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切片 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
skiving  ·  slicing  ·  wafering  ·  sl.

cut into slices · slice up
更多网络例句与切片相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods The cochlear samples cochlea of guinea pig and mouse were infiltrated with increasing concentrations of sucrose, followed by degassed embedding medium before final orientation and freezing. The sections were stained by hematein、eosin and immunohistochemistry. The morphology of the tissue sections was observed.


It is with printing and section contrast, 124 smear have nuclear cell to decrease in, 58.9% decrease with the 66.1% positive that it is a holiday, common by accident for; of bring down of aplastic anemia, hematopoiesis printing and section cell quantity increase examine disease in, smear still has 26% decrease with the 36% negative that it is a holiday, common disease or conclusion are grow in quantity of red blood cell of lienal function hyperfunction, true sex disease, special the; such as disease of grow in quantity of the plaque that send a gender printing and section cell bring down person in, smear is accorded with rate (91.2% with 97.9%), and in the person that smear cell increases, printing and section are accorded with rate (95% with 100%) all tall.


The symphysis is sectioned into two halves by malleting a spatula osteotome into the partially sectioned interdental osteotomy site.


The JHU researchers prospectively examined changes in fibrosis stage between paired liver biopsies in 67 coinfected patients. Of the 67 subjects, six were excluded due to cirrhosis on the first biopsy. The median age of group was 44 years, and 75% of the subjects were men. A total of 86% had CD4+ cell counts of less than 200 cells/mm3, and the same number of subjects were receiving antiretroviral therapy. Twenty-seven percent of the patients abused alcohol. The median time between biopsies was 2.84 years (interquartile range, 2.05 - 3.41 years).

JHU研究人员前瞻性地检验67位共同感染病患成对肝脏切片的纤维化严重度变化,在67位受试者中,6位因在第1次肝脏切片时就已经是肝硬化而被排除;受试者平均年龄为44岁,而且75%的受试者为男性;86%患者的CD4+细胞计数低於200 cellsmm3,而且同样数目的受试者接受抗反转录病毒药物治疗;27位病患有酗酒的习惯;切片之间的平均时间为2.84年(四分位数中距为2.05-3.41年)。

Both average microfibril angle and the density together accounted for the variation of longitudinal mechanical properties in wood microtome section.


Due to the problems,which indicate the low success, the low work efficiency and the bad security of the fiber microtome,existing in fiber measurement for a long period,we do experiments to improve and consummate the manipulation of the fiber microtome.


There were no false positive reports among the 220 (40.1%) biopsies interpreted as benign lesions in paraffin sections. Among 329 (59.9%) malignant biopsies on paraffin sections, 3 cases were interpreted as benign lesions on frozen sections. Three false negatives included 2 ductal carcinoma in situ and one infiltrating ductal carcinoma associated with papillomatosis. The tumors were small and confined to the breast without any evidence of metastasis.

本研究针对五年来本院 549 例乳房病理冰冻切片及永久性石蜡病理切片诊断比较,发现在 220 例的良性乳房病变40.1%)并未发现任何假阳性的冰冻病理切片诊断,而在 329 例( 59.9 %)恶性乳房病变中,其中有三例假阴性包含二例乳房管道原位癌及一例合并良性乳突瘤的浸润性乳癌,而这三例均属较小病变及未有腋下淋巴腺转移。

The technical advantage of NOY company is in civil yarn chip; that of Aquafil is in bulk carpet filament chip; that of Zimmer is in tyre cord yarn chip; while that of PE is in the capability of producing middle and high viscosity of PA-6 chips simultaneously, and in the world advanced chip for membrane; and that of Invent-Fischer is in the capability of producing both high quality PA-6 civil chip, and high viscosity of PA-6 chip through the solid condensation polymerization process in series.


In 29 cases, infiltrated regien tissue, scar-like collagen, surrounding soft tissue, envelope or vessel: frozen section to paraffin section 86.2%/96.6%, 100%/100%, 37.9%/41.4%, 13.8%/41.4% and 0.0%/10.3%, respectively. Referenced criteria line of psammoma bodies, necrosis and cells heteromorphism appeared in frozen section and paraffin section 62.1%/58.6%, 13.8%/10.3% and 37.9%/24.1% respectively.


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更多网络解释与切片相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

celloidin section:火棉胶切片

除石蜡切片外,在制作较大结构(如眼球、睾丸等)的切片时,常用火棉胶包埋法;骨和牙等坚硬的组织,可用弱酸(稀硝酸)脱钙后,用石蜡或火棉胶切片(celloidin section)法制成切片标本;还有,为了较好地保存细胞内的酶活性或尽快制成切片标本的需要,


直接序列扩频技术是利用10个以上的切片 (Chips)使得原来较高功率较窄的频率变成具有较宽频的低功率频率,而每个bit使用多少个切片称为扩频切片(Spreadingchips),一个较高的扩频定额(SpreadingRation)可以增加抗躁声干扰,


主要用于冰冻切片,具体操作技术如下: 1.切片及染色 肾组织要求为未经任何处理的新鲜组织,应立即送入恒温冷冻切片机(cryostat)内,将肾组织放置于金属托上,周围添加oct compound 包埋剂(如无包埋剂,滴加数滴生理盐水亦可),


冰冻切片 恒冷箱切片机(Cryostat)切片学染色. 卡红(Carmine)使火棉胶着色,含此染料的染色效果不佳. 1. 哈里新(Harris)苏木紫液:甲液:苏木紫Ig,无水乙醇10ml. 乙液:硫酸铝钾(或铵)2. 迈尔(Mayer)苏木紫液:将苏木柴0.1g 放入蒸馏水100ml 中煮沸溶解,


威尔赫尔姆.希思还发明了切片机(microtome)和先进的模拟技术. 他将卵子薄膜切开,将在里面看到的胚胎画成图并拍照. 接着,将它们放在切片机的"断头台",第一次将它们完全变成显微镜载片上的切片. 这使得人们对人体内部结构有了前所未有的了解.

hand microtome:手工切片机,哈氏切片机

hand microtelephone 手持微型电话机,手提式微型电话机 | hand microtome 手工切片机,哈氏切片机 | hand milking 人工挤奶

Rotary Microtome:轮转式石蜡切片机

关键参数: QP-3168型 轮转式石蜡切片机(Rotary Microtome)主要特性:● 大容量废屑盘● 符合人体工程学的切片手轮● 切片厚度:1-60μm● 平稳运动力量补偿系统● 切片机顶部可以放置刀片或蜡QP-3168型 轮转式石蜡切片机(Rotary Microtome)

sliding microtome:滑动显微镜用薄片切片机

Integraslice Microtome 显微镜用薄片切片机 | Sliding Microtome 滑动显微镜用薄片切片机 | Freezing Stage for Microtome 用于切片机的冰冻平台


microtome 切片机 | microtomy 切片法,切片术 | microtrabecular network 微梁网

slicing machine:切片机,切片器

切片 slicing cut | 切片机,切片器 slicing machine | 抹镘 slicker