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刑讯 的英文翻译、例句


inquisition by torture
更多网络例句与刑讯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you can attend a prayer at the mosque and meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ...


It had been abolished in the end of Qing Dynasty with the influence of the western legal conception . Though the development of inquisition by torture , we can find three complications that make it overrun in the archaic law : Our traditional legal concept , the law principle of "guilty presumption" and the distemperedness of supervise system .


In order improve the countermea- sures against torture,two ways are suggested;one is to perfect the litigation system,another is to change the legal idea.


However, the management of extorting confessions by torture is never easy, it must be a gradual process.


From the perspective of the structure of spy procedure,this article analyzes how the imperfection of it affects the behavior of extorting a ...


On this paper, it analyses the reason of why the extortion of confessions by torture existed, and gives some advices on how to suppress the phenomenon of extorting confessions by torture.


In ancient China,the country controlled this system by setting the condition,restricting the objects,restraining the way,unifying the standard,determining the quantity,predetermining the spot and so on.The aim is to reduce the negative effect from the inquisition by torture.


Each accused of being the circumstances of torture, processes, means, such as cantilever upside down, electric shock, suffering, to the nose and dipping mustard oil, a statement means exactly the same can be said of their degree of torture to reach alarming proportions, Many of these defendants is a confession by torture in the outer mention.


Because of its historical tradition, policemen's overall qualities and occupational integrity , lacunas in our penal policy and criminal litigation system, idealistic reason and the reasons in the judicial practice , inquisition by torture has been existed in our country for a long time, and it is very difficult to be abolished.


Bauer:According to the definitions set forth by the Geneva Convention,Yes,I did.....


更多网络解释与刑讯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

put to the question:提交讨论 [古]刑讯逼供

put the question 要求表决, 提付表决 | put to the question 提交讨论 [古]刑讯逼供 | raise a question 提出问题

run its course:完毕 毫无阻碍地继续下去, 自然的发展, 经历其发展过程

put through a course of sprouts [美口]拷打, 对...进行刑讯, 严格训练 | run its course 完毕 毫无阻碍地继续下去, 自然的发展, 经历其发展过程 | shape one's course 决定航向, 决定方针路线

obstructing police:妨碍警察执行公务

刑讯逼供inquisition by torture | 妨碍警察执行公务obstructing police | 藐视法庭contempt of court