disappeared.


更多网络解释与到处搜索相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


话,可以利用军营(barracks)或是蒸馏所做休息. 充分准备后前往北边的管理大...厦(administration building),进入到这栋建筑物的东南角. 对付里头的敌人...后可以到处搜索,有不少好东西,走廊东北尽头有楼梯往二楼,在二楼对抗警卫


rankly 繁茂地 | rankness 繁茂 | ransack 到处搜索


rankness 繁茂 | ransack 到处搜索 | ranseur 三叉矛

She ransack my apartment for the bankbook:她在我公寓里到处搜索寻找存折

5 The evidence was mounting. 证据越来越多. | 6 She ransack my apartment for the bankbook. 她在我公寓里到处搜索寻找存折. | 7 But obviously this is what he's into. 但很明显他就好这个.


scourge 鞭 | scourings 污垢 | scout about for 到处搜索

Searching high and low:到处搜索

5 样子有点怪的陌生人 An odd-looking stranger | 6 到处搜索 Searching high and low | 7 普通的灰色鸟 A simple gray bird

Now, l can just feel all you Alphas out there:此时,我可以想像你们 这些菜鸟在外面的样子

a blank space in a book.|书上的一道空白 | Now, l can just feel all you Alphas out there|此时,我可以想像你们 这些菜鸟在外面的样子 | gunning for this position as l speak.|拿着枪到处搜索

An odd-looking stranger:样子有点怪的陌生人

4 日常规则 The ruler of routine | 5 样子有点怪的陌生人 An odd-looking stranger | 6 到处搜索 Searching high and low

Toast the maiden voyage of my bus:为我的处女航而干杯

28. Ransack:洗劫,到处搜索 | 29. Toast the maiden voyage of my bus:为我的处女航而干杯 | Toast为什么而干杯,而祝酒