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列为 的英文翻译、例句


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Firstly, it came as a fallout of New Delhi's 2003 acceptance that "Tibet Autonomous Region is part of China" without being mindful of the official inclusion of Arunachal by China as part of Z'ngnan and Tawang as a part of TAR's Sona County.


It covers 15,000 sq km. The population is 5.6 million. The annual average temperature is 17.1°C. The annual amount rainfall is 1300mm. In 2005, Yueyang entered the list of Top 100 cities of China, and was listed in Forb e s Magazine as one of the 20 cities most suitable for opening factories, as well as one of the most suitable places for living.

岳阳地处长江中游南岸,多为平原和丘陵,地势东高西低,属亚热带季风性湿润气候,年平均气温为17度左右,年平均降雨量为1300mm 左右。2005年,岳阳进入中国100强城市之列,被美国《财富》杂志列为中国最适宜开设工厂的20个城市之一,在全国列为良好的人居环境城市第六位

Among which Longjin Breviscapine For Injection with its unique advantage and characteristics is one of the traditional Chinese medicines under the national protection and the patent of its preparing technique was approved by State Patent Bureau in 1995, it was honored to gain the first prize of science and technology progress in Kunming.

其中,具有独创性的龙津注射用灯盏花素冻干粉针剂,被列为国家中药保护品种(证书号:2000国药中保证字第110号),制备工艺获国家发明专利(专利证书号: ZL95104038.3)并荣获昆明市科技进步一等奖,1999年被列为国家重点新产品,同时,被列为云南"18"生物资源创新项目,2000年被列为国家中药现代化基地项目。

A material can be classified as an "Outthrow" in one grade and as a "Prohibitive Material" in another grade.


Carbon paper,for instance,is "UNSUITABLE" in "Mixed paper",and is therefore classified as an "Outthrow",whereas it is "USUSABLE" in Wite Ledger and in this grade,it is classified as "Prohibitive Materials".


Its characteristics was super-high yield, high quality, cold tolerance in seedling stage, high temperature tolerance at heading stage、large panicles、more spikelets, high setting rate, wide adaptability and strong ratoon ability. It was registered in Fujian province Crops Variety Approval Committee and the National Crops Variety Approval Committee in 2004 and 2005 respectively, and approved in Guangxi province in 2005. It was one of those super-hybridization varieties to be demonstrated and extended in national wide and Fujian province.


The problem on why the names of the retired police and arm forces are still being listed as postal voters is because they have not inform the SPR on their retirement, and they have not reregister as civilian through the normal course with SPR.


The company now produces 5 series of products, among which KJ-1000 series infrared mammary diagnosis apparatus and KJ-8200 digital electronic vaginoscope were authorized by the provincial government as the province level high-tech products in 2001, KJ-2000 electroencephalograph terrain system and KJ-6200 series microwave therapeutic apparatus were ranked among province level "torch projects" in 2001 and 2002 respectively.

公司目前有九大类在线产品,其中& KJ-1000系列红外乳腺诊断仪&、&KJ-9000型微波肿瘤热疗仪&荣获江苏省&高新技术产品&称号;&KJ-2000型脑电地形图仪&、&KJ-6200型微波治疗仪&被列为江苏省&火炬计划项目&;&KJ-9000型微波肿瘤热疗仪&被列为国家&火炬计划项目&。

Some he dignifies and sanctifies, and others he lists as ordinary days.


The company product has more than 100 serieses totally, more than 18000 species specification, all products have already pass national compulsory CCC attestation, parts of products pass CE attestation in Europe, the German GS attestation...etc., The product from the Chinese people insurance company product the quantity responsibility the stand as guarantor, the electric leakage chopper series ,department of national power company recommends the product, the electric power form the department as the national economic trade, the water conservancy electric power department, the company combine to be list as the oil- field of Ta- ching provides the member unit.


更多网络解释与列为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Body color:体色

切磨总评等级(TOTAL CUT GRADE)应列为极优(EXCELLENT). C:在GIA钻石鉴定书内,磨光(POLISH)及对称(SYMMETRY)应列为极优(EXCELLENT)或优良(VERY GOOD). E:除了彩色钻石外,钻石体色(BODY COLOR)不能带有明显的灰色、褐色或其他杂色,而影响钻石本身之光彩.

bovine tuberculosis:牛结核病

牛结核病(Bovine Tuberculosis)主要是由牛结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人畜共患的慢性传染病. 该病因其易传染,且能通过奶制品传染给人和犊牛,危害严重,被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病.

Critically endangered:极危

是我国特有的有尾两栖动物,也是世界现存两栖动物中体形最大、寿命最长的古老动物,被国家列为Ⅱ类重点保护水生野生动物,世界自然保护联盟物种生存委员会(IUCN/SSC)和>均将大鲵的受威胁现状列为极危(Critically Endangered)等级.


企鹅已有3种被国际自然保育联盟(IUCN)列入"濒危""(endangered)等级,7种列为"易危"(vulnerable),还有两种列为"接近受威胁"(near threatened). 15年前,企鹅只有5到7种有易危风险.


国 际上目前将墨西哥的狼列为野外绝灭(EW),将葡萄牙和西班牙的狼列为低危(LR/cd),将意大利的狼列为易危(VU)(IUCN,1996). 国际濒 危物种公约(CITES)将狼这一种列为附录 II种类,且将不丹、尼泊尔、印度和巴基斯坦等国狼的种群列为附录 I种类.

fall under:受到(影响等);被列为

fall to 着手;开始攻击 | fall under 受到(影响等);被列为 | a far cry 遥远的距离

Marta, put Mr. Osnard down as an old customer:玛莎,就把奥斯纳先生 列为我们的老客户吧

Surprised, sir, and delighted.|又惊又喜 | Marta, put Mr. Osnard down as an old customer.|玛莎,就把奥斯纳先生 列为我们的老客户吧 | Arthur Braithwaite made for his father.|亚瑟布威特 曾经帮他爸做过衣服

give top priority to:把---列为重点

7: come to power:上台 | 8: give top priority to:把---列为重点 | 9: top priority:当务之急

consigned goods:寄销品

2.寄销品(Consigned Goods)货品虽不在公司,但所有权仍归公司所有,应列为公司之存货. 3.分期付款销货(Installment Sales)货品之所有权仍属于卖方,但商品不列为卖方之存货;货品列为买方之存货项目. 此为存货以所有权为判断标准之例外.

They placed the African elephant on their endangered list:他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物

The dolphin is an intelligent animal. 海豚是聪明的动物.... | They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. 他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物. | I heard it on the radio. 我从收音机里听到了这件事....