英语人>词典>汉英 : 别出心裁 的英文翻译,例句
别出心裁 的英文翻译、例句


create new styles · adopt an original approach · an out-of-the ordinary idea · be original in one's ideas
更多网络例句与别出心裁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was ingenious; he had forestalled Soulange Bodin in the formation of little clumps of earth of heath mould, for the cultivation of rare precious shrubs from America China.

他能别出心裁,他沤小绿肥来培植一些8 tt t8.com 稀有珍贵的美洲的和中国的灌木,在这方面 www.sSbbww.com 他超过了苏兰日·波丹。

The ingenious idea behind FreeRice came to John Breen as he was trying to help his son study for the SAT, a college entrance exam in America.


ON THE face of it, John Reader's new biography of the potato seems to have a silly title—"propitious esculent" is just a fancy way to say "helpful food"—and an even sillier subtitle.


British is fancifully a kind of form that the tea reception is the party, because the tea reception compares the party economy, also the beau is many.


They wore thin, bright dresses, tight over their breasts and high on their legs, and tilted slipper s, fancifully strapped.


This ingenious mobility breaks with the customary fixity of sculpture.


The company produces the wines of Sutter Home, Trinchero, Montevina, Trinity Oaks, Folie a Deux, Menage a Trois, the number one alcohol-removed wine, Fre, imports Reynolds Vineyards Little Boomey wines of Australia and also distributes Three Thieves products along with the wines of Angove's of Australia.

该公司生产的葡萄酒的萨特主页,Trinchero ,的Montevina三一橡树,炫耀别出心裁, Menage 1三河,头号酒精去除葡萄酒,频率,进口雷诺葡萄园小Boomey葡萄酒澳大利亚和销售三个贼也随着产品葡萄酒的Angove的澳大利亚。

"Natural Health" magazine's Cheryl Redmond gives Gazpacho a fun new twist with watermelon.


Natural Health magazine's Cheryl Redmond gives Gazpacho a fun new twist with watermelon.


Before dancing game includes " powerful dance with sth in one's hands is round " inside, it is a mode goes after all mostly, besides frequently whose " Perfect " hit comparison is much, did not have other purpose," the clique that heat up dance is right " try to be unique divided prop mode and mump mode, the player in prop mode can affect the play of adversary through using stage property, hit according to the player in mump mode " Perfect " amount, return the halation that can envelop different color all over, different joy is brought in game process to the player.


更多网络解释与别出心裁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2005年2月21日,> (Celebrities)杂志别出心裁做了一个"穿蓝色牛仔裤的名人"的专题,他们想要向读者展现的就是:即使最普通的蓝色牛仔裤,名人照样能穿出"星味",穿出自己的风格.

play chess:下棋

由于该活动形式符合学生心理,活动组织有序、有效而提高了课堂教学的有效性,实现教学实效与活动预期效果的一致. 教师别出心裁地将复习内容(单词、句型、日常交际用语等)设计成一张"棋盘",通过让学生下棋(play chess)来巩固所学.


在我打扮的时候,鲜花店的人就来把教堂布置了一番,新娘、伴娘和花童手里拿的花束和主要来宾的胸花(corsage)也交到了我们手里. 我的婆婆还别出心裁,为我不能来参加婚礼的爸爸、妈妈和姐姐设了个小桌子,把他们的照片摆上,代表他们出席,


由麂皮,小牛皮或者拼接皮革创造出三组式样,采用中性色彩,提供高低两种鞋帮造型选择,从大卫林奇(David Lynch)的电影"沙丘魔堡"(Dune)中的太空时代风格外套为灵感,别出心裁的将鞋后帮高填充垫加入球鞋设计中,以便卡住宽大的牛仔裤.

field trip:郊游

每年学校另向家长收钱,作为孩子们郊游(Field Trip)活动的经费. 一般郊游的内容有:看剧团演出儿童剧,到博物馆参观,到山上公园观摩各种蛇及其他野生动植物等等. 这一次到毛狗熊加工厂好像有点别出心裁,所以妈妈们有点难以理解.

Forever Young:摇滚童话

摇滚童话:(forever young)知名矿泉水品牌evian耗资三百万欧元在法、德、英展开跨国电视造势活动,广告主题曲别出心裁由几个小学生演唱皇后合唱团经典"WE WILL ROCK YOU".

Nicole Richie:妮可.里奇

导读:明星出街如何与众不同?那就是装扮上的别出心裁. 哈露时装屋是好莱坞IT Girl 妮可 里奇(Nicole Richie) 自己担任设计师的首饰品牌. 现在让我们一起去看看,明星们的出众亮点吧!


这双名为"阴天"(OVERCAST)的高帮战鞋以海蓝/灰/白色的上等麂皮和牛巴革混合打造,显而易见,这样的设计正是为了模仿黯淡低沉的阴天. 另外,设计者还别出心裁地提供三套色系的鞋带相配衬,分别为:橙绿、灰和蓝/灰渐变色. 该鞋的鞋垫上,


而文化大师林语堂则别出心裁,取<<楚词 九章 怀沙 ...humour)、"雷达"(radar)等. "幽默"这个词的翻译值得补充一句,上个世纪 20年代时曾有人译为"语妙";也有人译为"油滑"或者"优骂";还有人译为"谐穆". 而文化大师林语堂则别出心裁,

CDs Storage:别出心裁的CD柜

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