英语人>词典>汉英 : 利害冲突 的英文翻译,例句
利害冲突 的英文翻译、例句


conflict of interest
更多网络例句与利害冲突相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Just as long as you respond when I call you, I don't see any conflict of interest.

" / "正如只要当我打电话给你的时候,你回应,我没看见任何的利害冲突

We will request your consent to any conflict of interest that you and we believe is acceptable.


We do not want our representation of you to create a conflict of interest.


Game theory is a mathematical model used to solve real world of conflict of interest theory.


See Appendix. The day of the sun was reverenced by his pagan subjects and was honored by Christians; it was the emperor's policy to unite the conflicting interests of heathenism and Christianity.


So far as the protection of pioneer investors is concerned, Resolution II of UNCLOS on Governing Preparatory Investment in Pioneer Activities Relating to Polymetallic Nodules (hereinafter referred as "Resolution II") stipulates relevant provisions, and the author orderly discusses the definition of pioneer investors, procedures of application and their rights and obligations. Concerning settlement of disputes on overlaps of mine sites, the Preparatory Commission for the International Sea Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the law of the Sea (hereinafter referred as "Preparatory Commission") had held series of meetings or sessions with states interested since 1983, and they had signed the 1984 General Understanding, the 1986 Arusha Understanding and New York Understanding, and the 1987 Midnight Agreement. As a result, such agreements had be settled overlapping disputes of mine sites between the first group of applicants and potential applicants.


In realistic life, various gains and losses conflict and disputes between people are ineluctable, being subjected to the people for it is impossible for allotment of right and duty to widespread respect and satisfaction, as a result causable various law ask also is to pile up one after another.


更多网络解释与利害冲突相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

authoritarian personality:权威型人格

尤其是没有利害冲突的时候,但一点小事触犯了他便马上翻脸,和任何人也不能保持长期的和谐关系. 这种人没有长远打算,抱"今朝有酒今朝醉"的生活态度. 所谓权威型人格(authoritarian personality)也许是异常的,但不是人格障碍,不应该与偏执人格混为一谈.

conflict of interest:利害冲突

"利害冲突"(conflict of interest)也称"关联交易"高盛安慰大家,说是不要紧的,说是公司内部有"中国长城". 中国长城(Chinese Wall)是指券商部门与部门之间的无形界线,可以阻断信息的相互来往. 但是内幕消息这种东西是言传意会的,其传播性不亚于"非典",


对于虚假冲突,柯里(Currie)主张直接适用与案件有利害关系的国家或州的法律. 对于真实冲突,凯弗斯(Cavers)主张"规则选择法",依照有关国家的具体规则的内容和适用结果决定法律的适用;而柯里(Currie)提出按照适用不同国家法律对有关国家利益影响的大小决定法律的选择.